• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

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    A Penrose Mind

    Dreams are something I have every night. Whether I like it or not they're here to stay.
    Ever since I started to try lucid dreaming I have remembered almost every single dream I've had with startling detail.
    Now it seems like they are just recorded as a regular memory would, just a bit foggier.
    Dreams are now just a part of my life, and they're one I'd like to begin exploring more.

    1. Day 5: "I have had it with these mother f****** snakes, on this mother f****** train!"

      by , 02-04-2011 at 02:56 AM (A Penrose Mind)
      "everybody strap in, were about to open some fucking windows."
      To quote the great Samuel L. Jackson.

      I almost lost my dream recall today but it slowly came flowing back to me. This dream is a little odd (like all dreams) and unfortunately I almost became lucid but it didn't work out to well. There are probably a lot of memories that fell through the cracks but I have pretty much the most of it.

      Fragment 1:
      My dream starts off with me reliving a false memory. I'm in a hotel (this hotel is a dream space I've been in before) and there is a tower of Smirnoff bottles on a table inside of a dining area. Smirnoff is my favorite drink, so I'm tempted to take a bottle. I take one while no one is looking. I decide to go to the corner of the room to drink it. After a while I drift into the main part of the room to see what happens. No one seems to care, so I finish the rest of the drink in clear view.

      Fragment 2:
      I'm in my apartment (dream sign). A broadcast is playing in my living room. The broadcast has something to do with minds and mind control, but I don't know how exactly. I sense that the broadcast in the living room is incomplete, and that I'd find a more detailed broadcast in my room. I go in my room and turn on the tv. The Asian guy from the dharma initiative from LOST is on it, except he looks much younger, like 18 or so. He is also talking about mind control, but also about dreams. The gist of what he said, had something to do with invading people's dreams and controlling their minds. What he's talking about is something of a cross between the dharma initiative from lost and Inception. In the video he's on a beach, and another man accompanies him by his side, who from time to time he'll mock for being insignificant in comparison to him. Soon after the broadcast ends.

      Fragment 3:
      I'm still in my apartment in this dream, but the plot is way different. There's a "bad guy" whose coming to my apartment to hurt me or something, and I'm trying to prepare myself for the inevitable. My dad and grandma are very protective of me. Dream topography's very weird here. It's as if my apartment (although it is on the fourth floor in waking life) is underground, and my balcony is some sort of entrance to a secret passage way, which leads to some sort of medieval dungeon. For some reason we all know he's going to come through that way. The passage/dungeon is lit by some sort of electrical torch system (for some reason the torches remind me of minecraft). My dad is about to turn off the torches so the "bad guy" won't be able to see his way. But I plead him no because apparently I know this "bad guy" and he's my friend, and he's really only mad at me or something. The "bad guy" draws closer. I go into my room and prepare to barricade my door, but when I prepare to push my couch against the door, I notice that my room's a wreck, and that there are turned over drawers and crayons everywhere.

      "I'm done." I think to myself.

      Fragment 4:
      Miranda Cosgrove (google it) and I think Jennette McCurdy (also google) are auditioning for a Sorority. There in what appears to be theater. (for some reason Miranda and Jennette are in the seating area and the sorority girls are sitting at a table on the stage.) The sisters interviewing them ask them if there "fun", or "crazy", or "adventuress" or something like that. Miranda replies "I once kissed a six year old." (okay?) Jennette replies "Have you ever heard of murder? Yeah." (I think she's implying that she killed someone?). The sisters aren't buying it. The two need to do a test. Steal a saxophone from this guy while he's sleeping. Easy enough.

      Suddenly I go into a first person view (I'm not sure if I'm in my body or Miranda's, but I'm pretty sure I'm in mine). I'm with someone else (It's dark so I don't know if it's Jennette or not, but for some reason I don't think it is). We both infiltrate the room. There are two people inside, sleeping. We sneak up to him and prepare to take the saxophone. His roommate wakes up. His roommate is Phillip j. Fry from futurama. We both freeze. He doesn't notice us.

      "I don't like japanese people poking around in my mind." He says as he gets out of bed.

      (this is a reference to the previous dream fragment, apparently this person in the broadcast had tried invading Fry's dreams to control his mind)

      He leaves the room and we get back to business. I reach for the saxophone. He moves (Something in my head tells me at level 2 consciousness, whatever that means). I take the saxophone.

      Fragment 5:
      There's someone who I need to capture. A very bad man (I believed he killed a puppy or something. There's only one thing I know about him for sure: He's wanted for $200 dead and $1000 alive. This next part takes place in the fallout 3 engine (technically it's fallout new vegas). I'm looking through a first person view (although I am not controlling the body). The song Montage from team america world police is playing in the background. This guy takes various weapons and shoots them at a target. These weapons include the M-16 and the All-American from fallout new vegas. When the "always fade out in a montage" part of the song starts playing, my vision slowly fades out. The last thing this man does is take up a weapon repair kit from the table he was firing on. He then takes off (I believe this man was me).

      Fragment 6:
      My vision fades back in. I'm on the subway, on my way to capture the bounty. I think to myself, "Aw yeah, 1000 bones." Then I started thinking about why some people call money "bones". Suddenly, a woman with a bag in her hands sits down fairly close to me. She seems to be in a panic, she's frantically shaking, as if she just stole the bag from someone, but I didn't see her take it from anyone.

      "Okay, I got the snakes." She says in a shaky voice.

      She reaches into the bag and brings out a red snake and throws it on the train floor. I start to mildly freak out, so I move as far away from her as possible and decide to get off at the next stop. Suddenly things seem a little odd to me. I reach up to my nose and prepare for a reality check,
      and I wake up. It seemed that I had control of my outside body instead of my dream one.

