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    LDS's Confusing Dreams of Oddness

    So, my dreams can be rather confusing, as well as odd! Stick around if you wanna read odd dreams. I think I do pretty good with un-muddling my mind in a sense through my descriptions of my dreams . Also, expect some dreams of sims .

    1. Fun Teleporting, College BF?

      by , 07-07-2010 at 05:16 PM (LDS's Confusing Dreams of Oddness)

      Once again, I am not sure if I was lucid or not, but it SEEMS like a lucid dream... I am in this room, with these random DC's. For some reason, we want to teleport this really funky, creepy, FUN way! (I will SO teleport like this again!) Well, I am not the first to go, so a few go before me. They go into this object thing, IDK what it was. When they're at a certain part of the wall, they're all "ahh...", soft scream. I want to go with someone, so I take this tiny little girl. I go in, and I'm on this slide type thing! It's also kind of like a water slide, the kind with the top, but with no water. It was dark, and the slide was gray. But you could see a light at the end of it, where we'd end up! It wasn't too far away.

      Well...we ended up in the same house, not too far away from where we entered . No worries, we were going to do it again, and this time it will work. I see this lamp. It is like a flower desk lamp with a small bulb in the middle. I close my eyes, tell everyone they can follow me, and hop inside the bulb. This slide looked the same as the other one, but it was just going straight, and at first there was a drop. It was fun, very exhilerating.

      This time we WERE somewhere different. I am not sure how to describe the scenery exactly, it was very unusual. Kinda romanish...with tan and white stuff...no grass or anything. I think I was in college or something here...I was with my college BF that looked like my simselve's husband :red:-humanized. Other things happened here with him and I, but I don't really remember.
    2. The game to eat the fruit roll up the fastest...wrapping and all

      by , 07-06-2010 at 03:59 PM (LDS's Confusing Dreams of Oddness)

      I am in this gym type room. There are a bunch of people, some kids, some teens. I may have been a little lucid...because of the way I was controlling a bit, and I just felt it a bit... Well, in this dream I realize that I am Raven Symone...Anyway, for some reason I want all of the kids and teens to pair up...as in boy girl for "obvious reasons". Well, I could get the teens to do it just fine. I thought I had the kids together too, but then I saw 2 girls together...I tried to get them each to go with a guy...I eventually did, but there were still 2 girls together, because I ran out of the guys there. I wanted them all to kiss or something, but then I said the teens could, but the kids could just "mingle".

      Now, we are going to play this game. For this game, you and your partner have a fruit roll up, rolled up, and you must eat it, wrapping and all, fast, the fastet is the winner. You have to go to the other side of the room to begin. So, we start. Me and my partner go to the other side, and we're rockin at it! We eat it all, and our lips are supposed to touch as we finish it . I had this gross aftertaste from his mouth . Then, we go back, and back to where we were again. This time, my teeth were hurting because of my braces, they felt like they were just tightened. So when we had to do it again, I tried to in the beginning, but I realized my teeth hurt too much. When time was up, my partner cheated and he made only the rest of the fruit roll up disappear, just by putting his finger by it. It was gone. The judge was coming over to see it, but I made it re-appear, and I told him I didn't want to cheat.

      Now, for some reason, I see Raven, but now I am me, looking at everyone, a bit far away.
      Somewhere in here I become lucid. For some reason I decide I want to sing, like I have wanted to do in a dream before, because in dreams you can just sing awesome! But...what happened was SO weird! I tried to sing, but it sounded bad, like I was muttering...but since this was a dream, I heard this beautiful voice that was supposed to be coming from me but wasn't coming from my lips...confusing. Well, I started just to move my lips, as if I was lipsyncing... Well, then I decide I want to leave. I told everyone in the room that I was gonna go. They were all, really loud and waving their arms, "bye [my name]"! I decided that I couldn't just leave them, so I told them they could come with me. There was a big cheer, and they followed me.

