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    1. A Few Years Ago - Sharks

      , 05-26-2012 at 05:27 AM
      non-lucid novella of a dream. I'm walking along the edges of these randomly spaced pools of water. I have a memory of having been under water with Great White Sharks, all I saw red, so I kept my eyes close.

      I suddenly notice fins in these pools of water. In each oddly shaped pool, there is a GW Shark. They have red mouths. One in particular, maintains eye contact as I walk along his pool. He swam to the edge and started to come out of the pool. As he was coming out he turned into a man and said 'Hi, what's your name?" I told him and somehow he led me away from the pools and we were suddenly in my neighborhood in Los Angeles. There was some back and forth banter about who we are and what we do. He was caught off the coast of Carolina for harassing surfers. He would snout their surf boards. I said I would find that terrorizing. He just thought it was a funny joke.

      I asked him what he would like to do next. He said just enjoy your typical day. So we drove down Sunset, saw the sites, hung out and talked. We ended up at Mel's Diner for some burgers and shakes. By this point he was holding my hand - not really in a sexual way, but in an acceptance of a friendship kind of way. He told me that he appreciated me showing him my world and he has had one of his best days.

      So now he wants to do something for me. "Well, what did you have in mind?" His reply . . ." Let's go swimming" My heart dropped to my stomach and I stopped in my tracks. I felt tricked. Truthfully, I regret not going.