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    1. The Roller Coaster, The Shanty Town, The Ocean, and the Talent Show.

      by , 10-18-2012 at 09:24 PM
      October 17, 2012 - The night after the nap!

      Pre-knowledge: I didn't do any of my normal techniques, nor did I attempt to become lucid. I just went to bed, because I was SO tired

      The Dream:

      The first thing I remember was that I was in line for a roller coaster. The line went up and up and up, because the docking platform for the carts was very high off the ground. This guy in a suit came up to me, grabbed my arm, and pulled me passed everyone in the line. The gate to the docking platform opened and he shoved me through, I tripped up a little bit. I looked back and the guy was gone. There was nobody operating the controls for the roller coaster. There were no carts. Everyone in line was staring at me. Suddenly, a cart came in to the station. I got in the front seat. It didn't move. Everyone was still just staring at me.

      There was a gap or a jump in my dream, and I was in a small coastline town. Maybe only a couple hundred people in it. There were a few small bars I visited, nothing interesting happened. Except, I did have a drink at one of the bars. It made my vision extremely blurry. It only persisted for a little while. I walked around the town. There was a street that was designated to roadside shops. I walked down it, browsing for something. I don't know what.

      Again there was another blur I don't remember, but after that I tried to get away from the town, because it was a bad place to be. There was a path that led up into the country-side that I walked up. And it winded into a crevice. I continued following the path through the crevice. After some walking, I turned the corner, and there was a large gate. It was a wall of aluminum that kind of opened up like a garage. There was a guard on top that said "No passing through," so I turned around.

      It was dinner time, so I went back to that pub/bar. My friend Kevin was there. I asked what he wanted for dinner. He said "I'll have water.. and a bass guitar." I didn't question it. I ate. He drank his water. After, we went to this auditorium. There was a TON of people here. I'm pretty sure the whole town gathered up. I sat in the audience and Kevin went backstage. It turned out to be a talent show.

      A bunch of acts played but the only one I remember was this kid with dreads who's last name was Hoody. He was a rapper. He did pretty well, and used his last name in a few lines. It was interesting. He looked at me after every line. I was in the front. So I wasn't sure if it was just because I was in the front, or because he just felt like looking at me. It was kind of creepy. Then there was another hazy part that I don't remember.

      The next thing I remember was that I still had the desire to leave the town. I went to the coastline/beach with my friend Kevin. I figured we could swim away in the ocean. Right when I set foot on the water, four or five policemen popped up out of nowhere in what looked like to be some advanced jet skis and prevented us from going in.

      Another blur happened. I went to these giant docks (what looked like a harbor,) and got on a battleship. I was standing on the very bow of the battleship, and it pulled out of port. I saw this as a way of escape from that piece of garbage town. After a few minutes of riding the waves, the huge guns behind me turned to starboard side and started firing. I couldn't really see what it was shooting at, but the sound and smoke knocked me down a little bit. It was kind of like getting flashbanged, but not as intense. A torpedo hit the side of the boat, and it went down, I jumped off the other side of the boat before it tipped and nose-dove into the water. I was a couple hundred feet underwater for some reason, and the boat came down on top of me.

      Suddenly, I was back riding the battleship again. And the same exact thing happened. It was as if I respawned. The torpedo hit the battleship, but this time, I jumped off the opposite side I had before. I lived. I saw the ship go down, underwater, and it seemed to be on fire underwater. Smoke was billowing from it. I swam to the surface, and woke up.

      I'll go deeper into this later. I have to go take an exam.