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    1. school assignment

      by , 08-16-2011 at 05:11 AM
      I was walking through a highschool i had never seen before. there was much to the dream and i was fairly aware without being lucid. I can remember walking down the halls with a really baggy sweater on. next to me was someone i had not spoken to much for around a year. in the pocket of the hoodie i pulled out a weird looking limited edition copy of GTA 4. I told my friend that the game was a classic and that it was always a good idea to keep on copy on yourslef. I then shoved it awkwardly back into the pocket although it came out quite easily. THen i went up a flight of stairs and started looking for the class i was supposed to be in. I was wondering around the second story hall when a teacher popped out of the door and called for me to get to class. i went inside and learned we had a large homework assignment due. i checked my papers and I had about one sheet of work done. My other friend who i have been in school with since middle school showed me his paper and it was about 5 double sided pages of line after line writing. I asked him if it took long and he said yes about 5 and a half hours. My teacher than came up too me and looked at my work. she told me it was ok since i missed a day ( I have type 1 diabetes and tend to miss quite a bit of school) and that i could hand it in tomorrow. I started to become worried that I would have to spend all those hours on something i didnt even know about really. I was freaking out for qutie awhile. I then woke up and was still concerned about that homework. I had to realize and convince myself briefly that i had jsut dreamt it all and that it was hte middle of the summer so no sweat.

      It was a weird experience when I woke up, but I had forgotten to take my night time shot of insulin and my blood sugar levels where about 5x too high, this makes me feel sick to my sthomach and have very short periods of sleep. Tonight my blood s ugars are back in control and i will attain lucidity!!!!! =D