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    1. The Road Where Nothing Goes ~November 5

      by , 12-08-2010 at 10:15 PM
      Pat and Adam and one other person are signing up for some support the children charity thing or something like that and i wander a little ways off. I come back and think I should sign up too, because that’s what a good friend would do. I go to the desk to sign up, and pat and Adam and the other guy are there, and I see them looking at a magazine that has women in it but they aren’t naked, and i hear one of them say “man normally id be seeing women without clothes right now,” and then I hear one of them say “yeah normally id be playing fallout 3 right now.” As I’m trying to sign up, the man behind the counter walks off to my left and I try to get his attention but someone yells “dodge ball!” and I’m instantly hit in the face with a water balloon, and I can’t see. I wander around for a bit, then someone is directing me. After a few seconds I realize we’re going in the wrong direction so i try to pull away. I open my eyes to see a field and the one man, I try to get out of his grip by pulling his hands off of mine, by hitting him in the face, then by biting him on the nose. When I bite his nose, it falls apart. I pull at the hole and his entire face crumbles away to reveal a stereotypical alien. I am in a giant cell. Everything zooms out and I see the whole prison. It’s a large, square, gray building with a single entrance and exit. There are a lot of cells all facing inwards and massive guards standing on either side of some of the cells. I am on an upper floor. I think to myself, “all the other prisoners are trapped in here, just waiting for someone to rescue them, but I’m awesome, and I’m going to break out. I think to myself “This is an epic dream, I should write in my dream journal now so I don’t forget it. It will also be good because it will keep me calm for all of the work I have to do now. I start to write, and as I’m writing I throw a dart and hit something exactly where I wanted to, then I jump and run up a wall in my cell, and the next thing I know, pat and Adam are leading me down a road back towards the camp. I keep hearing “the road where nothing goes” in a blurry voice. Everything is really trippy. When I look around, everything goes by in a blur. I keep trying to focus on things but everything is distorted. I’m in a third person perspective now, and i see and hear Adam and pat talking to someone else, and they’re saying “yeah we found him in the field but the idiot just keeps trying to wander down that road where nothing goes” Everything’s blurry again and I’m not sure exactly what happens but I remember hearing sex is awesome when you’re high, then I wake up.