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    1. Passively Wandering

      by , 01-17-2012 at 12:42 AM


      Notes: Nap...I felt very apathetic in this dream. I was not interacting with my environment much and I felt like I didn't have any objectives.

      I dream started where I was laying on my stomach on the grass in ben's backyard. Kevin walked up and said, "It didn't ruin their lives...it just changed them." (he was referring to a TV show I had seen and talked to him about in an earlier dream. It wasn't a real show). I remember thinking that I should rewatch it to prove my point.

      I somehow become lucid and stand up. I decide to walk inside the house and see if I can summon HM. I am visualizing her pretty well. However, about halfway there I get this thought that is like, "Ugh...I bet its going to be Robin again." I round a corner and instead of ben's living room, its my old one, and of course, Robin is sitting on the couch. I sit down next to her somewhat disappointed. I ask her why she is always here. She has some response that I can't remember. I put my arm around her and sit silently for a bit. I then grab one of her legs and put it over my lap. I am just sitting and thinking to myself. I do feel some connection between me and her. I eventually start trying to have sex with her. She is just going along and I stop myself, realizing I don't want to do this.

      I get out and walk outside, half-expecting to see HM again. It is the front yard of my old house and she isn't there. I walk into the street. It is fairly dark. As I look up to fly, I see the trees have branches that extend way too far. They are touching each other so there are no good gaps to fly through. I find a small one and fly up. I just get to the branches and fall back down (I didn't hit the branches, I just got near them and lost all speed.) I decide to try and portal so I look across the street and start to draw a circle on a nearby house. Halfway through, some guy walks up and says something. I am mildly distracted but I look back and see the portal is finished. It is very large and has a red outer ring. I don't respond to the man and head for the portal.

      I fly through it and suddenly I am gently flying over a large amphitheater. I am flying slowly, but I keep that speed. I think to myself, usually if I go too fast I lose speed and altitude. Maybe it will be easier if I just go slowly. It was. Eventually I have to start breast stroking, but I don't mind. I looked back down and everything was black. I tried to imagine seeing the seats of the amphitheater. Eventually a tan half-circle forms, and that slowly forms into the seats. Once I regain full vision, I look up and see that I am about 6 ft. below this platform. I just get enough height to land on top.

      I stand up and turn around a corner. Some girl on the platform is yelling at a girl down below (but not as far down as the amphitheater). I decide to not get involved so I look to a nearby wall. It is really short, only like 2 ft. tall and made of wood. I try to make a portal in it. However, instead of the red ring, I just made a circular line in the wood. The girls look over at me and laugh. One says, "Look, he thinks he's magical or something!" I figure out a way to fix the portal. I use telekinesis and pull the circular chunk right out of the wall. It falls harmlessly to the ground. The girls are shocked. I walk over to the portal, but it is really small...only about 10 in. diameter. Before I figure out how to get through it, I lose the dream.
    2. Portalling and Derrick Rose

      by , 08-23-2011 at 09:17 PM

      DILD + FAs

      Recall: poor

      I had a lot of work with the new portal technique. This time although it would create portals, they took me to the wrong place.

      I was looking for Jonah with some adult guy. We walked down this hallway and I wondered if he maybe went through this mirror. I touch my finger to it and see if it is made of goo. I think he could only do that if it is a dream so I RC.

      Lucid, I try to go through the mirror. However, I fail and my dream soon goes black. I am still feeling my way around for a bit.

      I thought I woke up and tried to DEILD. In retrospect, I think I was still asleep in an FA. I remember thinking that I should probably get up soon, but I really wanted another chance to LD.

      I believe I RC and continue trying to teleport. I am making some portals for a bit. I remember being able to walk through them, but not being very happy with the destinations.

      I think I FA again and I am watching a basketball game. There was some issue with reporters doing something to the players so there were some strange interviews. The game started 1 on 1 with Ben Wallace and some other guy. Ben Wallace got the ball first and went down the court. He turned around and hucked the ball, trying to make a behind the back 3 pointer. When that happened, all of the other starting 5s rushed the court to start playing.

      I am now playing too. They think I am Derrick Rose. I know it is a dream and that I am not Rose, but I feel like I have to play because they expect me to. I am terrible. I do make a few good plays to get good looks, but I miss every shot badly. The ball is also bigger than normal.


      I become lucid and go back to making portals. I am trying to find Heather. I imagine her as vividly as I can, and try to draw a portal. But this time I can't even make a portal. I try it again, and I see it. I walk through, still imagining her, but I end up laying down in the dark. I walked through the portal and ended up laying face down about 2 ft. past the portal in darkness. I stand up and am now standing back out of the portal. I step out and soon lose the dream.

      FA. I am disappointed that I couldn't find Heather and give up.

      Some guy is talking to me and I get some mail. Heather had sent me a letter. It was from some club she was doing and I assumed it was an invitation. I open it and I find my name on some roster. I can't find her name.

      I become lucid somehow and try to portal to her once. It goes to some random room and give up. I want to teleport to the DVA. I am imagining the outside of castle. It is stormy with winds howling. My breathing during this sounds just like whipping winds. I imagine stormy waters. I look at the portal and head through. But it takes me to a random room again.

      Updated 08-30-2011 at 12:49 AM by 41128

    3. DC's jet advice on flying attempt

      by , 08-21-2011 at 06:54 PM

      DILD + DEILD

      Recall: somewhat poor

      The first bit of the non-lucid that I remember was in a park. There was hanging handle you could slide on. I jump on and use it. A group on black kids were upset that I used their thing. One of them was a big kid. They are being pretty hostile towards me. Will is there and they somehow get distracted for a second. I use this opportunity for a surprise attack. I hit one away and start stomping on the fat kid. Will stops me and asks me what I'm doing. I said they were about to attack me so I struck first. They said they weren't going to do anything. I apologized for acting rash.

      The dream skips to his big room. I am talking with some girl about dream sharing. We thought it is awesome that one dreamer can enter another's memories. We end up playing out a scenario where I am exploring a memory she had (still not lucid....). Eventually I get this big textbook that I was looking for and leave.

      I somehow become lucid and realize I have to fly somewhere. I have this backpack with a heavy book in it. I am worried this will ruin my chances of flying, and of course it does.

      I somehow end up this house with like 4 other people my age in the kitchen. They are all talking and I move over to the hottest girl and see if I can make a move. In response to my advances, she said, "let me see what you got and we'll see." We had to leave the room before she would try anything. I thought she might be into the kinky stuff so I just throw us onto the floor right outside the door. She is not impressed and leaves.

      One of the other girls knew I had trouble flying and needed help. She was upset that I was just using this opportunity for sex. She didn't believe I really needed help; she thought it was all a ploy for sex. I then became sad that I let her down and I really needed help. To prove I can't fly I open a portal next to her because it is my only means of transportation. I divert my gaze and draw a circle on the wall. A very lop sided red shape appears. And it is like 5 ft. off the ground. I climb into it and imagine my house. I fall out the other side and land in my house.

      I go out back to try flying again, no longer having the backpack. I failed again. My mom was behind me and told me to imagine how it would feel to be a fighter plane. I lose the dream

      I am awake in my bed. I can vividly picture the centripetal force with every turn of flying a jet. I keep this sensation in my head and DEILD.

      I am on my back porch again and excited to try to fly again using tactile imagination. I imagine the sensation again and try to fly. It worked for a bit, but it was not sustained. Eventually I lose the dream.

      The DCs were very interactive and helpful during this dream.