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    1. More Dog Stuff

      by , 06-22-2016 at 07:02 PM
      I was on a dark street with my dog (I seriously must have nothing else going on in my life) and she suddenly ran off toward the river. I was shocked because she has never done this, and she was ignoring my calls. I finally caught up with her but I didn’t have a leash. I thought it would be a good idea to put her in my car (I can’t remember what I was doing at the time, but I was going somewhere that wasn’t home.) I held onto my dog’s collar as we walked back and I encountered a drunk man that I apparently knew as a regular in a restaurant I worked at. He made some random comments that I don’t remember and I felt slightly uncomfortable. I went into a theater/pub where two of my friends were. One of them had my car keys. The first one I encountered, Amy, was announcing someone to the crowd. I tried to get her attention but couldn’t. I saw my other friend, Angi, and she gave me my keys. My dog morphed between my current dog and my last dog, who passed away almost a decade ago. This is not uncommon. I also remember driving by an outdoor laundromat during the day, and thinking that I could work there, that it didn’t seem so bad. The place was basically a parking lot with one or two washing machines/dryers and a stand with a bunch of hot pink and bright blue flowers for sale.

      I had dreams of trying to solve graphic design problems too, in fact I thin this is what the bilk of my night was spent doing. I'm currently taking some courses, and I guess my brain is working overtime.

      Thoughts: I took Valerian Root before bed last night, probably falling asleep around 12:15am, which is late for me. I read some design books in bed before sleeping. My thoughts seemed to be racing again—not very stressful thoughts, but my brain struggled to relax. Again, visualization practices seemed difficult and uninteresting. Woke up at 3am and read for an hour or two, fell back asleep around 5ish. I'm taking my dog to the vet today for vaccines. Looking for part time work.
    2. Lucid on a River

      by , 06-17-2016 at 09:07 PM
      I fell back asleep this morning while trying to visualize floating on a river. I practice visualization pretty regularly, and occasionally it produces a WILD. When I initially entered the dream I thought that it must be one of the rivers nearby, as the landscape looks the same. I seemed to be floating on an invisible boat, or I just never looked down because my field of vision was just the river and the trees on either side. Instead of moving forward slowly, like floating on a boat, my body felt the sensation of going backwards, and rather quickly, and feeling regular patterns of large swells of waves, almost like a slow, backwards rollercoaster. The scene was in fact similar to the image on a video of a simulated ride. After a little while of really enjoying this sensation, I was plunged into darkness, and had a tingling sensation. I continued to feel as if I were moving backwards, only now it felt more like falling. A tiny fear came up in me and I briefly thought of death. I saw tiny orange and yellow moving geometric figures accompanied by rapid 'tink tink tink tink' sounds as they slid around on either side of my visual field, sort of like a mini tetris game.

      Thoughts: The was not quite an OBE, as I did not have the sensation of moving or jumping out of my body as I have in the past.