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    1. Cool Video Game Store

      by , 03-04-2011 at 12:36 AM
      Type:Normal Dream(non lucid)
      My dream started with me walking into a video game store and going over to the right side of the store. I saw the bargain bin and started rummaging through it. I pulled out 3 games that seemed interesting, they were called Sonic Heroes, Ants, and Marvel vs Capcom 2(I've seen Marvel vs Capcom 3 being talked about a lot recently on the internet so I was probably thinking about it). Seeing Marvel vs Capcom 2 made me want to look and see if they had number 3. I went over to this thing where all the games were supposed to be and it was like a weird futuristic shelf. There were 3 buttons one said PS3, one said Xbox 360, and the last one said Close shelf. I pressed PS3 and the shelf flipped over and showed me all the games they had in stock for it. They didn't have MvC3 so I walked back over to the bargain bin. I was trying to decide which of the 3 games I should get so I walked over to the left side of the store. It was mainly accessories and guides/walk throughs. I walked back over to the bin and decided I'd get Sonic Heroes. I was about to check out when I decided I wanted MvC2 more. I ran back over there grabbed it and checked out. I was going to leave to play it when I woke up.