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    1. Close Call

      by , 03-22-2014 at 04:19 PM
      1:31 AM
      Dream number two didn’t exactly happen, but I’m writing down the experience anyways. In summary, I’m pretty much scared when I shouldn’t be lol. I put on some LD Audio before I went to bed (Binaural Beats & Beach Ambience). Then, I put my iPod away and tried to WILD. It worked.
      I forgot I was WILD-ing for a bit and started to dream “normally”. I was in the back of my Chemistry classroom, and my teacher was reading off dorms for a class trip (this makes sense; I’m going on a field trip later in the year but with a different class). Then I heard a creepy woman’s voice list the types of rooms. Two of them were “Panic Room” and “Lucid Room”. There were about five others but I don’t remember the rest. Panic room was first on the list, so she read the description: “Panic Room. This room will make you want to skin yourself alive.” I then got deep chills from fear/creepiness/whatever. Those chills turned into the intense shaking that someone gets from sleep paralysis (and I realized that). I tried to imagine myself falling into my dream from the sky, since the shaking gave off a “sound” like rushing air. I then saw a creepy skeleton/lady face (but faint, similar to the ghost images you see in front of your eyelids). I then decided not to enter the dream, but instead inhale quickly a couple times and wake up.
      This did freak me out quite a bit, but I don’t think it is that bad. I did get a few things out of this while having the comfort that dreams are just dreams and I’m always safe, no matter how vivid a LD is.
      1) I can induce an LD without the aid of audio.
      2) I can enter sleep paralysis.
      3) I’m able to WILD without the wake-back-to-bed method.
      I don’t think my “nightmare” was a negative thing, but rather a way for my body to induce sleep paralysis. The fact that a “lucid” room was mentioned set off a signal for me, and the “panic” was only there to transition into sleep paralysis in a way that made sense to my half-asleep body. The face was only an image my mind reflected from being afraid. It’s rather interesting, really!