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    Raven's Roost

    Deep into that darkness peering, long I stood there, wondering, fearing, doubting, dreaming dreams no mortal ever dared to dream before.

    1. First DJ entry!

      by , 04-19-2013 at 09:32 PM (Raven's Roost)
      Hello everyone, Raven here!

      My dreams have always been vivid, however in the past few nights that I've discovered lucid dreaming, they have been even more so than usual. Hopefully soon I will have my first lucid dream... I can't wait. They sound just unbelievable and I'm a bit obsessed with having one... Ultimate power, creativity, and the chance to change yourself by interacting directly to your subconscious sounds amazing!

      Anyway, without further ado, here is the dream I had last night - and my first entry!

      Mutiny in the Exterminators!

      Genre: Sci-Fi, Action

      Legnth: Long and Vivid

      Normal Dream Lucid Dream

      I find myself in a squad of seven people, all dressed in high-tech armor and weaponry. Five of them men, including myself, the other two very attractive women - one with white hair and the other a pretty brunette. We are making our way into a factory, that is evidently infected with aliens/bugs/zombie creatures. A few minutes into exploring, we find a giant room filled with thousands of eggs. As we examine them, a movement above us stirs, and in a knee jerk reaction one of us begins opening fire on the ceiling. The light of the nozzle flares reveal the presence of HUNDREDS of full grown mother alien/zombies, and they are almost identical to Alien from... Alien... Except that they have wings and can fly as well.

      We open fire, tearing down dozens of them as they swarm down upon us. There are too many so we retreat up a flight of stairs onto a catwalk, and then into a ventilation system. We handle the aliens pretty well, as we begin to bottleneck them in the vents, however they get wise and begin tearing through the bottom of the vents... "Clever girl" I think grimly. We continue out of the ventilation shaft into a massive cylindrical room that seems to be some sort of reactor. Think the giant room in Star Wars where Darth Vader tells Luke the horrible truth. We get a while to sit and make contact with home base, who turns out to be Malory, Archer's mother, from the cartoon show Archer on FX. Halfway through reporting our findings, we lose connection to find one of our group members has jammed the signal.

      Suddenly I realize that there is about to be a mutiny, because evidently the only way to get a raise as an alien exterminator is to kill your friends and take it. One of the mutineers raises his gun at my face, grinning.Before he can pull the trigger, WHOOSH, an alien mother comes out of no where and grabs the first mutineer, we will call him Jones. Screaming, Jones disappears from sight. Not missing a beat, white haired girl opens fire upon my male colleague and pretty brunette girl. We return fire, and battle with each other slowly up a spiral staircase working its way up the reactor. The second mutineer, male, jumps on me, and in a short scuffle I push him over the railing, screaming.

      I rush to the top of the stairs, to find that everyone is in a mexican standoff. White hair girl is aiming a pistol at my brunette, who is aiming at the last male mutineer, who is aiming at my last male ally, who is aiming at white hair girl. I walk up, and aim at white hair girl, grinning. She quickly whips out another pistol and aims it at my face. "Touche," I say impressed.

      Suddenly, the reincarnated zombie bug version of Jones jumps up from the reactor core, startling everyone. I take this moment to blast white hair in the back of the head. Without missing a beat I grab her left arm and spin her around, using her as a shield when male mutineer begins to shoot at me. Aiming her arm, I squeeze white hair's lifeless hand and shoot mutineer through the forehead, unfortunately not before he kills our last male ally with his assault rifle.

      As brunette and I leave the factory, we find that the world has been overrun by darkness, and it seems like years have past. The dream fades.