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    Visions of the night

    These are the dreams I have on certain nights.. the ones that stand out the most to me that I can recall. Welcome to my dream world..

    1. Earth quake, Tsunam.. Volcano erupting.

      by , 09-26-2011 at 03:17 AM (Visions of the night)
      I had a dream I was standing in a tall building there were other people there none that I could recognize..
      I am standing there having I guess a conference because it was a huge office and we all were dressed in business clothes.. I feel the floor shake and look towards the window ..
      I see other buildings waving violently around and I look down seeing the floor was bending out of shape from the pressure.. I panic and everyone in the office huddles together and we are trying to find a way out.. the whole building tilts over and slams into the ground. We all are digging our way out..
      Scene switches and I am looking out the window I can see the open sea to my left and in front of me is a big mountain and a cliff to my right.. I look past these mountains and see more just behind them.. I smile it was a breathtaking view.. I turn to my right and see just as far as I could see a grey long mist hanging over the water.. it was lined on the horizon but it wasn't there before and I could see the dark shadow line take breaks but to show up seconds later.. I look down and see a beach but it was like a small beach inclosed by these tall mountains and cliff..
      I see an elderly man with a walker go towards the beach and move himself close to wet his feet.. I look to my right again and see a huge wave... it stood tall about the water.. green and blueish light baby colors.. I bang on the glass trying to get the man's attention but he couldn't hear me.. I the tide moved in and only when the first wave knocked him to the floor he realized what had happen and tried to escape but the waves slammed against him too strong and fast each getting more bigger and violent touching the sides of this cliff..
      He disappears and next I see this woman blonde hair and in a black tank looking frantically around.. I opened the window and told her to get out of there.. how the waves were violent.. she too ignores me and sure enough the waves slammed on her tossing her against the rocks.. it was horrible.. and sure enough the waves and sea engulfed the mountains..
      We were told to stay were we were.. and they put the news on I couldn't understand what the woman was saying there was no sound coming from the t.v. Some heavy set man walks over he is wearing a white dress suit and beige pants.. tells us in the room a Volcano in Hawaii erupted and cannot be stopped.. earthquakes and floods were happening all over. People started to cry..
      I woke up.
    2. Flood again..

      by , 04-07-2011 at 03:04 AM (Visions of the night)

      Flood again..

      Wish I had logged on in time and write about the previous flood dream I had weeks ago before Japan had gotten hit..
      Last night I had a dream about a flood again.. I was in some sort of stadium and it was grey outside..ppl walking around and it look pretty much like a storm..there were other weird things like some zombie looking guy but all i could worry about was the waves on the beach.. they were getting more violent and water started to creep towards where we were standing within the stadium.. we were close to the front area and started to step on water.. So I look out the door and see this wave behind the building about to hit.. I was freaked at how tall this wave was too as well as what was riding with it.. weird creatures..
      the wave hits as I close the door and water started to fill the outside.. next the other wave hit in front of the building.. the glass was bending in like plastic.. and I looked behind me to the other ppl saying " I dont think those windows are going to hold back the water!" We were told by some officer in a black suit to go upstairs to get away from the water.. the water was green and blue.. and just kept coming in on us in the area.. i never felt so cold..

      Thats all i could recall..