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    1. Robot & Apes

      by , 05-14-2011 at 04:08 AM
      May 13 2011

      I found myself playing in some dirt outside a roadside diner.
      My identity changed to more of that of an adult and I got up and went inside hearing all kinds of happy conversations.

      My senses were pretty open and I could feel all the people in the place.

      Once inside I saw it was a nice bright coffee house like place. I walked into the center of the tabled room and then thought 'I'd like to sit with the 2 quirky gay guys, they seem interesting' and started to walk over to their small round table. They got up glaring at me and left.
      Telepathy works both ways, hmm, I'll have to watch my telepathic outflow more.

      I sat at the now empty table and listened to people talk which was a bit confusing because their verbal words and their metal words, that I was telepathically picking up, did not always match .

      Guy1: "Oh that's great!" 'whatever'
      Guy2: "I know right" 'I'm bored'
      Guy1 "You must feel lucky?" 'I guess'
      Guy2 "Oh I am" 'not really'

      This was messing with my head and I tried to change my focus and then I saw a hovering robot about the size of an office trash can, it had a yellow light on its metal domed top and a red colored hair-like metal decoration under its hat like top, no face.
      'I wonder what this is doing here'
      Robot: 'I'm interested in human men-kind."

      I was glad it was completely telepathic.
      It stayed by me and intenetly watched the 2 other guys talking.
      I plugged my attention into the interplay between the robot and the conversation but it was boring and my mind drifted.
      'mankind hmm'

      I then felt a pull outside

      This was no regular outside place, I felt no humans at all, as if they had never existed, though I thought that they had something like a million years ago.

      Then I saw the dark figures move, I was looking at a strange group of chimp sized apes, about 20 of them. They weren't chimps, their faces were different, fuller and wider, and they all had a little gray hair around their faces.

      My senses were still open and their radiation (a telepathic flow of consciousness you get from conscious things) felt a lot like human's but very simple like a 2 year old.

      One was trying to kill a wasp that had flown out of a hole in the ground. He knew it could sting and was holding it by its wings and hitting it on the hard packed ground to kill it and knock off the stinger. The wasp was hardier than the strange chimp thought and I could feel he was sorry he had chosen to eat this insect. Another youner ape came over and watched and motioned with his hand in a whipping motion to rip the wings off but the older ape didn't get what the younger ape was trying to say.

      I woke up wondering what happened and why I woke in the middle of that story.
      Tags: apes, robot, telepathy
      non-lucid , memorable
    2. Date: Early March

      by , 04-05-2011 at 05:11 AM

      Dream 1
      A car in a field is stolen and I beep the horn. The cops arrive and show me a contract and he says “you have to pay me royalties.” I looked at the contract and saw the signature was not mine and said “I didn’t sign that.”

      Dream 2 Test
      I walk out of a doorway onto a grassy field. I remember it as a dream college area then I saw a goat and some sheep walking around. They seemed odd since they were just walking around mindlessly. Then I felt really good, I had passed some kind of important test!

      Dream 3 Future Bridge
      I am a passenger driving down a road in a little station wagon in California and it is flat and dry outside back dropped by mountains. The road turns into a 12 lane highway and I can see shopping centers and such. I feel like the road is changing in time as well as distance. At the beginning it was the 1970’s now it is the 80’s. Quickly it is the 90’s and 2000’s uneventfully. Then I am flying as we come to a bridge and I let the little station wagon from the 70’s go as it drives below me. Now it is the future but I am not sure when. I fly through the bridge’s upper girders and see how massive this structure is, the I-beams are bigger than I thought anything in my time was being made and wondered what kind of huge factory could produce these monsters. Then I noticed there was lighting up here too. Although it was daytime I got a quick nighttime vision of what it looked like at night and it was a nice bright green bridge. The lighting’s housings were huge, you could easily fit 10 SUV’s inside one. I wondered at the power that would be needed to do this, and all for something unnecessary, but got the feeling that it was a concern but no big deal, so much for energy concerns for the future.
      The highway went off to the left but I followed my-times highway, which was now just a depression in the vegetation. The old highways had crumbled and acted like a bedrock letting only small plants with small roots take hold and you could follow this ‘depression’ down to the sea, this led into the marshes and parts were washed out. I now felt the familiar time of the early 22nd century but was still not too sure. There was a long beach but no sign of anyone having used it in any way which I thought would be odd especially for California. I felt there was no more to see and reluctantly landed roughly on a sandbar 6 feet out from the beach. There was nothing but those tall beach weeds on shore and a few houses way in back of that. I then felt I was violating some kind of rule landing here but could not take back off. I closed my eyes and imagined flying away but I wasn’t and upon opening my eyes I saw an all green helicopter with only a small white circle for a symbol on the door. The helicopter circled a bit then came down close to me and I could see it was about the size of a small car, far too small to hold a person. Then I heard an emergency type voice say “EXIT THE AREA!” from the green helicopter. I tried to get my legs out of the sand and then I was surprised to see an all blue robot with a human type appearance approach me. It was all blue head to foot with no face just a thin vertical black line in the middle of its “face.” “Oh crap!”
      Then I am home again in early 2000’s time [not real life home] looking something up on the computer. It’s the old big computer TV like monitor and I start closing windows out as my mom and my other family members are coming in the room and distracting my attention [these are not my family members in real life].

      Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Tron-Legacy-Olivia-Wilde-16-7-10-kc.jpg 
Views:	58 
Size:	65.9 KB 
ID:	2121The screen’s background has a pretty woman with short black hair on it who I seem to know and stare at it a few seconds before my sister enters the room talking loudly so I turn the computer off [I do not have a sister in real life]. They are all eating popcorn out of a bowl and passing it around and give me some but I just take out a few and crunch on them. I feel a little sad and not sure why.