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    Snehk's Dreamlands

    1. [28-04-2015]

      by , 04-28-2015 at 07:41 PM (Snehk's Dreamlands)
      Talent show

      From camera's point of view I watched some kind of a talent show. I saw only one performance. I saw a group of weird men, wearing black trenchcoats. The jury sitting place was empty, and the audience was empty too. They were preparing for their performance, and suddenly they became still.

      After a short while of non moving the music started. The weird group started dancing horribly, and sang Scorpions - The wind of change song from playback. All they really did was just make "mmmmh-hmmm" noise to the rythm.

      Strange Minecraft

      I was sitting on a bench in school. I took an old Nokia 6230i phone out of my pocket, found an apps directory, and entered it. There was only one app - Minecraft Pocket Edition. I decided to try it. After waiting for the game to load, it generated a new world immediately.

      I spawned somewhere in the mountains. Seeking for a shelter, I went straight into a weirdly lit cavern. There was another player inside, surrounded by weird, silver barrels.