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    1. Online Friend Comes to the Rescue in a False Awakening Intruder Dream

      by , 03-18-2014 at 03:57 PM

      8 am non-lucid

      Had dream set in my apartment but not false awakening, just a normal dream.

      In a few instances, people (seemingly harmless, like an old lady) would sneak into my apartment and try to steal things, but then I'd catch the, and shoo them away.

      There was a man in my dream who stayed with me to protect me. Something was wrong with him, maybe depression, so he didn't have a job. He was engaged to someone. He is Asian. I think he is one of my online friends from waking life.

      At one point, he and my husband met. They talked about me in a protective, caring way.

      9:16 am non-lucid

      I did have sort of a false awakening dream where I was scared of an intruder and couldn't get out of bed, but I wasn't lucid.

      Someone who isn't Christian is teaching the Bible. He comes to a point where the class thinks there is a contradiction. He explains that they're right and how that's just a mistake since it's just a book. I want to say no, but I'm in bed so I can't. Then someone next to me in a chair, Darryl from The Office, says, "No, it's not a contradiction."
    2. Charming Man with Evil Female Presence Undertones

      by , 03-16-2014 at 03:17 PM

      6:39 am non-lucid

      Dream Part 2

      I overhear a school's presentation in another class after hearing Japanese coming from the class. I decide to join in and watch and the scene transitions to outside at a Japanese concert with Japanese music. I find my friends and cheer. Then, it goes back to the classroom, in which I'm cheering for the presenter.

      Not sure if this was the same presenter, but one of the presentations is about Conan O'Brien. Student dresses up, looking like Conan, has red hair. After the presentation I bump into him on the way to the parking lot and congratulate him. I'm charmed by him and almost forget that I'm headed to the wrong parking lot, supposed to be going to a satellite parking lot further away.

      The guy is actually some sort of witch that kills its victims when he gets them to go back to his hotel with him. He is male, but has a evil female presence. I realize this. My friend is worried about me, but I tell her not to worry, I broke away and left for my car.

      Somehow we do end up at the hotel. Me, my friend (female), my husband and that guy. I remember my love for my husband to avoid getting charmed by him, but I'm worried for my friend. All of the sudden, we're running from him and we go down to the basement (my mother's) to escape, but it's too late for my friend. She tells us to go, she'll hold him off. Her fingernails dig into the archway of the entrance to the basement stairway. He gets to her and kills her. This is when she comes to the realization of what the presentation really meant. Conan O'Brien was just a cover. The aspect of wanting to see him stood for loss, mourning and missing one's loved ones who have passed away.

      This dream didn't make my heart pound or terrify me, but I still think it's a nightmare because I'm left creeped out, lingering into my waking life.

      Was scared to go to the bathroom alone after I woke up and brought my husband with me. Scarily enough, the mirror to the medicine cabinet was open! I had him close it.

      I also had this feeling towards the end of the dream that my own fingernail was digging into my skin (I don't know if it actually was in real life) and needed to wake up to stop it.
    3. Zombies in the Basement... maybe?

      by , 03-12-2014 at 01:16 PM

      3:10 am non-lucid

      Zombies. Eventually we have to live downstairs in a basement to escape (or be kept away from). We seem to have been infected, but it's not so bad.

      Atmosphere transfers from dark to comedic. I, as Lesley Knope at one point, am called back to the above ground, but in a protective suit as not to infect others, in order to feed someone who won't eat. (Maybe he was infected, not us?)

      Wasn't always Leslie Knope, just at that point. Comedy montage music playing in the background.

      Before that point my husband and I am in the basement with another couple.

      Some sort of analogy to Japanese language learning blogs and my job at JALUP. Tofugu included.

      One of our cats in the basement with us.

      We're hiding in the basement. Dream didn't start off in the basement, but I don't remember point before basement.

      Playing board games till 6pm with another girl who loves games. This brings on the talk of Japanese learning blogs. She works for Tofugu.
    4. 2/27/14 non-lucid dreams

      by , 02-27-2014 at 04:54 PM
      February 27th, 2014

      6:45 am non-lucid

      Dream 3

      Traveling, perhaps in Japan, all sorts of weird weather phenomenon. Such as a rainbow that half way through turned into heavy clouds.

      Dream 2

      Visited a Japanese store in the U.S. with my husband, met with a young teen who goes to the same high school my husband went to. He was being bullied, so I invited him to sit with us. We had our tablets out and talked about Graal. Fourth person entered discussion. I was tempted to download it again and explained I'm from the PC generation and don't really like the Android version. Harder to control and some people there are rude. Boy was sitting on opposite side of the table then moved to my side. Got out his portable DVD player or something like it and started playing a music video in which a girl is naked, her breasts clearly exposed. I though it was weird he had no shame in watching it in front of us. He got out a 2nd device and started laying Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon (drama version) and I told him I haven't finished that drama yet but have seen that episode. He had four devices total out.

      Earlier in the dream before meeting him but still in the store, I got out my 3DS from my backpack to turn it on sleep mode so that I can meet people in the shop. Screen had notably more scratch-like smudges than before. I wanted to wipe them off but had no felt. Blamed my husband for taking the felt.

