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    Date of Birth
    August 3, 1994 (29)
    About Mattlantis
    My XBOX LIVE gamertag is Mattlantis. Send me a friend request if you want. Make sure you tell me you are from DV.
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    Indiana, the USA
    video games, RPing, LDing
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    I searched for," How to control your dreams."


    Lucid Goals: Fly, Epic battle, Talk with my Subconcious, Snipe somebody

    Completed Lucid Goals: Shapeshift, Have sex

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    View Mattlantis's Dream Journal

    Recent Entries

    Do the Windy Thing

    by Mattlantis on 04-12-2014 at 07:56 AM

    These were my dreams from this morning. The first, which I remember almost nothing about, solely consisted of me texting a friend while sitting in bed. Something caused me to wake up and I saw that I still had a little more than an hour before my alarm would go off, so I attempted a WBTB.

    I remember I was in a car with Sam and Dean from Supernatural, with possibly one other person. We stopped somewhere to eat I think, and at some point, I acquired a flash of lucidity. I got a little too excited and closed my eyes, very nearly waking myself up right there, but I just relaxed and visualized the setting of the dream and managed to stabilize it. I got back in the car with everyone else and started driving when I got the idea to just make the car fly like the way John flew the car in Homestuck. I imagined the car lifting off like a plane as I drove on the road, and it did start to lift a bit, but then a tornado appeared in front of us and lifted us up, although I still had complete control over the car and apparently the tornado. I commented that it was like The Wizard of Oz and cackled like a witch on purpose, then the dream or my recall skipped again. Still lucid, I was in a city at night standing in the street. I looked up into the sky determined to fly again and jumped. It was a bit difficult and I gained altitude pretty slowly, but I spread my arms, visualized rising up like an eagle riding a hot updraft (visualizing seems to really help when I'm trying to exert control), and flew up and over a bridge. Some of the birds who were up there squawking and chirping at me, so I jokingly squeaked and chirped back. I got the feeling that we actually understood each other, and eventually I landed on a rooftop garden courtyard thing.

    I believe I lost lucidity at this point, and there were a lot of kittens laying around in this courtyard that led down into an apartment. Most of them ignored me, until I walked down into the apartment a bit. I was afraid to proceed too far into the apartment for fear of getting caught, but then a few cats meowed and jumped onto me. They weren't hurting me, but they wouldn't let go and were basically just trying to weigh me down. I tried climbing back up the stairs but so many jumped on me I collapsed. I wasn't exactly afraid, they were just kittens after all, but I was a bit annoyed and I kept struggling until I woke up.

    Psych Stuff

    by Mattlantis on 04-12-2014 at 07:33 AM

    My dream from Thursday morning has almost no recall at all. I remember there was a notebook with things written in it that I was reading. Apparently I learned some interesting psychological test you could perform on two people, so I had them try it in this notebook. Basically what you did was have them anonymously write notes to each other, and it tested their compatibility or something weird like that. I remember that I tested my roommate James with some guy named Franklin, and I tested a friend from high school named Jerri-Ann with Abby, another friend of mine. I have something written in my notes about a succubus, but I don't remember it at all, and there was some white-haired green-eyed girl who was somehow relevant to the dream. I also wrote that I was "hired" for something but I have no clue what.
    non-lucid , dream fragment

    Wal-Mart Rpg

    by Mattlantis on 04-12-2014 at 07:20 AM

    Sadly, most details from this dream I had Wednesday morning are gone, but it gets worse as the week progresses. I vaguely remember seeing some cowboys in a Wal-Mart that looked more like a glorified gas station, and there was something about two teams, one of which I was on, who were competing. We had some kind of rpg setup and leveling system, and apparently one of the ways we could gain experience was by destroying things in the Wal-Mart. I remember wandering the aisles with some kind of lightsaber and breaking a few things, turning to fight the people on the other team periodically.

    Updated 04-12-2014 at 07:23 AM by Mattlantis


    Porcelain Torture

    by Mattlantis on 04-12-2014 at 07:16 AM

    I haven't been keeping up with my dream journal this week cuz I've been kinda busy with homework, and honestly, being a bit lazy. I did keep notes, but I did notice a slight drop in my recall because I wasn't making entries properly. However, I got to top off the week with another lucid, so I'd say it was WERTH. Here's my dream from Tuesday.

    I was in a strange water park which consisted of random slides and porcelain surfaces and tubs that were incredibly bouncy (the surfaces resembled the material the slides are made of in the picture). I was enjoying myself and possibly talking to someone as I slid around and bounced high into the air. At some point I obtained a large back of chips (the kind with multiple types individually wrapped inside the large bag), and I stumbled upon a hole with water flowing into it made of a similar material, so I slid down it with my chips. I ended up trapped in a chamber with bloodstains on the floor and walls with several other trapped people, who were apparently starving. Two grabbed me and pulled me to the wall, while the rest converged on the bag of chips and tore into them.

    The dream skips a bit and I remember being on a sloped rocky hill, chasing "some villain" who resembled Loki. I could see his health bar in the corner of my "HUD," and he was poisoned and almost dead as I snuck up behind him, whittling his health down with the poison and my strikes. He eventually collapsed, and next I was looking down upon Summoner's Rift from League of Legends, as if I was playing, but I was also one of the characters. I was face-checking the brush at top lane when I was ambushed by Darius and Mundo. I don't remember the details, but I ended up killing both of them with a little health remaining.

    Updated 04-12-2014 at 07:22 AM by Mattlantis



    by Mattlantis on 04-07-2014 at 05:47 AM

    In this dream, I was playing Super Smash Bros. Melee with a few of my friends, except it had some really weird characters in it. Among them were Cobra, the Power Rangers (yes, all of them), and Sandshrew. The two Ice Climbers also counted as separate characters, and Marth and Ike were in it, even though Roy wasn't. I thought this was odd (in the dream), and I couldn't remember any of these strange characters in the time I had spent playing SMB before, but I just kind of rolled with it (I'm getting more aware in my dreams it seems, but other than the vague lucidity the other night, still no lucidity). We played a few rounds and I got my ass kicked since it had been so long since I played it apparently, then after a while "something" happened and "someone" told me they loved me. I also had a false awakening where I woke up at 3:57 p.m., and I had to work at 4 today. I woke up for real shortly after at about 11 a.m..

    Updated 04-07-2014 at 05:55 AM by Mattlantis

    non-lucid , false awakening