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    Here be dragons

    When I have good dream control and good lucidity, I will put the dream in green.
    It's maybe early to put this up, but I tend to have disturbing and/or violent dreams and I'm a very visual person, which could mean detailed description of unsavory stuff. I will probably put warning at the beginning of dreams containing those, and keep the more graphic description to my private DJ.

    My usual dreams partner in crimes are Eli, my tulpa, David, a persistent DC and Michael and Donald, two of my novel characters.
    Eli is usually very tall and dark haired, with a long face, thick eyebrows and bright, skyblue eyes. David is only slighty taller than me, with boyish features and ginger hair. Michael is 6ft2, with blond and curly hair and light blue-green eyes. Donald is a red pembroke corgi. If my dream follow the same pattern as before, they will pop up on their own often, so I will keep basic description here to declutter my dreams entries.

    1. Snow and sheeps

      by , 02-20-2016 at 04:25 PM (Here be dragons)
      I'm in a classroom. The ceiling is incredibly tall, and the windows match, long and narrow. It's overcast outside, the sky white and the colors intense in the gray light. The teacher, a young woman with brown hair and a long, white knitted cardigan is writing on the blackboard. She turns around and sees me, gently telling me to take a seat, but not on the right hand side, because there's snow. I can't believe it and go take a look a the old school desks. All the desk right in front of the window are covered with a thin layer of snow. I gather some in my hand, making a loose ball. I notice that there isn't any snow on the ground outside and wander to the other side of the room, where the teacher is opening the other window. It makes a cold breeze, and I hug the wall to protect myself a little. There is a group of man outside, kneeling and bowing in the grass. One of them gets up, turns around and starts yelling in a language I don't understand to the teacher, and I think to throw the snowball at him, but she's still smiling and I understand that this is a religious ceremony, so I try to be respectful and get my snowball for myself. I point out to the teacher that since there's snow in the classroom, we should take the kid elsewhere. She agrees and we step out of the building with her class, all of the bundled up in big winder coats and long scarfs. As I walk I get a little sidetracked when a herd of sheeps walk past me, pulling a pretty wooden sleigh painted in dark green, with golden accents and red velvet cushions. The driver is a dwarf man, who gives me a wink as they pass. Now, there's snow everywhere, pilled on the corner of the streets by the crowd. I get inside a coffee shop and the class and teacher are here, busy getting hot cocoa and big, fluffy mashmallows. It's a old place, mostly made of wood, with a long bar and a low, slopped ceiling.
    2. Witchcraft

      by , 02-04-2016 at 11:16 PM (Here be dragons)
      I'm in a field with a middle aged, thin blond woman. The sun is high and ther's just enough wind for the grass to shiver. We start running, going faster and faster. She takes my hand and we start floating about the ground, zipping above the grass at high speed. A large tunnel appears in front of us, the woman with me asking me to slow down. I go faster instead, rising us a little more above the ground so we don't touch the long, low bench in front of the entrance of the tunnel. A blue wall made of pure nergy shimmers in front of us for a split second and we go through, reaching the inside of the tunnel. The woman let go of my hand and we slow down and fall back on the floor. I land on my ass and my head feels floaty from the speed. The woman helps me up and give me a cigarette on a holder, lighting it up for me. I take a puff, feeling the hot smoke going down my throat, coating it with ashes. It taste like breathing in the fumes of firewood, with a hint of spiciness underneath, like four spices roasting.*
      I look around in the tunnel. The ceiling is vaulted, and all of it is covered in metal plates, some kind of purplish stainless steel. A man in a labo coat come closer to me, saying that I passed the protection like they weren't there. I understand that I'm some kind of witch, here because of it. I throw away the cigarette and go deeper into the complex. I reach a place that looks like a lab, with gleaming, white ceramic tiles everywhere. There's cars here; very old one. I come closer to one of them; it's bright red, with golden accent. A young man is fussing with it, calling it his baby. It roars to life when I come closer, wiggling like a dog. I pat it while the young man looks at me with a bemused look on his face. I start to walk away, but the car follows me, much to the chagrin of the young man. I give him a smile as an apology and fly off to the surface, climbing out in the same field.
    3. Competition

