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    1. No Eric Northman? Hmph.

      by , 07-28-2011 at 04:49 PM
      Dream 2: This was set in the True Blood world. I was an observer (not sure if I was even "there", more like I was watching things unfold from above.) at this vampire party celebrating a major holiday... not sure which Holiday but I think it was New Years. These two vampires are there, one tall woman in red and one shorter one I can't remember. They was stuff that happened with them I can't recall. Later in the night they bring back Lafayette, a character in the show. He doesn't know everyone there is a vampire, he's basically at the door talking how awesome the party will be in his stereotypical way. When no one responds he points to the vamp on the left, which happens to be tall-woman-in-red, and said she paid him a lot of money (he said the exact amount but I can't remember it) to come. The head of the club is pleased with this because they know Lafayette is afraid of vampires and they wanted to mentally torture him some.

      I can't remember what happened after that, but obviously it wasn't good. So fastforward to what I do remember, and Tara (character on the show) and I are trying to escape an unknown vampire and his progeny who looks/acts suspiciously like Talbot, who's also a character from the show. We're looking for silver chains; I pull off this black chain from somewhere (I was familiar with the place in the dream but can't remember what it looked like now, other than it had a convenient amount of chains everywhere) but it was plastic. So I pull off -another- one that turns out to be metal. Tara and I both grab chains, she goes and hides upstairs somewhere. I end up hiding behind a chair, but I'm scared to death because it isn't a good hiding place and I know Talbot look-alike is going to see me. He does, comes over to pick me up and start talking to me.

      At this point, I'm Lafayette. This scene is confusing to remember because I can't remember if I was Lafayette the entire time after the capture or if I was just me and occasionally Lafayette. -Anyway,- I "confess" to him that I want to become a vampire because I'm tired of being bullied by vampires. I know Tara is probably thinking I'm lying, but I'm kind of serious. He says something or other about humans and their place, I can't remember what, but basically it was an emotionally intimate conversation. I reminded him that he used to be human and scared or something of that-sort. During this conversation Tara's sneaking up behind him.

      Tara does -something-, I forgot what, but next thing you know he's in the chair I was hiding behind and losing consciousness. I wrap the silver chain around his neck, and Tara stabs him with a pointy stake-looking thing that looks like one of those pointy things on the end of lights and stuff that you stick outside. Tara can't stab him in his heart for some reason, and she starts to leave and I'm like, "He isn't dead yet!" I keep urging her to kill him, but she can't bring herself to do it. I grab the stake and start stabbing at his heart, I can't find it then some random voice (maybe it was her?) talks to me about how he has two "lifeforce" points and a little digital map appears with blue lines pointing to them. He screams something along the lines of "Noooo!" as I'm about to stab him there, then he turns into vampire goo.

      Unknown-powerful-vampire started descending the stairs moments before this, and although he seemed momentarily distracted Tara and I both knew we were in big trouble and were probably going to die there since that vampire was too powerful for us. That's all I remember.

      Dream 1: This dream was split into two dreams; both about my girlfriend. One had a happy ending and the other a sad ending, but unfortunately I can't remember the happy ending or much of what happened in between the endings. What I do remember is T's father passed away, she was crying a lot over it and I was trying to comfort her. Then a few days later, she's in the street crying really hard about something and gets hit by a bus. I see this happen, run up to her and ask if she wants me to call 911. She says no (and dream-me listens for some reason lol) and then tells me that she's upset because she did the math and her relationship with her ex Allison (who doesn't exist in real-life) overlaps with her relationship with me. So I'm asking her questions as she's walking to get this scrapbook type thing. She shows it to me, and it has various dates and what-not and events that happened and how she felt about them written in it. It basically looks like one of those calendars you can write stuff in in a planner. Most of it's in red. So she's flipping through this to show me, and I wake up.
      Tags: anont, trueblood
      non-lucid , nightmare , memorable
    2. Abandon Ship!

      by , 07-04-2011 at 07:17 PM
      Dream 1: The girlfriend and I were married. She looked completely different in this dream, but I knew it was her. Somehow we were on a ship; I can't remember if she got sick before or after being on the ship or if the dream started off there or what. In any case, when I went to see her we grasped hands and I could see both of our weddings rings - mine was blue sapphire and hers was this big round silver thing with a clear jewel in it (something she'd never wear in real life!) So she's sick, and doesn't have much longer to live. She's really skinny, her hair is stringy, and she's really pale. We spend time together talking and cuddling.

