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    Schmaven's Dream Journal of Randomness

    No order or method to the madness, just random dreams that I found interesting and worth keeping track of.

    1. Dire Wolves

      by , 03-03-2015 at 02:58 AM (Schmaven's Dream Journal of Randomness)
      After messing around with magnets, and having a mixed drink, I'm driving down the street with my step brother. There's no one on the road, and we're cruising along at around 40 mph. We both spot something coming right at us up ahead in the road. It's moving fast. I slow down in case it hits us. Bigger than our car, it is a massive wolf. The head of which is a good 5 ft long, and really really big. He bares his fangs at us, and turns his head as he runs past us along the road in the opposite lane.

      Feeling very vulnerable, even in the car, the road gets too snowy to drive on, so I have to get out and walk if I want to make it home. It also gets really steep. Apparently, I'm crossing the continental divide over the Rocky Mountains to get to some town in Colorado. But man is this steep, and with snow up to my chest, it's really hard to push through it. I see a few more of these beastly wolves all around me, just off the side of the road, watching me slowly make my way up the road. I get the feeling that they are guiding me, and probably won't eat me. Just probably though, so I keep my eyes on them. Luckily, I have a towel with me, so I use it to lay on, pushing the snow down to make it easier to wade through.

      Since this might take me a while, I put on my hat and mittens that were in my pockets this whole time. The wolves watch me to do. I nearly lose sight of the road with so much snow, but see a massive wolf laying down in the snow ahead of me, so I walk toward it. Or to my death, but it's not like I can out run them anyway. To my left I see a few snow mobiles and four wheelers abandoned in the snow, just lightly dusted with fresh snowfall, but still with the keys in the ignition. Several of them are still running.

      I think about stealing one, but decide against it. I bet whoever owns them would be pissed to come back and find it gone. So I walk past them. The road disappears, and I am looking over a 300 ft cliff. But in actuality, I'm just standing on some snow that is packed into the branches of a huge tree with snowmobiles stuck in it. Before I get the chance to even think about how this situation might have happened, unusual as it is, I feel the snow start to give way. I run toward the tree and grab onto the trunk as the snow and machines fall to the ground far below. I hear the tree start to crack apart too, so I grab a falling branch and swing down on it to the midway point of the tree. I feel incredibly lucky to have survived that, and now bear hug the trunk to slow my decent as I slide straight down the icy tree.

      Landing hard in the snow, the tree starts to tip over toward me. WTF! I run super fast and dodge it while also noticing some people on the opposite side. I decide to see if they need any help, but I'm going really fast the opposite direction, so I drag my feet stopping like a hockey player, just with a 40 ft slide. Just in time though. As I stop, I notice a fence around the whole area where the tree fell, on the outside of which are a lot of those massive wolves. Just a whole lot more menacing and vicious looking than before. Growling, barking, and drooling, they give me the deathliest stares I've ever gotten from an animal. I bet if I had crossed that fence I would've been killed. Luckily there is a small town here that has some sort of magical wolf boundary or truce. Seems like a small town from Alaska.
    2. Dirt Bike at Night

      by , 01-15-2015 at 02:31 PM (Schmaven's Dream Journal of Randomness)
      With my friend's car, I drive around town. He needs it back soon, so I get on a motorcycle and start going really fast. It's awesome. I'm mostly looking for a pawn shop so I can get a guitar for cheap, but don't see any. I end up riding the whole night and as the sun comes up, I find my mom at the University welcome center. She's trying to get me to live on campus a year before I start taking classes. I explain that housing is way cheaper off campus, and ride up the hill through lots of tents as she follows me. Apparently there is a big cult that has set up camp at the university, and they're kind of threatening. All dressed in the Sam white clothing, and full of pride, they all stare at me blankly as I ride along their camp. I pass them quickly but reach a dead end. Not for me. I dive and slide under a barbed wire fence to freedom! I see a road in the distance and make my way back to the relative safety of society.

      Riding that dirt bike really stood out as a main part. Throwing it around, taking really sharp turns, power sliding all over, just an amazingly fun time.
    3. Cloud Waterslide on Silver Rainbow

      by , 09-15-2014 at 11:23 PM (Schmaven's Dream Journal of Randomness)
      There are no cars on the road. In fact, it seems to be completely abandoned. A little ways ahead, I see a silver rainbow starting in a cloud, and ending right on the road, but with a more slide type shape to it, starting out shallow, steepening, then ending with a shallow slope. I approach it and watch a group of clouds peacefully drift up above. I teleport to one of the clouds that is about as big as me, and float in it for a little bit. Then I use it as a sort of raft, and ride it down the silver rainbow like a water slide. Some condensation from the cloud and the rainbow gets my face a little moist, and it feels rather cool, but the rush of air blowing past me as I slide down dries it just as fast as it gets me wet. I do this a few times, choosing different clouds for each go, just softly going for rides. At the bottom, the clouds float me back up to the top automatically.
    4. Hansel without Grettle

      by , 09-15-2014 at 11:03 PM (Schmaven's Dream Journal of Randomness)
      Walking along a sidewalk in Germany, I'm trying to find my hotel room. The whole time, I am squirting a bottle of crack sealant into the sidewalk cracks with precision accuracy as a way of keeping track of where I've been so I don't get lost. I tell myself Hansel and Grettle did it, so it must be an effective method. I miss the street I should turn down, and the road enters some magical woodlands. Vibrant green trees everywhere, and a field filled with puff balls - white and gold. I wish I had a camera, but instead, burn the image into my mind before turning back.

      Distracted by the crack sealant, I miss the turn again, and as I continue, the road takes me into a deserted desert town, with dry earth cracked all around me, and sand blowing in the hot afternoon under a very strong sun. I've definitely gone too far now, so I turn back again and go back up the road, still squirting crack sealant along the sidewalk so I don't get lost...