      After we all left by train, the boy, who was only in the U.S. for the weekend, took the train going south, while my husband and I took the train going north. We got to the train by going up the stairs. It was so crowded. I got separated from my husband who was in a booth. I went to a crowded seated area and sat in a long single seat with a feet rest facing the window. I thought it was weird, but then I saw a close friend of mine in a different train below from the window in the same kind of seat but not facing the window. I let my husband know I made it on the train, perhaps through a text.

      A little girl from the daycare I work at called out my name from behind. She was sitting in the same kind of seat. Stranger was sitting next to her. I wondered why she was all alone. She looked so excited.

      Dream 1

      Snowy day (?), ordered pizza. Pizza guy was mad, perhaps because we were close to the pizza store (?). But my husband and I thought we were justified.

      Finished writing at 7:06 am.

      9:53 am non-lucid

      Woke up many times from alarm, just didn't want to get up.

      Had a dream that I went to see a live show. I think the scenario repeated itself twice. Went to balcony floor. Performer complained, but more people started coming up anyways.

      Classmate was in the dream. Was given a prize trip to Connecticut and rolled his eyes. As the next prize fell I grabbed for it. I think the prize was cleaning supplies. I gave it to the person next to me. When I went to grab for it, it was going in that person's direction and I kind of leaned over to grab it. Though, my classmate, even though he doesn't know what the prize is, looked like he wanted to trade.

      Performer asked Andy from The Office what he thought of the show, and he gave a good response and dropped my name in appreciation for reasons I don't remember. He used my internet alias, lumiina. Attention was on me. I tried to make a nice comment, but didn't appear sincere. I didn't really like the performer and thought he was a jerk.
    5. Second dream inspired by the drama Limit

      by , 02-22-2014 at 04:58 PM
      February 22, 2014

      6:15 am
      Woke-up remembering scary or mystery themed music from my dream and not remembering much else. Felt like another thought process dream in which I am just thinking, like in real life, but when I wake up forget what I am thinking about. The notes went lowest note - highest note - second lowest note - second highest note repeating again and again. It didn't feel special enough of a tune to go to my computer to record the exact notes, and I don't remember the exact tune anymore.

      Got up, brushed teeth and hair. Went back to sleep.

      Mantra: 夢を見ています (I am dreaming.) すごい夢を見ています (I am dreaming an awesome dream.) 嬉しい気持ち (happy feelings).

      I thought maybe if I did my mantra in Japanese, I would dream in Japanese. I've had dreams in Japanese before.

      7:08 am Haven't fallen asleep.
      7:45 am Still not asleep.
      9:59 am Just woke up.

      3rd Dream - Part 2
      Had a dream about Japanese school life (second time since watching the drama Limit). All of my classmates are Japanese, including me. I'm not really in the dream, seeing through a different girl's perspective. We're all at a restaurant. Then the police come to say there's been a murder. My friend, a guy, and I try to run to the back and escape because we're scared, but we end up sitting down at our table with our other friend, a girl. We learn that the murder has been committed by our other friend, who is often bullied. She killed her parents. I'm so shocked and wonder why. If she could kill her parents, she could kill her friends too. I can now picture her face clearly at this point in the dream. She's not really there, just my dream self remembering what she looks like. She looks like the manga artist from the drama Limit. I also remember being sad for her. I hear her screaming in my head, "来なくて" (go away) again and again, through it is grammatically incorrect and should be 来ないで. I run to my friend, a guy, sitting at another table. His presence feels like Ron Swanson from Parks and Rec. I hug him and he comforts me. Aside from that one line, the dream is in English. It wasn't scary, more like a movie. Last scene, we are leaving the restaurant in a car and I remember seeing a police van and wondering if our friend is in there.

      3rd Dream - Part 1
      Before this dream changed into a murder scene. I remember mixing a drink at the table with my friend, a girl. The presence is the same girl who was at the table in Part 2 of the dream. At this point we don't have distinguished ethnicities and I am myself. The drink was an orange-colored smoothie. We came to the idea that we want to pour orange-colored cough syrup in it. It tasted disgusting, like curdled milk. The cough syrup absolutely ruined the smoothie, separating the fruit juice from the cream, turning it a gray color with lumps. We realized it was a bad idea.

      2nd Dream
      My mom and the girl I nanny and her family. My mom wanted to plan some sort of event. I was in my mom's kitchen at one point and Nila's living room at another point. I asked my mom at one point if she was going to cook for the event, perhaps turkey. She had eating out/bringing in food from outside more in mind. I suggested a specific restaurant, but she didn't like the idea.

      **Note: I know the name of the specific restaurant and wrote it in my physical dream journal, just leaving out that detail since it might reveal where I live.

      1st Dream
      I might've been at school. Hallway, elevator. Perhaps Japanese club. I think a presence like Michael Scott from The Office might've been there. Group of people.

      All dreams were non-lucid. By the time I finished writing down my dreams it was 10:24 am.

      Reflections: I want to meet the girl who looked like the manga artist from Limit (dream character) while lucid. I have a lingering feeling of wanting to know more about her.