      Now, I am in front of a "castle"-modern looking, though, I only saw it from one angle-the odd side like entrace. It was white. Well, I am looking at myself third person, and I see other people behind me, probably the people I told to come with me. I enter into the castle. I then start to walk up the grand white stairs. I ask where the prince is (I blame this whole prince castle thing on my book tape that my family was listening to when we were just travelling). Then, I see him. He starts coming down the stairs. I dislike how proper he looks . He is wearing a suit and has a British accent-as if he is a twenty first century type prince. His suit is blue with white stripes, with this black thing...not a tie or a bow, but something in between...I then decide to change his accent to American. Well, it worked! I liked his new voice. Then, I gave him some normal clothes. Ah, much better!

      We then take each other's hands and do what you know I will-kiss him. In between each one, I tell him that he is hot, and he says I am also. I compliment something else on him too that I don't remember...I did have to say increase clarity now so I would stay in the dream. He gave me this funny look. But then I told him how I can only be "like this" in LD's..and that I was lucid, something around those lines. Everyone in my dream world knows my name-which I just assume.
      Tags: romance
    3. DEILD of the last dream!

      by , 07-06-2010 at 03:39 PM (LDS's Confusing Dreams of Oddness)

      So, I go up to this apartment door. This fat guy opens it. I ask him if there are any "hot teenage guys in there"-something like that. I expect it to be a no, even when he said there was. I went in, and he pointed behind the door, he was there. OMG, he was hot! So, I take him by his hand, and we sit by the window, with the moonlight. So, we kiss about 4 times, and in between there I had to rub my hands, but soon after I woke up.
      Tags: romance
      lucid , dream fragment
    4. Finding him-the Continuing Story 3- "I'm suicidal"

      by , 06-30-2010 at 04:22 PM (LDS's Confusing Dreams of Oddness)

      I THINK this dream may have been a WILD...because I had just fallen back to sleep and everything...A non intentional WILD. Since I had SO many dreams this morning (I was wakin up and fallin asleep a lot this morning), the beginning is kinda fuzzy.

      So, I am lucid. Of course, I wanna find sunglasses dude still. I can't believe this is my 4th dream about trying to find him! I am in this room that seems to be an individual room amongst scenery outside, with other rooms sorta like this. I notice this jelly liquid on the walls near the counter. Two different types. For some reason I figure that it must be a clue to find sunglasses dude. So, with a plastic thing, I rub some of the jelly stuff on it. On the wall I see a little plastic tubberware thing with pads with bright blue wrapping . I use that to collect the other sample...without opening it.

      So, I go and bring it to another one of those seperate room things. I see one of my 2nd cousins...how random...and I ask her if there's a way that I can analyze this stuff. She says there is. So, she takes me to this fireplace, and tells me to put it on the rug on the fireplace. She outlined the spot with her fingers as to where on the rug she wanted the stuff to go. Then, a minute passed, and it was analyzed. Then I asked her if she knows where he is. She said he should be just out in front, and his cousin across the street behind him.

      So, I go out and I see him. I notice that he doesn't look like he did in my first dream about him . Well, I'm getting tired of looking for him, so I just hug him. He's not really my type with the way he looks right now, but I thought it couldn't hurt for us to talk. He started to speak, but then I gestured for him to walk so that we could walk and talk. He said how he is suicidal...IDK why, but that is what I remember form the conversation! Now his cousin is this black dog, so ""sunglasses dude"" isn't here anymore, and the dog is following me.

      We end up in this house. There, there were 2 other dogs. Then I look out the window, and I see a TON of dogs outside in a parade, alongside their owners! That was AMAZING, all of the dogs! I also noticed the odd scenery. The place I was in was a house, but outside of the house wasn't the outdoors...there was a roof to this town WAY high up. I decide that I want to go into this parade with the dogs. They all follow me, and now we are in the parade!

