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    1. Nonphysical New York to Visit the Dead

      by , 08-12-2011 at 06:02 AM

      Type: Lucid Dream. (Visiting the Dead)
      Lucidity: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
      Vividness: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
      {telepathy in these brackets}

      We arrive at the short few steps of a Brownstone. There is a guy behind me but I hardly know him and he is basically trailing along to learn some things. I have been to this place before and yet part of me doesn’t know where this is. I feel my awareness and that I am whole again on the other side of reality where thoughts make things and places and this was a simulated New York village. Every time I am here it seems unpopulated, there are no signs of life on the outside, save for shrubs and trees, not even any cars on the road.

      I have forgotten who we’re here to see but I know what to do and walk up to the door. The guy I’m with wants to push the buzzer/doorbell. If this was physical reality the mechanical/electric device would work and ring the persons doorbell in their apartment but here only the newbies and dreamers try it out. I can see telepathically the guy I’m with is a mess, he is unsure of everything but trying so hard to be perfect, so I let him ring the bell and wait as if there is a buzzing sound and then I open the door and walk in.

      It is always so dark in this vestibule and the stairs, I can see in the dark but it is so unfriendly and foreboding although it is not meaning to be.

      I walk to a dark corner and push and twist some wooden molding, this opens the secret passage to the part of the place we are going to. We walk in and it is still just as dark.

      We walk up the stairs to the correct door. The nervous guy behind me gets even more nervous as I stop in front of the door as I try to remember who’s place this is. The nervous guy comes around to the front of me and squeezes between me and the door to open it. The door opens and I realize it is my grandmothers place! No she never had this place when she was alive but has taken to liking it after her death. She is standing there expecting us. I see her but don’t know how to feel since she is not the full old woman I knew. She has been dead for years here and many more in the physical world and has regressed to her younger more vital young-woman-self. What are the rules for greeting someone who thinks they are both old and young and that they know you but not really? We greet {and acknowledge our relationship} but she is half the woman I knew and another totally unknown to me, the younger woman before she met my grandfather. He was not around since died before her and has forsaken the physical plane altogether (long story of another nonphysical place and a cool place at that, the Last Timers Ring that rings the earth, but that’s a story for another time. Basically he was leaving the physical plane for ever and I have never seen him since.), she seemed to know this.

      Before going in I saw a metal threshold and there was an engravements in it and I bent down to examine it more closely. It was so real looking with dirt in the letters and abrasions. I felt it and it felt so perfectly real, I was blown away by it a bit but gathered myself and walked in.

      I wondered around her place looking at all the intricate objects and how they all fit into her between-life life, it was very fascinating. I was in awe at how real it all looked, and felt! The kitchen has the same kind of tile from her physical kitchen, it is dark in there but I didn’t want to mess with lights in a nonphysical place.

      Then I walk out into the living room and saw her nonphysical-life dog, a little white poodle! Animals are so rare in these nonphysical parts! I bent down and pet it and it felt so real! It was not at all a perfect representation of a dog; it had dirt under its belly as if it had never been washed. I got down on the floor with the dog and gave it a good rubbing. It stayed there as if it liked the petting. It didn’t have much personality which is basically life-force so I intended on giving it some of my own and it perked up a little bit and became a little more lively, literally.

      I saw my grandmother was happy that I was enjoying the dog but she was hard to look at since I saw both the old woman and the young woman, pretty disturbing. I realized that she was the “old dead”, people that have been dead for a long time but still felt tied to their old life. As for myself, I didn’t even feel tied to my physical life and I was still living it! I was, and am still, not sure why she hangs out in that drab place!

      I got up off the floor and realized how low the crummy dusty chandelier hung. The table had all and birthday cake on it with many candles burning and kinds of stuff on it like back when she was alive. It was all kinda sad, not that she was dead, you can be more alive dead than you ever were when you were alive, but she was not moving on she was stuck in this dark small apartment of her own creation with all these sad trappings of a past life.

      My grandmother was cradling a baby that was known by her, and I, to be unreal but she felt she needed the comfort it gave. The old dead are creepy people, two or three lives all jumbled up into one undead existence. {It is time for us to go} and she got up and the baby disappeared and everyone started to move to the door a bit. My grandmother had to walk around stuff and stacks of magazines, tied with string, in a tall knee high bundle. The place was full of little things like that, fascinating!

      Then there was a woman with 2 small kids in old time clothing that just appeared in the living room. “Ok lets go” she said to the kids and they all walked into the hallway and vanished. Creepy. Can ghosts have ghosts?

      My grandmother walked out of the door and the nervous guy waited near the sofa and wanted me to walk out first. I, on the other hand, was astounded with the reality of the place and rubbed my hand on the wall by the door feeling how solid it was “look at it! It’s solid, like the real thing!” He looked at me like I was crazy and was getting jumpy.

      We walked out into the dark hallway where the jumpy guy said “my dream guide likes to be surprised…but not TOO much.” I thought I would try not to do anything strange.

      As we all rounded the corner a man came out of the dark and I realized it must be this guy’s dream guide. I thought, about what not to do and so did exactly THAT, I skipped like a girl across the floor and then regretted it immediately.

      Hi, you must be his dream guide” I said.

      The DG was a tall guy and dressed like he was a 17th century aristocrat with flowy sleeves and such, “yes, I am in fact!
      Good to meet you.” I said while turning to the nervous guy.
      He waved at the dream guide stiffly and gave a nervous “Hi” with a nervous smile.
      I’d seen enough and decided to leave them on their own.

      Then there are these little lights floating in the air in the dark hallway and everyone gives me one. I love this!

      My Mom yells at me from a dark place but I can see her face, I ignore her, but everyone else seems not to even notice her.
      The end, I wake up.

      Awake i check the time, I had been asleep for only 2.5 hours!

      Updated 08-12-2011 at 06:13 AM by 36469

      lucid , memorable