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    1. Rare Tickets

      by , 06-20-2013 at 04:15 PM
      Level of Lucidity: 0
      Level of Clarity: 5
      Level of Realism: 4
      (levels based 0-10, 0-5 being low - good 5-10 being great - extreme)

      I am sitting in my grandparents basement which is now my Uncles living quarters. There's a few other people standing around in the room, they seem to be friends but I can't make out who they are. The room is dark. The television is on. There's an advertisement for a new movie on the TV. One of the friends in the room says that he has some tickets to get to see the movie, about 6 of them. Everyone in the room reacted as if he just said he has a bunch of guns and wants us to sell them, and we're some sort of mafia.

      The dream gets hazy but we wind up in a car going to a restaurant, and in the car the "mob boss" is telling us that these are VERY rare movie tickets, and that we should make sure not to just sell them for an average movie ticket price, because these tickets are for a movie which isn't out yet, making the price worth 10x what they normally are.

      The dream skips a bit and now me, and a friend are sitting at a table in a restaurant. It's a nice restaurant, there's waiters wearing nice white shirts and ties carrying black trays with fine wines and foods. The room is dimly lit in a semi-romantic sort of way, and the decoration around us consists of statues, fancy paintings and such.

      I was watching myself and my friend talking to a lady at the table in third person. I didn't look like myself. I looked like Jason Sudeikis:

      The lady at the table was trying to bargain with us for the tickets. I told her "No! We won't take ANYTHING less than 300 Euros for two tickets."

      The lady shook her head and reached forward for an empty plate. She moved it closer to her and then set 150 Euros on the plate. One 100 Euro note, and one 50 Euro note. She then slid it closer to us and raised her eyebrow as if to challenge us.

      I accepted the challenge and said "You know what.... It's 60,000 Euros now!" She started to get up and reach for her money to leave when my friend sitting next to me dove forward for the money, but it was just out of reach, so he started using his fork to try to hook the plate to pull it towards him. I suddenly felt like I was watching from third person, and was no longer a character in the scene. I started laughing at the ridiculousness of the two guys at the table, it felt like I was watching a good comedy. Then Jason said "Ohhh! I see how this works! You get paid more depending on your rank!" (This of course made no sense.. but dream logic ftw.)

      Finally my friend got a hold on the money and sat back in his chair as if nothing happened, and he didn't just dive across a fine dining table. The lady looked over to Jason and he sighed and tossed down two tickets. The lady made a "Ahem!" sort of coughing noise, and then reached in her purse, and aimed a small gun at him, she was robbing us for the tickets. Jason sighed again and tossed the other 4 tickets down too. "Oh come on!" - Jason.

      The dream becomes hazy and I woke up.