      by , 01-18-2016 at 12:20 AM (Here be dragons)
      I'm participating to a kind of scavenger hunt. At one point we have to get to a underground place, but when we reach it it's partially underwater The water is cold and murky enough that we can't see the bottom. As we dive in, another team spring out of the water; it's a trap. We manage to push them to the door, then out. I tell part of my team to make. sure that .they can't .get back. in, and we move to open the door at the back. It lead into another room, longer than larger, with racks on the walls. There's a lot of differents things here, unusuals weaponry, bike in neon colors, and what looks like a dwarven armor next to a jeager suit.
    4. Hero complex.

      by , 01-10-2016 at 08:45 PM (Here be dragons)
      I'm in a city, it's as usual made of long houses interlocked with eachothers and very steep. I need to protect a small group of children from a man. I try to have them to run and get away, but they are too scared of stubborn to listen to me and I have to fight the man head on. I shapeshift into something quatripedal, with fangs and claws, attacking this man to keep him from snatching the kids. They run from me and I chase them into a house big enough to be a manor and scramble up some wooden stairs, shifting back and huddling in a corner between two dark rooms. I can see that one of them is a bedroom, with the single bed close enought to the half open door that I can see under it. I'm trembling all over, feeling both vindicated and hurt by the children's fear. My sister and a yound man find me here, and crouch to be on eye level with me, talking soothing nonsense.
      The man take a halfstep to the left and a very strange insect crawls from behind him. It's a light, soft green color, and looks like a centiped the size of a small dog. On its head is a mass of feelers looking like ribbons or feathers, gently moving like algae in water. I'm both repulsed and fascinated by it, and I huddle a little closer to the wall when it advances. It stops before I get too inconfortable, and something grows out of it's back; it's butterfly wings, the same soft green color with a big eye-like spot and a long tail. It looks like a luna butterfly, and it's pretty, in a weird way.
    5. The Sketching Man

      by , 12-12-2015 at 10:13 PM (Here be dragons)
      Couldn't manage to write down annything this week, my days were starting up too early.
      So of course last night was three entries worth of dreams

      I'm in a appartement, it's pretty well lit but blandly decorated, with generic furnitures. I'm not alone; there's some peculiar people here.
      There's a older gentleman with brushed back silver hairs and a shifty face with deep wringles and deep-seated eyes, carrying a sketching pad and a mechanical pencil. He sits at a table close to some windows, sulking around the rest of the group and doodling.
      There's my sister, sitting cross-legged on a beige carpet, playing with her dog and blissfully obvious to the world*. It's really cute.
      And there two Middle-Earth dwarves, Fili and Kili, in road-wary armour and travel clothes. I'm hanging out with them, asking a lot of pretty inquisitives questions about dwarven custom and physiology. They're laughing a lot, and telling me load of outrageous bullshit so I laugh too. We're sitting on a bed next to the appartement door. Well, me and Fili are sitting; Kili is longing between us, taking up a lot of space; dwarves are short but broad in the shoulder and thick in the chest. I lean over Kili to playfully punch his brother over some joke and I have to almost climb over him, that's how barrel-chested he is. I'm suddently very close to their face, and I realise that their eyes are stranges: their pupilles are shaped like four-leafed clover, with a thin lining of gold and green.
      I get up and walk to the table to pick up a glass of water and the doodling man asks me to stay still for a moment. I'm uneasy but don't find a way to weasle my way out of it so I humor him. He get more and more pressing and I wake up.

      *My sister only sees her dog on christmas, because she had to give him to our grand-mother went she moved out for her studies. She breaks down everytime and totes him around like plushie all evening. The pup loves it.

      Updated 12-12-2015 at 10:32 PM by 88858

    6. The Razor Man.

      by , 11-17-2015 at 06:49 PM (Here be dragons)
      Disturbing part in spoiler.