      "Damn, what time is it like 11:30?" I say to myself.

      I look at the clock.

      I wake up at around 4:35 a.m., 3rd of February 2011.

      C'mon, really? Again? Whatever. (I did have a glass of juice before I went to sleep so that may have been the reason).

      Well this was a rather long and fragmented dream. But hey, at least I was able to use a snakes on a plane reference (btw, there really is a movie called snakes on a train, it sucked).

      I wasn't as hellbent on having a lucid dream yesterday since it was a snow day and I just kind of relaxed, hopefully I have better luck next time, I still want to practice dream control

      Sweet dreams everyone
    2. Day 2: My head is killing me

      by , 01-31-2011 at 10:15 PM (A Penrose Mind)
      Dream log day 2

      My goddamn head, it feels like someone drove two nails through the sides. A very loud FIRE ALARM went off in the apartment building today so I can't remember most of the dream but I can trace it back a little bit.

      There was a house. Everything was fallout 3-ish. I saw a skull and glasses on a table inside the house and picked them up the same way you would in fallout 3, point and click then it disappears into your inventory.

      I restarted this scenario 3 times as if I were playing the game. Each time was different. The second time the skull and glasses were on the ground. The third time there were two dead bodies (they weren't real, they were in the fallout engine as was the rest of this sector of the dream).

      They both had names showing they were husband and wife (same last names) but I can only remember the first name Glades, or something that started with Gl followed by a vowel, then a consonant, than maybe another, then an s. I'm pretty sure it was Glades though.

      After that I heard a disembodied voice tell me I would see a ghost in 3, 2, 1. And right on cue the apparition of the husband appeared appeared. I believed it told me something about how it died or something like that.

      I went through a door behind him which lead to the next sector of the dream. I was in the basement of my moms house (it looked a bit different) and I could here a voice upstairs. It was Bobbie's(used to be my room mate when I was living with my mom).

      As I ascended to the second level of the house I saw her there with some paper on the ground along with some scissors. I think she was making something, like arts and crafts or something.

      My projection of Bobbie didn't really reflect irl Bobbie, once again my projection of her was what I wanted her to be, nice, charming, and AGGGGHHH, WHY IS THE FUCKING ALARM BACK ON? JESUS FUCKING CHRIST! It isn't turning off so maybe I should just continue, or it's a real fire and I'm going to burn to death. Oh god it's three terrible noises being driven through my head all at once at a terribly high frequency!

      Ah, that's better. Put on head phones, there playing my theta binaural beats. I can barely block it out, the high pitch tone is still there.

      As I was saying, and not a stuck up bitch. She told me that she thought I was Charlie (my dog) and that I startled her. Charlie then ran up the stairs and accompanied her, although I didn't see him when I was down there. We talked for a couple seconds and I then found myself at a chinese restaurant.

      One again the dream topography was quite odd. It seemed that the chinese restaurant was where club paradise(a strip club) was supposed to be (Oh thank god the alarm stopped) and everything to the right was based off the Dupont and Symington intersection as there was a bank right next to the chinese food store.

      I think I sat down with my friends, Mansoor, Hudson, and Elmer, but I'm not sure. After we ate (I don't really remember eating) I got up and went outside. On my way out I noticed a lot of my friends were in the exact same restaurant though I didn't notice them coming in only going out.

      One of these friends was a kid named Diego (a projection of someone I haven't seen for years, though my subconscious did a pretty good job of growing him up) which is pretty funny, because one of my most memorable events with him was when we were arguing in the hallway about a yugioh card with both of our parents and while that was going on a fire in Diego's house started because his mother left something cooking on the stove for too long.

      Hmmmmm, coincidence? Maybe not. Perhaps in the first couple seconds of the alarm going off I couldn't actually here it in the dream yet, and Diego's projection appearing was how my subconscious acted towards it at first, since in a way the two are related.

      Strange thing was, inside the restaurant it was sunshiny outside, but as soon as I got out side it was raining immensely. Roberta followed me out and instead of walking home with me ran to the bank across the street and waved me good bye.

      I started heading in the direction of home, and that's when the fire alarm went off. Of course it went off on the surface which cause an immediate sector transfer. In the dream I woke up, the alarm was pounding on my head. I was told that when I got up that we needed to go to the lobby.

      I took my iPod and two pillows with me. My dad went out side and told someone in the hallway not to use the elevator. We then went down to the lobby, but no matter where I went I could still here the alarm. And that's when I woke up. It probably only took a couple seconds of surface time to wake me up, but I was in the dream for at least a couple minutes, like 7. I woke up around 11:20 a.m., 31st of January, 2011.

      Unfortunately the sudden transfer and high pitch loud noise caused me to lose some of my dream memory. I was under for at least an hour.

      By the way, I didn't get a lot of sleep last night, and by a lot I mean any at all. For some reason (probably cause I got up at 4:00 p.m. yesterday) I couldn't sleep at all. I had one unstable mini-dream where I downed a bottle of champaign, but it quickly faded out. My mind may have trailed off to a few places in the mini-dream but it wasn't enough to become a full fledged dream.

      Trying to achieve dream lucidity failed (seeing as I didn't fall asleep till around 10:00 a.m.) but then again I didn't have enough time to prepare for it. I'll do my best today to make preparations, I'll be practising the reality check and listening to the theta beats for today, along with doing more research, and hopefully this time I'll be able to do the experiments ¬_¬.

      But anyway, I'm pretty proud of myself for being able to remember my dreams so clearly these days. This dream log is doing better than I expected it to ^^.

      *Note, sleeping on couch achieving better results than sleeping on bed.