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    DC's jet advice on flying attempt

    by , 08-21-2011 at 06:54 PM (437 Views)


    Recall: somewhat poor

    The first bit of the non-lucid that I remember was in a park. There was hanging handle you could slide on. I jump on and use it. A group on black kids were upset that I used their thing. One of them was a big kid. They are being pretty hostile towards me. Will is there and they somehow get distracted for a second. I use this opportunity for a surprise attack. I hit one away and start stomping on the fat kid. Will stops me and asks me what I'm doing. I said they were about to attack me so I struck first. They said they weren't going to do anything. I apologized for acting rash.

    The dream skips to his big room. I am talking with some girl about dream sharing. We thought it is awesome that one dreamer can enter another's memories. We end up playing out a scenario where I am exploring a memory she had (still not lucid....). Eventually I get this big textbook that I was looking for and leave.

    I somehow become lucid and realize I have to fly somewhere. I have this backpack with a heavy book in it. I am worried this will ruin my chances of flying, and of course it does.

    I somehow end up this house with like 4 other people my age in the kitchen. They are all talking and I move over to the hottest girl and see if I can make a move. In response to my advances, she said, "let me see what you got and we'll see." We had to leave the room before she would try anything. I thought she might be into the kinky stuff so I just throw us onto the floor right outside the door. She is not impressed and leaves.

    One of the other girls knew I had trouble flying and needed help. She was upset that I was just using this opportunity for sex. She didn't believe I really needed help; she thought it was all a ploy for sex. I then became sad that I let her down and I really needed help. To prove I can't fly I open a portal next to her because it is my only means of transportation. I divert my gaze and draw a circle on the wall. A very lop sided red shape appears. And it is like 5 ft. off the ground. I climb into it and imagine my house. I fall out the other side and land in my house.

    I go out back to try flying again, no longer having the backpack. I failed again. My mom was behind me and told me to imagine how it would feel to be a fighter plane. I lose the dream

    I am awake in my bed. I can vividly picture the centripetal force with every turn of flying a jet. I keep this sensation in my head and DEILD.

    I am on my back porch again and excited to try to fly again using tactile imagination. I imagine the sensation again and try to fly. It worked for a bit, but it was not sustained. Eventually I lose the dream.

    The DCs were very interactive and helpful during this dream.

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