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    1. 1/6/2010 - Rather Large Update

      by , 01-06-2011 at 11:08 AM
      My internet at my house has been out for a couple days, as people weren't around to pay their bills. Therefore, this is going to be a pretty long update - 5 updates since the last time I updated!

      12/26/2010 - First Person Shooter and Real Time Strategy

      I was on a space station. I entered a large room and picked up a couple weapons (one of them was a gun like the ripper in Unreal Tournament). I entered a large chamber that was open to space. I recall looking up and seeing a number of stars and the planet that the space station was rotating around. I saw a large creature that was channeling what I can only assume was the power to destroy our galaxy. Needless to say, I engaged it.

      Since we were open to space, there was little gravity, so I was able to flip around all of the elevated floating platforms in the area. I began flipping about, him remaining stationary while shooting beams of energy while I was firing my Ripper. Sadly, they were ineffective. I switched to another weapon to continue shooting him, but there was a tingling sensation as his channeling began to become powerful. I could feel the hairs on my arms begin to stand on end.

      I landed on a platform high up, and spherical orbs of light inside a ring began to converge on the center of the platform. I knew it was too late. The disks circled the platform..the orbs shot out and then converged. There was an ear-deafening boom...and the galaxy was gone. I woke up.

      12/28/2010 - Helping a Brother

      I returned home again, and sadly my dream recall suffered, as I was sleeping on my house couch again.

      I remembered that Eric had asked me a few nights before to wake him up and make sure that he went to the airport to pick up his girlfriend. I assisted him in waking up and helped him get all of his stuff together. I then woke up, realizing that this was a false awakening.

      1/2/2011 - Dream Fragments - Free-running and Lightsaber Duel

      I had two dream fragments this night. I know that in my 3rd dream of the night, there was a lightsaber duel, but I can't recall specifics. I also recall that I was free-running around an Arabic city in my 4th dream.

      1/4/2011 - Zombies (again)

      I was traveling through an abandoned city with James, Lane, Shane, and I. Lane was wielding double pistols. I was carrying something tech related, but I didn't actually have weapons (bad call, I know). James was decked out in odd vagabond clothes and double Uzis. Shane had a shotgun and a metal bat.

      We fought our way to a safe room that was in a room high up in an apartment complex. It looked like a hotel room, however. There was a device outside the room that apparently controlled the heat exhaust for the entire building. I was concerned with the level of energy that the building was putting off, and realized that if I were to change the settings, we could conserve energy - but make ourselves more visible to zombies (apparently they have heat vision in this dream). The setting I picked helped us save energy. However, a zombie ran up the fire escape to confront us. I ran inside.

      I slammed the door behind me with the zombie's upper torso and arm stuck in the doorway. I shouted at Shane to come over, who readies his bat and bashed the zombie's head in when I opened the door. Lane and James then ran out of the room upstairs in order to apparently take care of more zombies. Shane shotgunned the zombie's lower jaw off.

      I changed the setting on the device, and once I had changed it James and Lane returned. Lane was bloody and said that he had been bitten. I saw his inventory with 17 bullets in his double pistols. We yelled at my brother to make sure that he wasn't bitten either. Lane hands me his pistols and takes off his arm guard. I wake up to a text message.

      1/5/2011 - Australia

      My dream started with an intricate flyover of the white, sandy beaches of Australia. We (myself and I'm not sure who else) were having a good time on the beach. We talked about all of the animals there and I recall looking down in the water and vividly seeing an eel that I walked across in order to not get shocked. I wanted to take pictures, but I forgot my camera back with my family. I was really devastated. I started to call my mother in order to ask where the camera was when I woke up.

      I stood up and glanced around. I then made my way to my computer tower to look for my camera. I realized that it didn't make much sense for me to look for the camera and I did a reality check, but it was just me sleep walking.

      Tonight I'm going to try to record three dreams and attempt to wake up enough to WILD during that third dream cycle. We'll have to see how it goes. This next weekend is going to be stressful, as I'm going to be doing conferences and retreats, so I might not write in my journal for a couple days!
    2. 12/22/2010 - Class

      by , 12-22-2010 at 09:05 PM
      I was woken by a series of phone calls and texts this morning, so I was unable to really get good dream recall. I usually rely on alarms to get me up at the correct time for remembering my dream. I'll work harder tonight to recall a few dreams.

      12/22/2010 - Dream Fragment - Class

      I was in my dream classroom for my Revolutionary America class next semester. I'm not sure what building I was in, and I made up what the professor looks like in my head. I was woken up by a text message.
      Tags: school
      dream fragment