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    KingYoshi's Dream Journal...My World is Different

    A journey into the mind of KingYoshi.

    1. Lucid Dream 227: Return of the S.S.

      by , 05-19-2011 at 05:43 PM (KingYoshi's Dream Journal...My World is Different)
      May 4, 2011
      Lucid Dream 227: Return of the S.S.
      Series: The Wonderful World of Ack, Episode 1
      around 11:00am

      I was in the local Wal-Mart parking lot with my friends Diddy and Mike. I was smoking a cig and we were talking about going downtown later. Someone came up behind me and put their hands of my eyes and did the "guess who." It was a familiar female voice. All I got out was Kate, when I became lucid.

      I turned around and Kate Beckinsale was standing behind me. I kissed her and told her it had been a while. I turned back around and saw that Diddy and Mike had been restrained and were now being dragged into a large van. The men who were taking them hostage were very familiar indeed. One of them flashed a fake badge and said, "Don't worry, we are just going taking to get ice cream." They got in the van quickly, burned out in the parking lot, and sped off. I grabbed Kate's hand and we hurried into the back seat of a nearby vehicle. My sister was in the driver's seat. I told her to follow the van. Kate looked at me and said, "Its alright, they were government officials. We can trust them." I laughed and said, "I trust government officials about as much as I trust the Taliban." I then notice a group of Taliban members standing under a tent in the Wal-Mart parking lot. They were passing out rocket launchers and AKs. I then looked at Kate and said, "Besides, they weren't true government officials. They were S.S." She looked confused and said, "They didn't speak German." I replied, "S.S. otherwise known as the Shiny Spiffers." She looked at me like I was crazy and I explained, "I used to write stories about them in middle school. They are named after their spiffy Donald Trump hair, dark sunglasses, and black suits with the penguin coat tail." I was really excited because this was actually true. I used to write stories about these guys. They were a "mature rated" comedy series called, 'The Wonderful World of Ack'. The stories were actually inspired from a dream I had back around that time. I wish I still had them.

      We followed the van at a safe distance, but lost them at some point. My sister asked where they might be headed and I replied, "Oh, I know exactly where they are headed...Duke University. Their secret base is there." We drove for a short period of time and caught up with the van. It pulled into what looked like an old plantation with a sign that had the blue devil symbol. I asked my sister where she put the guns and she told me they were behind my seat. I pulled down my seat slightly and pulled out an assault rifle. We waited for a moment and the boss got out of the van. Kate said, "Theres the boss!" I looked and noticed it was Mel Gibson. I jumped out of the car and shot at Mel Gibson. He seemed to be one step ahead of me though and was in mid-dive when I opened fire. He dove behind the van and pulled out a pistol. We had a shoot-out for a few moments. I then acted like I was reloading and as soon as he popped out from the car, I blasted him. I walked over top of him as he was dying and said, "Silly Mel Gibson, lucid dreamers don't reload." I then shot his body a few more times.

      I sneak around the nearby building and looked through the window. For some reason, I knew I had been tortured in this building before with electricity. I was tied up and standing in a water pail. I saw there were a bunch of captives in there as well as Mike and Diddy. I then ran around to the door of the small building. I looked back behind me and saw an old mansion a top a hill behind me. I could see security cameras everywhere and knew I had to act quickly. I shot the door lock and then kicked it open. I yelled for all of the prisoners to escape and people started running out the door screaming like they were running from Godzilla. I told them to be quiet and there was no need to scream, but the bastards didn't listen. I looked for Brandon and Mike and found them sitting at a poker table. They were smoking cigars and playing poker with two other guys. I said, "What the hell are you doing, I'm rescuing you." Mike said, "Yeah thanks, just wait for us to finish this game real quick. I laughed and turned back to the doorway. There was a tall man that resembled an elf from Lord of the Rings. He was holding a katana in each hand. I start shooting at him, but he was blocking all the bullets with same crazy ass swordsmanship. He closed in on me, so i dove head first out the window.

      I landed and noticed the clip to my gun had fallen out. I thought, "Eh, I don't really need it anyway." The elf guy jumped down and started running at me. I tried to shoot him, but the gun as no longer working. The Elf was just a foot or two away when I heard a gun shot and he dropped dead. Diddy had shot the elf guy in the head. Diddy said, "You could have told me we were dreaming!" I shrugged and flew back up into the window. We grabbed some of the scattered guns and exited the building. We were heading back to the vehicle when I saw Wormtail from the Harry Potter movies. He was running down from the mansion shouting, "Stop in the name of Lord Gibson! Stop this instant." We ran around the building and I looked for Mel's dead body. I found it after a quick search around the hedges and picked it up. I walked over to Wormtail and threw it at his feet. I said, "Here you go, chap!" Wormtail looked panicked and leaned toward Mel's body. I then shot the shit out of the dead body. Blood splattered all over Wormtail and I got into the car.