      I'm in a industrial building, all cements and metals staircase. It's nighttime outside, but the inside are lit with harsh neon lights and green night light. I'm with a brown haired, thin woman, a little taller than me; the light make her looks sick, and put emphasis on the dark circles under her eyes. The air is cold and damp, the kind of atmosphere that seep into your bones and chill you for hours. We're headed outside, but a man cross our path. He's not very tall, but very charismatic, with brown hair and very white skin. He wears a crisp white shirt, without any wrinkles despite the late hour. He makes us walk to a lower part of the building, into a big room divided by metal fences. He makes us enter one of the small room delimited by the fence. There is a medical chair in the middle, with straps to keep the head, arms and legs in place. He straps the woman in, and she starts to shiver.

      Spoiler for here go my lunch:

      I get out, down another staircase, to the parking lot under the building. Once I'm outside, I start running. There are other people in the parking, trying to get away as fast as possible. A man walking in see me running and turn on his heels, running too. We pass a couple of garbage collector, one telling the other that he gt sick and now he can smell everything in the garbage bags, "from cambell soup to kitty litter." The street are lit with city light and colorful neons, the road go uphill. The ground is slick with a recent rain, the sky pitch black. Lots of commerces are still open, spilling lights on the sidewalk. I keep running, past a laundromat covered in white tiles and a chinese restaurant with red and black paper lanterns.
    7. For want of a nail

      by , 11-15-2015 at 11:39 PM (Here be dragons)
      Fragmented sleep, with very little REM. Only dream remembered was... interesting.

      Had a nail pounded into the... nail of my thumb. With blood spurting and everything. Didn't feel anything, wasn't even scared. Weird.
    8. Itty bitty Spiders

      by , 11-13-2015 at 11:49 PM (Here be dragons)
      This is a jumbled mess, thanks to insomnia keeping me up until 5 am. I felt like all my sleep was REM. Second dream to follow!

      Dreamlet: I'm in the kitchen, the hod is on and I'm cooking something with grounded meat and tomato sauce. It smells sweet and spicy, I'm mixing it with a wooden spoon. My mother come to eat with me, carrying two bowls. She give me one, and start spooning the meal in her. I discover that there is full, big black window spiders cooked in. My mother gleefully spoons on in her powl. She then hand me back the spoon. I take some of the meat, poking the spiders dubiously.
    9. Bad recall, the poor sequel of... wait, this joke has already been made!

      by , 11-12-2015 at 10:07 PM (Here be dragons)

      I'm prepping for some kind of exam, the girls with me are passing around makeup as if it's a essential part of the whole thing.
    10. Pomp and circonstances

      by , 11-08-2015 at 11:13 PM (Here be dragons)
      I'm in house full of people, they're preparing a wedding. There's a lot a fussing going around, and a lot of men and women doing a lot of things everywhere. The room I' sitting in is painted white and full of golden light. I'm in front of a vanity, with a ring of light around the mirror and makeup products on the top. A older woman is with me, asking me to stay still while she does my hair. I suddently realise that I'm the bride. The groom come in: it's a incredibly tall man with large shoulders and dark brown hair, and quite a bit of stubble. I don't know him, but he seem nice and quite sweet. He is exicted about his clothes: He's wearing a crisp white shirt, a black bowtie and tuxedo jacket, with a golden skirt going down to his ankles and adorable black heels. I squee and compliment him, he's smiling like a kid.

      Updated 11-20-2015 at 02:20 PM by 88858

    11. In which I feel like Pelias' daugthers

      by , 10-21-2015 at 07:18 PM (Here be dragons)
      I'm in a house, with my mother and other people, they'rehanging out together, talking and drinking. I'm walking, not sure of what to do, and a deer comme to me; the poor thing is furless and rachitic, with tiny, beany eyes. I gingerly pet it and my mother chastitises me about it. As I walk to her, the deer grows a tiny bit of fur, brown ans spindly. Close to my mother is at least half a dozen of pits, with other furless deers and furless goats in them, splashing weakly in the water filling the pits. My mother turn a switch and suddently the pits glow and smoke, and the animals turn humanoids and melt on themselves; they give of an incredible heat, they look like they are made out of lava. I feel pity for them: deep down I know they are food for the people I saw earlier.
    12. Barely not safe for work

      by , 10-16-2015 at 06:24 PM (Here be dragons)
      It was just a question of time before things got heated up 'round here... I'm keeping no explicit.

