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    1. Alternate World

      by , 06-30-2011 at 08:44 AM
      Hi! This is my first dream journal entry. I couldn't remember last night's dream, but I do remember a dream I had earlier today when I took a 2-hour nap. It was a dream about lucid dreaming... guess that shows what's been on my mind!

      My friend S and I were in this alternate dream world; it was a dark world with really out-there architecture. I don't remember why, but S wasn't happy with how the "dream" was going and wanted to reset things. So he decides we should commit within the dream to "reset" the world. He grabs my hand and jumps off of this really high bridge-thing into the water below, which was surprisingly detailed. There were rocks and such around but we didn't hit any. I didn't want to reset the world so I resisted things, and instead we swam around exploring for a bit. Eventually we did jump into the water and drown ourselves, and ended up back at the "start" of the dream world. The beginning was this small room-like thing, I couldn't see any walls though. It was like what you would see in a picture book; the edges of my vision were black. There was this black blanket thing in the middle of the hardwood floor, and scattered around it were things that looked like toys and various trinkets. These were the most colorful things of the entire scene, though I remember most of them being a shade of pink.

      So I get this idea that I want to make love here, and I think about suggesting it to S. Then my brain goes through this cycle about the repercussions of cheating on my girlfriend T, and I decide to suggest it to her instead. Not sure how she got there but the next thing I remember is she's there instead of S and I suggest it to her. She says no because her family will see; it doesn't make sense now that I'm awake but in the dream my mind automatically knew that she meant there was some tear-like thing in the dream world that made parts of it visible to the real world. So basically her family would be able to see some of this particular part of the dream world.

      Then I woke up, or I can't remember the rest.