• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

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    1. Phantox's Avatar
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      I've noticed something that helps with recall is setting an alarm that doesn't startle you when you wake up. I have a smart phone and downloaded a free alarm app that lets me set a calm song that gradually increases in volume. Also, I have found that when I can't remember anything, I'll think really hard of any dreams I might of had before getting up. When I get a hint or image or something about the dream, I start working backwards and it all comes back to me. I grab my phone and start typing a text message of the dream. I send the message to myself as a rough draft and later on in the day I'll type it on DV, and then make the final copy on my dream journal. I do this because it's faster than writing and I can remember more. Also tell yourself "I remember my dreams" at random times during the day and before you fall asleep

      Good luck
    2. TheYellowOne's Avatar
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      That Gravity film also influenced my dreams after watching it, but instead of space trash flying around at 1000s KMs per second, it was earth trash, bin bags, old bits of cars, crisp packets, shopping bags and scary dolls. There was even a satalite in the form of a vodka bottle, which made someone i work with appear in my dream, Jarislav, who was running late for work. I wasn't taking part inn the dream, merely observing its allusions.
    3. AstralMango's Avatar
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      Yep, you gotta have a consistent sleep schedule; fluctuating sleep times can affect recall drastically.