      We don't know what she has but the ship nurse or whatever wants me to wear gloves/a mask, which I refuse to do. So later on this same person is talking about how they're going to "sink" the ship, which in this dream meant intentionally crash the ship to cover up evidence of the illness so their company doesn't get blamed and ruined. There'd only be like four people on the boat when she did it, including my dream-wife. For some reason we'd all accepted this as fact and were pretty upset. We were supposed to evacuate, but I was contemplating remaining on the boat as they crashed it and drowning with her.

      Somehow we find out that her illness isn't as bad as we thought, and that she'll have a greater chance of surviving if we can get her medical care beyond what the ship is able to offer. I end up picking her up and carrying her off the boat in her fragile state. It was difficult because I was afraid of hurting her. No idea how the ship got docked. That's the last part of that dream I remember.

      Dream 2: Most of my memories from this dream aren't in order. I'm in this eating-type place, not sure what it is, and people are doing dishes by climbing up onto the counter and doing them in the sink from there. It was a huge counter and doing the dishes was like an obstacle course you could crawl through. I do dishes this way a few times, then one time I go to do them and they're being done. I avoid the area for awhile, then I decide to help out. This guy pops out of the sink, he's fully submerged in it and asks me not to touch the dishes. I say okay and we get into a conversation; he tells me his name is "Noh," he has long blonde hair and an australian accent/look with an asian name. Anyway, we're chatting and flirting some and then I say goodbye and he asks me if I'm going to give him a goodbye kiss. I SO want to, but instead I just say "no" because I'm taken. I have to say "no" several times because he keeps asking.

      So I'm finally able to walk away, and I end up laying down looking around the room for the girlfriend. There aren't many people around. Suddenly more people have filtered in, and the place turns into a gay bar and there's this guy trying to convince a girl to have sex with him since they're both gay and he wants to know what it's like. I think he also might have said something about using each other to hide from society. I briefly it's the guy I met earlier, but it isn't. As more people come in I start to notice that everyone, men and women, is topless and some people are leading some other person around with a scarf. I ask why everyone's topless but don't get an answer, and figure it's some party I missed out on the previous night. The girlfriend comes in soon too, and she's wearing a dress, which is unusual so I figured she must have been topless too but covered up before coming.

      This part of the dream I'm pretty sure before everything else, but it's really fragmenty so I'll just list the main points. There was a girl around my age who kept getting drinks/food for some guy, and she was complaining about feeling like a waitress and knowing exactly what he would order. We were in this large auditorium type thing and I think we were watching performers or something, not exactly sure why we were there. A large chunk of the dream happened in said auditorium but I can't remember much of it. I remember the place was all white, including the seats, and I think I ordered a pop at some point. Pretty sure g/f was also there.
      Tags: anont
      non-lucid , memorable
    3. Party

      by , 07-02-2011 at 01:56 AM
      I just took an hour and a half nap and can remember the dream, but only part of it.

      T and I were at her friends house, and there were like 10 people there. We were hanging out with them and at some point I started not feeling well. So I'm in the bathroom feeling dizzy/sick. I hide it for awhile, then later I go into a separate bedroom with T and tell her I'm not feeling well. She didn't seem too concerned and I was a bit hurt by that. I think some other things happened but I can't remember what. I leave the room and end up falling asleep on the couch, when I wake up there are like 3 different couples having sex on the couches. So I go back into the separate room again, can't really remember what happened after this except at some point T was talking to someone else. So then this local drag queen, F, comes to talk to T to watch a movie or something and she leaves with him. I got upset at the lack of time spent with her and she picked up on that so she came back a few minutes later, telling me that she paid for me so we could split the ticket.

      Then she apologizes and tells me I wasn't invited, and I start crying and saying I felt like a bad person. Then she tells me it's because we're a lesbian couple, which I already knew in the dream but was feeling like a bad person anyway.

