• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

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    1. DealLaw's Avatar
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      Hahahah...pretty sure my subconscious translated my nocturnal desire for a dip into an image of Jesse Ventura from Predator. Although, I better be careful, Dreamintrptr might stop by, tell me I'm wrong and try to peddle his book off on me.
    2. Binsk's Avatar
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      Heh, well that sounds certainly... interesting. Gotta love the randomness behind dreams.
    3. Ethernalboy's Avatar
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      Nice one man, Ive just recently been able to successfully enter my dreams through WILD's ive had a nice streak of two nights lately, except for last night which was dry and dissapointing, Although whenever I am lucid I find myself only able to stay in my dreams for a couple minutes before they destabilize...Ive tried the spinning, but it never works, im going to try the hand rubbing technique next time im successfull and hope I have a longer REM period (and yes its towards the later parts of the night)
    4. DealLaw's Avatar
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      Thanks IK!! It was a very interesting experience. I have been reading, after the fact, regarding the de-activation of your brain's logic center when entering a dream state and the fun part was that I became lucid almost immediately after waking up in the field and I clearly remember thinking to myself "ok, I think I'm dreaming. I was JUST in my bed and I should not be in a field. I have to confirm this." It was like my logic center kicked right in and I viewed the whole thing like an experiment.

      I came very close to a WILD last night, but my mental discipline is still slightly lacking in this area.
    5. Emiko's Avatar
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      You're welcome!
    6. Binsk's Avatar
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      Well congrats on your first lucid! Very interesting. Always fun to read how other people's experiences turn out when they are just starting. I find it fascinating how your mind would focus in on objects, that would be very convenient for stabilizing dreams I can imagine (Mine are either completely clear or completely blurry so far. Though I haven't actually tried focusing a specific instance). Anyway, sounds like a nice first experience.
    7. DealLaw's Avatar
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      Thanks for the encouragement and tip! It was a pretty amazing experience considering my first time out was a DILD and I expected to have to turn to a WILD of some form.
    8. Emiko's Avatar
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      Congratulations! It's a very good idea to focus on the environment you find yourself in first. Don't let the inability to use telekinesis on your very first try discourage you; most people find that many dream abilities must be learned and practiced. Keep at it, and good luck!