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    1. As volcanoes erupt above, massacre rages below

      by , 06-17-2012 at 03:01 PM
      This morning's dream was quite detailed, and although part of the dream after the first one has been blocked out, many scenes still remain intact. A few scenes become slightly graphic

      There was a man lying on the ground. The room was dark, with scenes of red curtains, and possibly tables and gold-framed portraits strewn throughout. Suddenly, another man walks in and starts shooting pistol rounds at him. I counted about 20 rounds, or more than 100 shots fired. The pretext for this terrible scene, I do not remember.

      Time to report this massacre to someone close-by. Number of killed: 1. Could that really aptly describe the horror to the full extent?

      West Java, Indonesia

      Somewhere, a strong earthquake jolted the region, affecting a rural area outside the city of Jakarta. There was a volcanic eruption that turned the sky red around the world. Somewhere, possibly in Japan, another volcanic eruption changed the character of the sky.

      One tribe in Java offended another. For some reason, a war began, and tanks started rolling into the fields. Many were killed, and women and children were seen hiding in their tents, as bombs exploded around them. The facade said this was Kota Kinabalu. But that's in Malaysia, on the island of Borneo.

      What did they even fight over?

      Soon, a ceasefire was declared, as the tribes came to terms with the conflict. Nobody made a move for days, then days turned into weeks, and weeks months. A pile of dust still lay unforbidden.

      China, 1989

      There was some Western company being sent in, a camera attached to the back of a fruit fly, to send into the nasal passages of a person. Inside, there were a series of rooms, four floors, and a conference meeting in one. Not much going on anywhere, but suddenly a stampede of people rushed toward the pool. A British filmmaker joined me. The crazy woman, as she was called, Caucasian and dark brown hair, swam all the way to the opposite shore at an impossible speed, and took a basket, filling it quickly with water. It formed a Canada goose shape, which then rose on top the water in the form of a bubble, which burst, and people laughed.

      I highly recommend this book, I wrote. It brings an air of humanity fo 1980's and 90's Asia, including the events in Indonesia and Tiananmen Square, even to the police and soldiers who instigated the massacre in various places.

      I woke up for the second time now, this time about 40 minutes before I had set my alarm to ring. Perhaps this was because I had a lot of work.
    2. The murderer's accomplice

      by , 01-22-2012 at 06:55 PM
      Dream: January 14, 2012

      This was another one of my 9-day dreams, the dream that occurs once every nine days since I began blogging/journalling. Although more of my dreams were being remembered now, this one was particularly stark (reader's discretion advised).

      A dark tragedy unfolded in 1989: the Montreal Massacre, at the École Polytechnique in December of that year. The perpetrator was Marc Lépine, who went on a rampage against those he called 'feminists'. This time, he was still alive, had an accomplice, and that was me.

      I didn't know what the murderer really looked like, but the description seemed to fit. He uncocked his gun, shot fewer than a dozen people, who fell to the ground. That part would be blocked out from my memory, for I too was in shock.

      We ran onto some grounds, a mix between a university campus and a hospital. The perpetrator again pointed his gun, but this time some security guards ran out, using walkie-talkies to signal each other that there had been an incident nearby. One or two of them were female, blonde, but none of them knew of our presence. Other than the atrocities we were about to commit, it was a rather fine day, little or no snow on the grass, and not a cloud in the sky.

      We ran beside a concrete wall, in some type of enclosure. Marc lined up four adults: two men and two women; two Asians, one middle-eastern and one Caucasian. None of them seemed related. I stood to the side as the crime scene unfolded. The lights dimmed. It was a scary sight.

      One by one, he shot them with a semi-automatic revolver. Blood flowed from their faces, and they dropped to the floor. A short time later, I woke up, trying to remember what was going on.

      I had had some dreams before, in which a murder took place. Usually though, the person being pursued or killed was me. This time, though, I had actually been the accomplice to a murder. Never before had I been the actual murderer. Well, let's just hope it stays that way.