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    1. RCs, stabilisation + a bit of dream magic

      by , 03-02-2013 at 06:23 PM
      Dream recall last night was poor again, but remember one dream which was lucid.

      At the start I'm back home at my sister's talking to her neighbours about work and the benefit system, which isn't helping them out. It's a bit of a mix up because the characters are in real life families that come to the wildlife centre I volunteer at. I'm vague on what happened next, but I think I false awoke and decided to go back to 'sleep' to go directly into a dream again - I didn't shut my eyes, just lay down and ended up in another part of the dream.

      I'm vague again on the next bit, but a little while (maybe 30s-2mins) into the lucidity I decided to get tactile (even tho the dream was stable in its own right). I rubbed my hands together and I'm suddenly rubbing a girl up with a blue dress on. (Given my matress sheet is similar in colour, would this have been symbolic of me rubbing the bed in real life? Surely my body was paralysed at that stage?). Anyway I snogged the girl, which didn't really behave exactly like real snogs I've had (probably because I don't do it enough and need lessons, lol - for instance I had a 2nd date today with a girl I'd kissed on Sat last, the first kiss since Aug 2012). I false awoke from that, did a reality check - my finger never went through my hand but I could tell from the groginess I was dreaming still. I was in a clasroom tidying up. I was getting annoyed/tired until it occured to me to use some dream magic and automatically clear it up - rather than picking things up I rubbed them out (felt a bit rubbing stuff out on an image file using editing software) and cleared up in no time. Last thing I remember was hearing the voice of a teacher from secondary school, as I brought a pile of books to a desk in the corner (which looked more like a kindergarten/nursey/playschool than his classroom) and debating with him whether or not a concept was covered in his Business studies class or in Economics.

      What is intriguing is that I feel my technique is close to fruition. My routine is 25 mins of meditation prior to bed - it can either be standard meditation saying an anchor word like 'MARANATHA' or, in accordance with a lucid dreaming video I did, where your anchor is pretending you're comfortable in bed and in a lucid dream saying the phrase 'I am lucid the world is vivid'. I follow this with the second video, a subliminal induction video. The tricky bit I do at the end is saying affirmations as I fall asleep like 'I will have lucid dreams' and 'When I dream, I will becom lucid'. The issue is that I was too intense previously and couldn't get to sleep easily. The trick this time, particularly this morning was to say the affirmations 10-20 times, then drift asleep. I'm not sure what worked/didn't but will discuss this at one of my lucid dreaming forums in London tomorrow. Something tells me there's one or two things that can be trimmed out of the routine, but that I've got something good going.

      Updated 03-02-2013 at 06:41 PM by 60532

      lucid , false awakening , dream fragment