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    Inside the Mind of Mattlantis

    So, you want a glimpse into my sleeping mind? Be careful, it can get pretty dark in there~

    1. Saving Time and my Grandma

      by , 07-18-2012 at 08:26 PM (Inside the Mind of Mattlantis)
      I can't remember the last time I recalled two full dreams in one night, so I'm pretty happy about this. I dunno if the multivitamin I took had anything to do with hit, or if writing in a dream journal again has improved my recall.

      Dream One: Hospital Hijinks

      I was in a hospital visiting my grandmother (who has been dead for more than five years. When she was on her deathbed, the hospital wouldn't let me see her because I was too young, which I believe sparked part of this dream.) She told me about some kind of conspiracy to kill her, and I had to save her today. I think I checked her out of the hospital (though I don't remember it,) and was wheeling her out on the bed for some reason, when a fire alarm not three feet from where I was standing went off. Everyone assumed I flipped it, when I know I didn't (missed dream sign), so I frantically had to get my g-ma out of there amid the crowd of people swarming me. I think I ran into someone I knew, who took her out for me, because then I was climbing around in the air ducts with someone (I don't remember who or why).

      Dream Two: Day Care Debauchery

      I was around ten years old, taking care of a bunch of younger kids in a day care by myself. Along one wall, there were cubicle-like sections where most of the kids would play, and in one corner of the room were bathrooms. At the far side of the cubicle wall, there was what might be described as an office area (for a ten-year-old mind you), where I had all my important things. One of them was one of those blocks with holes in it of different shapes, that came with blocks to fit in those holes. Apparently this thing kept time itself running smoothly, but I didn't know that until later. The dream started with me just walking cubicle to cubicle, checking on the kids periodically. One of them, a little girl, was very attatched to me, and stayed near me the whole time. The weirdest part of this dream was that the little kids were WAY more perverted than anyone should ever be at that age, and every once in a while I'd catch one of them doing something they shouldn't be. At one point an argument was started between a younger girl and an older girl, and they went into the girls bathroom to fight. I was really nervous about it, but I had to follow them to stop them. Just as I walked in, the little one (who was maybe 3) chucked the older one up and over the walls of the stalls, who walked out completely unharmed. After that the argument just stopped for no reason, and we went back outside into the main area. When I went back out there, a bunch of stuff was strewn all over the floor, like empty shampoo bottles with the caps off, screwdrivers, and completely random things that, in retrospect, made no sense. I checked my office area, and the blocks that were inside the time-block were all missing. At first I didn't realize what it was for, but then I noticed that the sun had stopped moving outside and somehow knew that time was frozen due to this block. So I rounded up the kids and had them search for the blocks, and we ended up finding them, but two were too flat and irregularly shaped to fill the holes completely (which they hadn't been before). A lot of the kids gave up hope and pouted in their cubicles, but I kept looking and eventually found one in the shape of a jigsaw puzzle piece, and one in the shape of the moon. I put them into the block, which filled in the gaps. The sun started to set, and I looked back at the kids to explain it to them. I said something about how the missing pieces were the moon and the sun, and when I looked back, the jigsaw-piece was now the sun. I remember thinking it was wierd and got a sudden feeling of detatchment from the dream, almost as if a part of me now realized it wasn't real. (Funny how after the little girl throwing someone, that tiny thing was weird to me.) But then the sun stopped moving, and I told them that we had to put everything back the way it was before time froze. So we picked up the shampoo bottles and other random things, and the sun finally set completely. The kids cheered, and the little girl who had been following me around said something dirty, but it was in a very kiddish way, and I said something along the lines of "Thanks, but I can't do that." I vaguely remember a few parents arriving for their kids, then I woke up.

      I was extremely groggy and only put in the tiniest amount of effort to remember the dreams I had already had when I fell asleep again, and had another short dream, that I remember absolutely nothing about. I nearly entirely forgot the first two when I finally did wake up. The first time I woke up may have been a false awakening, but I doubt it, since I've never had one before.