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    The Nightflare Chronicles..

    Just my dream journal- Judging by some of the dreams I tend to have, reading through this in a months time will make me question my sanity more than usual. This should help improve my dream recall, and in the distant future I may even experience lucidity.
    Being lucid while awake would be a good start, though.

    1. Night 1- My dreams have lag

      by , 08-04-2012 at 02:41 PM (The Nightflare Chronicles..)
      Right, so, my first entry- something wierd happened towards the end, but I'll come to that in a minute.

      *****DREAM STARTS*****
      I've walking across a flat desert with some old classmates from highschool, who I haven't seen for about 4 years. On the horizon we can see buildings- They're clearly very far away, but they still appear towering and huge, and look faintly futuristic. As we draw closer, I see that there is a power plant, and what appears to be a launch tower for some kind of space shuttle.
      When we arrive, we're greeted by a very tall man, who takes us on a guided tour of the power plant. At one point, he picks the 3 of us up and sprints down a spiral staircase very fast, making us dizzy, and then puts us down and disappears. We're in a sealed room, and the staircase is gone. As far as I can remember, the walls were made of metal. I phone the tour guide, and explain that we're trapped, and he says that my friends and i will have to find some way of passing the time.
      A door then opens up in the wall, and I walk out of it. I'm taken to the edge of a forest, and told that I have to do a 25 mile run through it. I protest that I wouldn't be able to manage even 1 mile, and they just tell me to follow the path.

      When the race begins, I start running, but about 5 minutes in I get to a long stretch of path, with leaves littering the floor. It looks similar to THIS photograph. As I'm running along it, my vision seems to stretch, as if my FOV suddenly increased dramatically, everything seemed to stutter for a bit, and I was snapped back to the start again. Put simply, I'm having major connection issues (maybe I should turn my firewall off? )
      This happens every time I reach that point.


      Ok, this is the weird bit- I'm not entirely sure what happened here- was I in a partial DILD or what? Basically, after this point, I was aware that I was dreaming and started thinking of nothing but dream control. It still felt fragmented and dreamlike- it didn't match any of the descriptions of lucid dreams I've read, but at the same time, I WAS briefly aware that I was in a dream....

      the third time this happened, I realised that I was dreaming- I tried to grab on to the landscape, and kept telling myself that I'm dreaming. Everything then went completely dark- I had no body- and a sort of control panel appeared on my vision- like some kind of GUI. Bear in mind, at the time, as soon as I'd realized I'm in a dream, I had an urge to control EVERYTHING. It had a load of sliders for things like characters, landscapes, etc, and when I moved them things appeared in my dream. I used my usual approach of pressing things randomly until something works, and I managed to get two people running around in a room, but the 'graphics' were blocky and I was viewing everything from above. I then woke up, and tried to perform a reality check, but it was either a false awakening or I fell asleep again immediately, because I then woke up again. That time I was definitely fully awake and conscious, unfortunately

      Another thing to note, is that just as I was waking up the first time, I could hear someone talking about driving trains, and how he has to wear a different jacket to drive different trains (I don't even know anymore.. my mind is clearly a very strange place)

      *****DREAM ENDS*****

      Right, so a few thoughts on this- firstly, I had the feeling that I was almost in a lucid dream at one stage, but it didn't actually feel lucid- Any thoughts or comments on that? Is that something anybody's experienced? Does it mean I'm on the right track or not?

      And the other thing is that I've clearly been spending too much time on the computer recently- lagging dreams, FOV and a GUI? Yeah, not normal

      I've tagged this as non-lucid, since I'm fairly sure I wasn't actually in a lucid dream, but I'm still confused about that.