      Me, Diddy, and Mike were all shooting out the windows at the line of vehicles following us. We were in a pretty intense shootout when I had a false awakening. I started to write down my dream in a notebook, but my writing kept vanishing. It took me several moments to figure out I had a false awakening. I then dove head first out of my window and took flight. I flew around for a short period of time before actually waking up.

      Series Details
      The dream series, "The Wonderful World of Ack," is based off of my old short story series that I wrote in middle school. Stay tuned to this series to see just how fucked up my mind was, even before the drugs and alcohol, lol.
    2. Lucid Dream 211: Kazaana!!!

      by , 04-12-2011 at 07:05 AM (KingYoshi's Dream Journal...My World is Different)
      April 9, 2011
      Lucid Dream 211: Kazaana!!!
      Series: Task-tacular, Episode 1
      around 8:30am

      Me, Cliff, Deej, and Mike were on top of a ridge, deep in the mountains. We knew we were being followed. I noticed someone all the way across the valley. I told Cliff to hand me the rifle he was carrying. He said, "Ok, but there is no way you can hit him from this far away." I took the rifle and laid down in a sniper position. The target was running. I compensated for the distance (drop of the bullet), the wind, and the targets movement in my aim. I then fired a shot and watched. The target dropped to the ground a few minutes later and I knew I had nailed him. It was an impossible shot. I noticed a ton of people down in the valley. They started spraying AK rounds at us. We took off running through the woods and ended up at a log cabin.

      We entered the cabin to find Randy Couture waiting on us. He was in black mercenary type gear. We talked for a bit and I somehow realized he was a traitor and was trying to set us up. He pulled out a gun, but I swiftly kicked it from his hand. We fought for a bit and I knew I was over matched. There was an old school wood stove with a set of iron tongs sticking out of it. I grabbed the tongs and pulled them from the stove. The opposite end of the handle was orange from sitting in the fire. I closed the tongs on Randy's face and buckled him to his knees. I then stole his combat knife and slit his throat. he started coughing up blood and then fell over. I instantly became lucid after this.

      The dream scene had completely changed and I was in a parking lot with Deej. I told him, "Let's go ghost hunting!" In high school all of us would go visit so called, "haunted" places and film it on my old palmcorder. Deej gestured for me to follow him to his truck. We hopped in and took off driving. Deej wasn't following the roads at all. We drove through yards, fields, and wooded areas. Finally, I decided to speed things up. I told him I would fly the car and he could navigate.

      I lifted the car into the air and moments later he told me to land it beside an old mansion. I looked down below and saw a huge manor. I landed the car in the front yard and there was a sign that said, "Oak Ridge Manor." I walked up to the door and kicked it open. I got a pretty creepy feeling. I had decided how I wanted to imprison the ghosts. I felt around my pocket and imagined prayer beads. I felt them and pulled them out. I performed the finger through the palm RC. When my finger inserted into my palm, I swirled it around and created a hole in my hand. Suddenly, a massive force began swirling in the hole. I quickly wrapped the prayer beads around my hand to stop it. I then walked into the house.

      Deej started a sinister laugh. I turned and saw that his eyes were blood red. He slammed the door shut and I heard him lock me in. I laughed at the thought of being stopped by a door lock, but continued through the mansion. I exit the small waiting room and was now in a large grand hall. The room suddenly lit up bright and then began to flicker from a bright room to complete darkness. I heard weird screams and noises that sounded kind of like monkeys. Suddenly, these weird monkey/human hybrids came flying out from the walls. They were all ghosts and had bat-like wings. There were statues and vases lined up around the great hall and the monkey ghost people began tossing them at me. I dodged a few of them and positioned myself in the corner of the room. I then held out my hand, pulled off the prayer beads and shouted, "WIND TUNNEL!!" Miroku style. Miroku is a character from the anime, Inuyasha. He has a cursed hand that acts much like a black hole.

      The monkey ghost people were quickly sucked into my hand, along with the vases statues and any other objects laying around the room. The large rug in the room, a few plants, and some chunks of the walls/ceiling as well. I could feel every object entering my hand. I could then feel the objects travel through my arm and disperse throughout my body. It felt a lot like when a nurse first puts an IV in your arm. I could feel the energy from all of these things coursing through me. I felt much more powerful. I decided to try and suck in the entire mansion.

      I concentrated and the walls started ripping apart. Many more ghosts started getting sucked into my hand. The walls and roof collapsed and was sucked into my hand as well. I could feel myself swelling with power. It felt like my entire hand was the black hole. I looked down and noticed by hand was just a black void. It slowly spread up my arm and I knew what was happening. I just let it continue. The entire mansion was gone and the black hole was spreading. It soon covered my entire arm and chest. A few moments later I was swallowed up completely by the black hole.