      Now, the scene skips, and I am still in this odd town, but there is no longer this parade. I am sitting cross legged amongsth these other dozen people or so, most of them teenagers. There are two people in the middle of the small circle "wrestling". They use these puppet things to wrestle...For some reason, this one guy uses these 2 stick things to hold this puppet in such a way that makes him tough. Aparently, everyone in this world is wimpy and TOO nice, so he was strange for doing this. Instead of clapping, everyone in the circle was putting there index finger and pinky finger against their thumb, and touched it multiple times...I was trying to liven up this group. I wanted them to BOO, IDK why, I guess because it's wrestling . Well, what they were doing was SO boring! So, kinda loudly, I say "BOO", about 3 times. Everyone else continues what they are doing...Eventually they start to say boo, but they are saying it SO softly, and are still doing the thumb clap thing. I take the guy that is not a wimp out of the circle, and kiss him twice, because he is not as boring as the rest of them.

      Now the scene changes AGAIN, and I am still in this town...Now, I see a bunch of people everywhere, but there was still lots of room. I decide that I want to talk to some DC's, and ask them where all the hot guys are . I command them that they must answer me. At first, she starts to talk to one of her friends, but then I tell her she must stop because I am the dreamer. They aren't mad. She and her friend told me that the hotest guys are in the front row, by the rockstar girl. So, aparently a concert was going on. I decide that I will check it out. Instead of first looking at the boys, though, I don't see the rockstar, so I go by her makeup area, and decide that everyone can gawk over me . I SURELY can sing great in a dream if I want to! So, I know I already have makeup on, but I don't have the fancy eyeshadow. So I take the tube, and put it on, using the vanity. It is one of those small ball brushes with a volume formula. I start putting it on, fast, because I don't want to be still putting mascara on before my lucid is even done! So, I do mess up a little on the bottom lash, so I use a wet cue-tip to take it off. I am almost done with the mascara, and one person, supposed to help me I guess, puts down this bottle of this oily stuff that I'm supposed to put on too...IDK, some stuff for the lights or something.... I wake up before I can be a rockstar or gawked at!

      Updated 06-30-2010 at 04:27 PM by 25276

      Tags: romance
      memorable , lucid
    5. Pool Love (I'm a Boy...)

      by , 06-24-2010 at 04:48 PM (LDS's Confusing Dreams of Oddness)

      I am on a road with 3 lanes, there is that grass thing in the centerline. I am in some place that is certainly not here. I seemed to perhaps be in the foothills of some mountain. I am just walkin, I don't know where to, but I am walking. I am actually not walking on the right side of the road, but in the middle near the centerline grass. I am not too worried about cars because they are few and far between. Now and then, I look behind me to see if there are any cars, in which case I would go all the way over to the right side of the road. I did this once because I saw a car coming. At one point I get to the top of a hill, and oddly enough, there seems to be snow or something...I don't really care if I get wet, and I slide down it on my tush. It was fun! I land it a small snowbank, and the car passes me on my left.

      The scene skips, and I am now in this odd building...It's kinda like a waterhouseish building...like the indoor waterpark Wilderness in Wisconsin Dells. It had that cabin-y feel to it. I am just walking-but not alone. There is some sort of class field trip going on. I am just playing along that I am a student! We are walking up stairs, but this is the odd part. I don't see any stairs, at first, it's just a sharp incline. The material is like the inclines on playground equiptment . But, underneath this incline is stairs made out of the same material.... I think that there is this lady chaperone or something holding it for us or something... Once we're at the top of that part, it's just a straight shot to one of the pools. THIS time it's like one of those things you walk across on a playground, the same material . Where it's lightly suspended, and you can "hop" on it? This time the lady pulls the whole thing over so we don't have to walk on it... I see that in front of me is some other playground type material, but that is the "solid" kind. Then, slightly further out, the same material, but it has a top to it. I see a rather big pool, I think it was MOSTLY clear, but had a few other things in it that I didn't notice.