      So I go do this "movie" thing; turns out it's really a contest. They give me a scenario and ask me to pick between some other state and Connecticut. I picked Connecticut and ended up winning a free trip to four star hotel with Tara.

      At this point the owner of the house reminds us it's getting late, and everyone starts to clear out. Somehow I end up locked outside without my stuff. I tell T and she's like, "which bag of things do you want back least?" I wasn't happy with this answer and it turned into a mini-argument.

      Fragments: At some point I noticed the time was 6am
      I had a few moments of eating candies, some of them being oversized starburst, out of my purse.
      Tags: anont
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    4. Mom's A Lesbian

      by , 07-02-2011 at 12:00 AM
      Completely forgot to mention this, but I had a dream earlier today where I told my Mom I was a lesbian and she said she was one too. A lot of other things happened after that but I can't remember them, just reminded myself of that part.
      Tags: lgbt, mom
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    5. T's House

      by , 07-01-2011 at 07:28 PM
      During my two-hour nap today I dreamt that I went over to the girlfriend's house to spend some time with her. It was completely different from what her actual house looks like, and we were making out on this queen sized bed with a thick red blanket with a gold pattern. Shortly after this I realize that I have two hours to submit a paper for my summer class. I log onto her xbox 360, which looks completely different from how they actually look. It's quite large and shaped like a 3D X. Still black though. The controllers looked exactly like mini gamecubes; one was black and one was red. I pick the red one and go online, then realize I forgot to e-mail myself the part of the paper I'd already completed. By this point I'm upset and thinking I'll get a 0 on the assignment, but not wanting to go back to try to finish it because I wanted to hang out with her.

      So I give up on it and start playing this weird game on T's 360. It was a choose your own adventure game with completely normal choices, but the cover art of every menu screen pictured topless characters. I played through it once, got a bad ending, then T and I decided to switch games because we couldn't figure out how to get out of the menu screens. We manage to switch to a game that's set in this strange world with misplaced sexual things. For example, the doorknobs would be breasts. We were playing through it and laughing at it when T's Mom walks in, asks her a question then shakes her head at the game. We got a laugh out of that.

      I somehow notice the time, not sure where, and realize that I'd misread the time earlier and that I really had around five hours to complete my paper. T decides it's best to take me home, although I wasn't happy about this, so we inform her Mom we're leaving.

      I can't remember when this happened, but somewhere in there T mentioned to her Mom that her friend J had suggested a roadtrip to California. Her Mom said something like, "Yeah, and how would her parents feel about that?" in a kind of "you know they wouldn't approve" way.
      Tags: anont
    6. Alternate World

      by , 06-30-2011 at 08:44 AM
      Hi! This is my first dream journal entry. I couldn't remember last night's dream, but I do remember a dream I had earlier today when I took a 2-hour nap. It was a dream about lucid dreaming... guess that shows what's been on my mind!

      My friend S and I were in this alternate dream world; it was a dark world with really out-there architecture. I don't remember why, but S wasn't happy with how the "dream" was going and wanted to reset things. So he decides we should commit within the dream to "reset" the world. He grabs my hand and jumps off of this really high bridge-thing into the water below, which was surprisingly detailed. There were rocks and such around but we didn't hit any. I didn't want to reset the world so I resisted things, and instead we swam around exploring for a bit. Eventually we did jump into the water and drown ourselves, and ended up back at the "start" of the dream world. The beginning was this small room-like thing, I couldn't see any walls though. It was like what you would see in a picture book; the edges of my vision were black. There was this black blanket thing in the middle of the hardwood floor, and scattered around it were things that looked like toys and various trinkets. These were the most colorful things of the entire scene, though I remember most of them being a shade of pink.

      So I get this idea that I want to make love here, and I think about suggesting it to S. Then my brain goes through this cycle about the repercussions of cheating on my girlfriend T, and I decide to suggest it to her instead. Not sure how she got there but the next thing I remember is she's there instead of S and I suggest it to her. She says no because her family will see; it doesn't make sense now that I'm awake but in the dream my mind automatically knew that she meant there was some tear-like thing in the dream world that made parts of it visible to the real world. So basically her family would be able to see some of this particular part of the dream world.

      Then I woke up, or I can't remember the rest.