      The sky is overcast and the night is falling, giving a gray, eerie atmosphere to the dream. I am in a small ancient garden with gravelled paths gently curving around the lawn, with small shrubs and flowers dotting the place, giving it a pastoral feel, and it's mostly enclosed withing talls gnarly trees that looks like oaks. To my right is a small, free form pool; the water is pristine and looks cold, and close to it is a path made of irregular, hand carved limestone stepstones rather than gravels. This path curves slowly to a stone platform with a tomb or a flat altar on it; it looks old, weathered but well-kept, like the rest of the place. I walk to the platform, laughting as someone stroll behind me. I reach the stone platform and he grab me, pulling me up on the altar and holding me down on it. I'm on my back, not laughting anymore as he pulls me close and pin down one of my thigh with one of his knee, and he is the one who chuckles when I realize his intent and freeze up. His face is obscured by shadows, his hair are pale almost white blond, and long enough to brush against his shoulders and frame his face. over him I can see the first stars of the night sky, but the light is still gray and shallow, like there is no setting sun. The stone is cold and coarse under me, I can feel it through my clothes, and my breath is really short, equally from anticipation and fear, in fact, I feel like I'm drowning in adrenalin, every sensory input amped up to the max. He is slightly too thick for confort, and I can't help but squirm.

      I woke up soon after.
      He made a couple of comments I won't be retranscribing here.
      I still wondering how the hell I didn't wake up as soon as he had me trapped, because everything felt as life-like as it gets.
    13. I have no idea what I'm doing.

      by , 10-13-2015 at 10:40 AM (Here be dragons)
      Recall still very confused. As I am.

      I'm baby-sitting with a friend, the toldder we're keeping a eye on is weirdly smart for a two years old still in diaper. We're on the run in the contry, at night. We enter a house to rest and change the baby. My friend try to pick up a glass bowl and somethig jump in her eyes, making her scream and drop the bol, which shatter on the floor, sending glass shards everywhere. I have to calm her down while holding the toddler, who is perfectly calm and collected.
    14. Nevermind I'll find, someone like youuu

      by , 10-11-2015 at 02:55 PM (Here be dragons)
      Still sick.

      I'm in a gigantic building, with lots and lots of people rushing in to get a appartment. I fly over them, somehow confident that I'm not concerned. People are getting angry and rebellious, screaming at the pudgy man in charge. I'm still flying, rushing between the blocs making up the place. I have no clue about how those people could even live here; it's seem to be made for flying peoples. I get alll the way up this impossible building, there is a sort of inner terrace leading to absolutly gigantic doors of carved wood.The noise is starting to get to me, and I scream at them "For fuck's sake people, I own the damn place!" it seem to calm them down, and I use telekinetic power to open the heavy wood doors and get in the appartment. It looks a little like a church, with wooden floor and white walls with stained glass windows. I use my powers to light up the candles resting in brass candlesticks, everything is bathed in a warm yellow light. I walk around a little, them I realise I'm looking for someone named Thomas. I start to go through the room, some of them are in the dark, other brightly lit. I seem a handful of people, all men, but non of them is thomas; in the fuzzy memory I have of him, he is like me, winged.

      I wake up.
    15. Groundhog Dream

      by , 09-29-2015 at 08:10 PM (Here be dragons)
      Didn't have a lot of time to write down my dream this morning, so not much detail for this one.

      I'm a man trapped in a decaying building, forced to loop through a senario I have no control on. I have to make the sadistic choice between leaving this place or freeing a woman chained to a wall, and each time I make a decision the dream loops and i'm back at the begining, looking for the woman in the endless rooms. I finally decide no to leave, but not to free her even and a black cat appear on a caged bed to stare at me.
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