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    1. Nov 16 Dream Journal pt 1: I created a monster!

      by , 11-16-2013 at 10:35 PM
      In dream one, I was in a city in the evening, possibly dusk. I think I was part of an envoy visiting a city; Dream Knowledge tells me that my group represents the historical lost Loulan Kingdom. Since I have little to no knowledge of actual Loulan culture, my brain just used a combination of Nepalese and Indian culture instead. I'm also not an official citizen of Loulan in this dream, but rather I tagged along with them as a sanctioned visitor.

      The setting of the city we are in resembles Elizabethan architecture, but with a little more of a fantasy twist. It was a little vague at first, but slowly, the city resembled the city tile set from the game Neverwinter Nights (NWN; a game which I played the shit out of). I think the more I made that connection, the more the city took on that look. And that's when I became aware of our hired guard/guide.

      So, background context: I played NWN alot on a RP-based player-made module, and one of the characters I played was an Autistic/Schizophrenic, or at least versions of the disorders based on my poor understanding of them at the time. I played this character long enough that he evolved to be the premiere fighter in this world, which made communicating with this character that much more frustrating because on one hand, he's a lovably difficult guy to talk to; yet on the other hand, you know he can murder you into bits on a whim.

      ANYWAYS, D&D-masturexposition aside, yes, that character appeared in my dream. He was just another random guy at first, but my theory is that once my brain decided that the setting resembled NWN, it started filling in the gaps until suddenly, I realized who I'm looking at.

      Two takeaways for me: 1) I think there was a point where I had the realization along the lines of "hey, I created you." Hopefully, this is a breakthrough to being able to question dream realities, because 2) I'm not sure how, but my POV shifts and I possess/become this character.

      So, background/nerd masturbatory exposition two: The guards in the NWN module I played were designed to be ridonk OP as a way to keep a gaggle of maxed out characters from creating pure chaos during events. So of course, during OOC periods I'd go fight these guards just to see how fast I die; but I eventually figured out the right combination of gear, and proceed to massacre cities after cities with my guy -- because, y'know, GTA made me do it.

      So ANYWAYS, I think brain memory kicked in; so for whatever reason, next thing I know, I'm fighting the whole city in my dream now, and somehow, I think I was the victim. The rest of the envoy was nowhere to be found. I wake up as the city burns around me.

      Updated 11-16-2013 at 10:41 PM by 66359
