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    1. No Eric Northman? Hmph.

      by , 07-28-2011 at 04:49 PM
      Dream 2: This was set in the True Blood world. I was an observer (not sure if I was even "there", more like I was watching things unfold from above.) at this vampire party celebrating a major holiday... not sure which Holiday but I think it was New Years. These two vampires are there, one tall woman in red and one shorter one I can't remember. They was stuff that happened with them I can't recall. Later in the night they bring back Lafayette, a character in the show. He doesn't know everyone there is a vampire, he's basically at the door talking how awesome the party will be in his stereotypical way. When no one responds he points to the vamp on the left, which happens to be tall-woman-in-red, and said she paid him a lot of money (he said the exact amount but I can't remember it) to come. The head of the club is pleased with this because they know Lafayette is afraid of vampires and they wanted to mentally torture him some.

      I can't remember what happened after that, but obviously it wasn't good. So fastforward to what I do remember, and Tara (character on the show) and I are trying to escape an unknown vampire and his progeny who looks/acts suspiciously like Talbot, who's also a character from the show. We're looking for silver chains; I pull off this black chain from somewhere (I was familiar with the place in the dream but can't remember what it looked like now, other than it had a convenient amount of chains everywhere) but it was plastic. So I pull off -another- one that turns out to be metal. Tara and I both grab chains, she goes and hides upstairs somewhere. I end up hiding behind a chair, but I'm scared to death because it isn't a good hiding place and I know Talbot look-alike is going to see me. He does, comes over to pick me up and start talking to me.

      At this point, I'm Lafayette. This scene is confusing to remember because I can't remember if I was Lafayette the entire time after the capture or if I was just me and occasionally Lafayette. -Anyway,- I "confess" to him that I want to become a vampire because I'm tired of being bullied by vampires. I know Tara is probably thinking I'm lying, but I'm kind of serious. He says something or other about humans and their place, I can't remember what, but basically it was an emotionally intimate conversation. I reminded him that he used to be human and scared or something of that-sort. During this conversation Tara's sneaking up behind him.

      Tara does -something-, I forgot what, but next thing you know he's in the chair I was hiding behind and losing consciousness. I wrap the silver chain around his neck, and Tara stabs him with a pointy stake-looking thing that looks like one of those pointy things on the end of lights and stuff that you stick outside. Tara can't stab him in his heart for some reason, and she starts to leave and I'm like, "He isn't dead yet!" I keep urging her to kill him, but she can't bring herself to do it. I grab the stake and start stabbing at his heart, I can't find it then some random voice (maybe it was her?) talks to me about how he has two "lifeforce" points and a little digital map appears with blue lines pointing to them. He screams something along the lines of "Noooo!" as I'm about to stab him there, then he turns into vampire goo.

      Unknown-powerful-vampire started descending the stairs moments before this, and although he seemed momentarily distracted Tara and I both knew we were in big trouble and were probably going to die there since that vampire was too powerful for us. That's all I remember.

      Dream 1: This dream was split into two dreams; both about my girlfriend. One had a happy ending and the other a sad ending, but unfortunately I can't remember the happy ending or much of what happened in between the endings. What I do remember is T's father passed away, she was crying a lot over it and I was trying to comfort her. Then a few days later, she's in the street crying really hard about something and gets hit by a bus. I see this happen, run up to her and ask if she wants me to call 911. She says no (and dream-me listens for some reason lol) and then tells me that she's upset because she did the math and her relationship with her ex Allison (who doesn't exist in real-life) overlaps with her relationship with me. So I'm asking her questions as she's walking to get this scrapbook type thing. She shows it to me, and it has various dates and what-not and events that happened and how she felt about them written in it. It basically looks like one of those calendars you can write stuff in in a planner. Most of it's in red. So she's flipping through this to show me, and I wake up.
      Tags: anont, trueblood
      non-lucid , nightmare , memorable