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    1. Nov 23, 24 Dream Journal: So Meta!

      by , 11-25-2013 at 05:47 AM
      Nov 23

      Can't recall too much of my dreams, and didn't write any down. I do recall eating some sort of colorful thing, like candy? Berries? Snozzberries? Either way, I slept well, and woke up feeling content.

      Nov. 24

      I was wandering around a series of buildings, like in a office compound or something. But at some point, my brain decided office buildings suck, and I'm now walking around the campus of Greendale Community College.

      It was a bit Truman Show-esque, since a part of me is aware that GCC is supposed to be on the set of Community, but at the same time I'm also aware I'm also an "actual" student. The dream didn't go anywhere though before I woke up; no GCC flag, no Luis Guzman statue, no Gang of Seven.