      Ok...this is the weird part. I seem to turn into a guy . On that "solid" part of the pool, there is this guy that seems to THINK he has authority over this girl in the class, he confronts me- I think at the time she was she was daggling at the edge of that solid thing... I knew he didn't legitamatly have authority over her, though. Well, the class is now starting to get told what they're supposed to be doing. I realize that I could get into some trouble since I'm not really apart of the class. I tell this oldish guy teacher person that I have a dentist appointment, some way to get out of it. He still thinks that I'm apart of the class. He says how he knows I don't have a dentist appointment, but he still seemed hesitant. I didn't care. I was rushin out of there. It seemed to be as though I was rushing out from a different spot then I got in, though . It was to the right in front of some ways as to where I was before, in the pool. I am now under some playground equiptment, like the kind in play place McDonald's, I was in one of those tubes.

      Then it hit me. This is a dream! SO, I started kinda floating up, back to the pool, through the tube thing. The old dude was moving his arms up, and kinda agreein that I was in fact dreaming, so there was no harm in stayin type of thing. Now I am under water, near the solid thing. I see the instructor dude-his head. It's kinda weird . Of course since I know I'm dreaming, I just stay under the water. There is no harm in that! I see the girl I was talking about earlier-she was in the same spot. This is where it got weird. It started off with, according to the teacher, that this girl had an "empty" nose-no snot. But, I have this tray thing with some of her crystalized snot on one part of it...It is pinkish...Then the instructor said that she must've, like, been cured from her disease . Then, I surface the water, and I start talkin with this girl. Remember, I am a dude, so I am straight as a dude...It really is quite confusing . The only thing I recall us talking about is her special mouthwash...She was doing it in the pool! She said how she doesn't like that "fake" mouthwash where the water is already in it...She was using the pool water with it . This seemed sorta normal in my dream, but when I woke up this sounded bizarre . She even spit it in the pool, which, again, seemed ok in the dream . At some point here, I kiss this girl (again, I am a dude ). Then she says I have pretty eyes. Here is where it seems to be that I realize that I am a GIRL-or I seem to be going along with it for the scenario...quite confusing. I complimented her eyes back. They were gray.

      I am not sure where it is in here, but I have this VISION of these wilderness type buildings-again, the indoor waterparks from Wis Dells in this place. The teacher may have spurred this thought. Well, I see this dessert-ish landscape. Besides these buildings, there were a few big hills around the resorts-but besides that, flat nothingness. I see like 5 big wilderness type resorts. There is this main one. I didn't see that many people at all, but aparently, according to this thought, it's a booming business . I see this small road leading up to it. It was paved with a light asphalt. I think I even saw a camel! Well, in front of the building near the road, there is this man made stream. Aparently, it often gets dry because of the climate. But, during the night, which I saw in the vision, this stream turns into this awesome, high up, waterfountain!

      Now, this part is weird too . I am now under the water, it seems to be against my will...Now that I am under the water, I am looking down at gray nothingness...But, I am looking at the pool's edge...This was more weird then scary. Then, I envisioned the feel of water again, and it worked. Then I go up, and see no one. It's all good, I tell myself to go underwater, and everything would be like it was. Now, everything IS back to normal! I see the girl on a side of the pool, so I go over to her, then we kiss once. I have my right arm around her, and her left arm around me when we turn around. IDK what it was, but something got our attention. Then we kissed twice more.

      EDIT: I just rememered this part: Now, I see these pictures that were taken later in my head right after that . They were in a magazine or something. There were 3 pics of us. Once was when we were looking at that....thing.

      We stop this because water stops spurting up, and we get out of the pool. The pool scenery seemed to have changed. IDK, there was more stuff in it. Now, the water was spurting up all along the edge of the pool. We were looking at it the closest to us in the middle. Aparently the water pressure is a bit too much to go in. I think I am now me now, because the dude decides to go into the water anyway . Well, he doesn't seem to care. He's tough! The lady teacher is now in with this tube, catching some of the water. There is this other kid outside of the way of the fountian, kinda small and fat. He looked 8 years old! She playing got him with some of the water in the tube.

      ATTENTION: I have had dreams before where I'm a dude and I liked this girl, but IRL, I assure you I am perfectly straight . I have no idea why this gets transferred to my dreams so weirdly!

      Updated 06-25-2010 at 11:40 PM by 25276

      Tags: gay, romance, swimming