      I floated around in a black void for a while and decided to try and fly somewhere. No matter what, I just flew around in this pitch black void. I eventually woke up.

      Kazaana is the japanese word for Miroku's wind tunnel if you were wondering .

      Series Details
      In the dream series, "Task-tacular," I take on the Advanced Tasks of the Month, Tasks of the Year, or some other sort of predetermined dream task. Stay tuned for more episodes in the series.
    3. Lucid Dream 179: Out with a Bang!...

      by , 02-14-2011 at 07:20 AM (KingYoshi's Dream Journal...My World is Different)
      February 12, 2011
      Lucid Dream 179: Out with a Bang!
      Series: Fearless, Episode 2
      around 5:00am

      Category - Action

      I was running down a back alley. I needed to find somewhere good to hide. I heard a man shout, "Freeze!" I immediately dove head first through a nearby window. The process of diving through made me lucid (one of my usual lucid activities). I scrambled to my feet and waiting just beside the window/against the wall. The cop placed one leg through and I immediately grabbed it and slammed it down onto the leftover shards of broken glass. The glass was still sticking up in the frame and hadn't been completely busted out. The officers leg sliced like butter and separated from his body. I smacked him across the face with it and knocked the rest of him back out of the window. I then took off running through the house. There were random DCs sitting on the couch as I ran by. I busted out of the front door and began running through house after house. One had a hot Latina chick in the shower. I did the comedy movie-esque stop and stare for a moment. I then took off and exited out onto the street. I lost lucidity somewhere around here.

      I ran down toward a forest but as I approached the edge, another cop sprung from behind a tree and tackled me. I proceeded to fight him as well. I took his combat knife from him and stabbed him. By that time, I was surrounded by pointed guns. Having no way out, I surrendered. They cuffed me and took me to a prison. I vaguely remember getting my mugshot taken and then I was in the shower room. The showers were individual stalls (like in a normal bathroom). One arm was handcuffed to a bar that hung above the stall. The officer/guard waited on the outside. I kept trying to think of a way to escape, but I couldn't think of anything. I knew I had possibly killed two cops, but at the very least had two attempted murder counts, along with a plethora of other offenses. I was looking at life. I attempted to shower, but it was crazy difficult to maneuver with one arm handcuffed above. I heard a quiet "ping" sound. I looked down and saw an ink pen had been dropped by the guard. I quickly snatched it with my toes and passed it on to my hands. I immediately bent the metal clasp (on the pen) into a lock-picking shape. I then used it to free the handcuffs. I kicked open the door to the stall, knocking the officer down. I then grabbed the back of his head and slammed it against the nearby sink, knocking him out. I regained lucidity at this time.

      Now wearing police gear, I walked around the prison acting like I knew everyone. I went looking for the high security area of the prison. I found a steel door cell with a small slide door for food delivery. I slid it open and whistled for the prisoner over. He was a beastly russian dude (I'll call him Dimitri, even though he was nameless). I told him that I would let him out if he helped me fight through the hordes of guards/officers. I told him to step away from the door and I kicked it clean off the hinges. We took off down the hall and jumped a couple guards (who were toting M4's). We stole their guns, shot them, and then heard the sirens going off. We shot our way through three guards who met us at a corridor. I lost lucidity during this gunfight. I saw a ladder that led to a high ceiling. I began climbing and told Dimitri to follow. I reached the top and Dimitri was about halfway when a group of guards came in and shot him off the ladder. I opened the small door on the ceiling and entered the attic. There was a window, so I shot it out and jumped through, landing on a separate section of the roof. I then jumped down off the roof and tossed aside the gun (its clip was empty).

      The prison was in the middle of a small community/town. The ground was covered in snow and I dove head first into a slide and slid all the way down a hill (unrealistically mind you) to the bottom area of the town. Once I reached the bottom, I looked back and saw a group of policeman following. I entered the nearby building. I knew who was hiding out in the building. As I climbed the first set of stairs, I called out..."Yo its me, Zack! KingYoshi!" Mike (my friend) walked around the corner holding a shotgun. He said, "You just about got your head blown off!" I quickly told him I had broke out and there were police coming now. We ran upstairs and into the top of the building was a condo. There tons of weapons laying out. Brandon was also there. I grabbed a shotgun, an AK-47, some ninja stars, and a katana. Moments later the cops burst through the door and we started an intense gun fight. It reminded me of the one in the movie "Takers." I awoke during this time (before I got to use my ninja sword ).

      Series Details
      Join all the action in the dream series, "Fearless." You never know what I may run into, but you can guarantee I'm ready for a fight. Stay tuned for more blades, guns, and explosions in this series!

      Updated 03-20-2011 at 08:35 AM by 22654
