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    LDS's Confusing Dreams of Oddness

    So, my dreams can be rather confusing, as well as odd! Stick around if you wanna read odd dreams. I think I do pretty good with un-muddling my mind in a sense through my descriptions of my dreams . Also, expect some dreams of sims .

    1. Kill the Beast!

      by , 02-16-2013 at 05:56 PM (LDS's Confusing Dreams of Oddness)
      This dream is a little confusing, since it skipped scenes a lot... So.

      I am walking in this 'beast's' lair with some other people. To get to him we have to walk on these stones or something in the lair. But I have this ability where I can wake up before something gets creepy... So, I did. Except this was a FA. I end up in a bedroom, on the ground in a sleeping bag. There are other people there too. It looks like a combo of my and my sister's room from our old house.

      That didn't last long, and now I am back in the world with the beast. I am near some people, and this is where I become lucid. For some reason, I know that all of the DC's in this world do the same thing everyday, like it is programmed into them.

      Since I am lucid, I decide that I can help that. But I decide to take a box of raisins, and I ask something to this DC (which made me happy since I was getting him out of his rut...). Then, I see this little bit of deep water in the ground. Well, it is more like I am on a pier, so there is a square hole in the pier. The water is a dirty tan color,but I dunk my raisin box into the water anyway. It gills to the top of the box. Now the raisins can grow....

      So now, I think, I might as well make a DC army to help kill the beast. I certainly don't want to kill it myself .

      The few people I had just saw before are now following me. I am now walking down this large staircase. It is surrounded by glass walls.

      Without consciously thinking about it,a bunch of people, my army, are following me. Probably about fifty people. About halfway down the staircase, I am facing this cute guy, so I kiss him, but we are still walking. Now, for some reason, I am wearing my ugly red work polo shirt... And I decide to lift it up, and it is held in between my arms. This has nothing to do with my boobs, BTW (though I am not wearing a bra, I notice, since bras are stupid), I just wanted the cute guy to be interested in my back. It is rather curvy... (My back curves in). So, being that this is a lucid, he of course mentions it. He asks why I have my shirt up, I tell him,and then I know that he is admiring it xD.

      So, now the scene has skipped, and we are in the beast's lair. It is dark, of course. I know the room is rather big, but we are all only in one part of the lair. The beast is standing at the side, surrounded by my fighters. It is like he is in a section that no one can pass, even him... Like, it is a slightly darker color in the floor or something?

      Since I don't play video games, the beast looks very unimaginative. Instead of looking like a hairy beast or something, he is just a big man. Like, a linebacker or something.

      Someone tries to shoot awith gun at him, but misses. The 'bullet' i see on the ground on the point of no return. It has two parts to it, whcih I can't really desribe. But it doesnt look like a bullet xD. I 'know' that the bullet has already been shot so it wouldn't worm again. But, i give it to the man with the gun anyway. I told him that I know this usually wouldn't work again, but since I am dreaming, I will.

      Before anything ekse happens, I wake up but it is a FA. While I have been beginning to do Rc's again, I didn't. Which makes sense. I woke up in the lair, but I 'know' that it is a different place. My head had been resting on this table. It was a really long wooden table, kinda renascenceish looking. There were other people sitting on the table too. Like a dozen. I wanted to keep my eyes closed (which I obviosuly didn't do, but I thought I did), because I wanted to DEiLD. Yeah, I thought to DEIlD even in a dream xD.

      But I couldn't, because this annoying woman was pestering me that I owed her five dollars from an overdue rental video. I pay her, and I see the two black people that I did initially in my last dream (I think it was supposed to be a third world place. Blame sociology for making mw feel so bad for them..). Another woman said she was going to give them a job, bringing them ti her home or something. I said, you can't make them slaves! But apparently she was going to pay them good money. (There is my idealist self, I suppose!). And then I woke up.
    2. Hobo town hotel...

      by , 02-10-2013 at 09:15 PM (LDS's Confusing Dreams of Oddness)
      So, at first I was in the car with my family, and we were driving through a hobo town... This is not what you think. N residential houses in sight, all the buildings are run down and still working. Now I'm walking alone on the sidewalk and there are about a hundred people sitting/standing doing nothing...

      There are two black guys in front of me. They're wearing sweatpants. One is wearing gray ones the other dark blue... They're wearing football Jerseys. They pass by a friend and,ask if he can lend any money. He says he only has sixth cents and gives it to them...

      Now, I'm in a hotel lying on a bed. There are two guys o the bed with me, and we are clothed and everyone... They start saying the they each want to kiss me . but I realize my lips are dry, so I put on some Chapstick from my pocket. It's peppermint. I tell them so.

      This is a corny dream... I only want to be with one of them...the next thing I know, I'm awake, since I was apparently asleep. The one I didn't want had his arms wrapped around me very tightly. I plucked him off and I notice my cat is clung to me also... I pull her off too.

      I start to find the initial guy, but first I pass a few rooms wit other guys that wanted me too... No... I find him, and apparently I had done something wrong. He apparently doesn't want sex, and he doesn't want to lead me on.

      But I say, "if someone has only half walked in their life, they will want to truly walk. But if you've never walked in your life, you'd be,fine with just half walking..."

      If you think about it, that makes perfect sense!

      So he accepts it, and were back in his room. We each pull a pillow over and out it under a table. I lay down, but we hear the door open, and a black guy peers in at us. Apparently the guardian or something...

      So, in the room there are a bunch of small blow up balls at the side... So we start throwing them to each other, as if we weren't about to do something.

      I start cracking up at the ball, mostly to get the guy to believe we weren't just doing something. At one point, one of the balls says, '30,60,90* (degrees), and I laugh at that. This is a genuine laugh... They join in, he leaves, and before we do anything, I wake up... In a strange position. Grr...
      Tags: hobos, hotel, sexual