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    1. Spell's Comp 10th night, Fireballs and aging.

      by , 08-08-2016 at 12:03 PM

      It was august 12th and I was going for the first day of school. I panicked because I didn’t do any of my work but I was confused as to why we were having school so early on (Dream Sign). I had memories going significantly back of what I had been doing but I did an RC anyway. I could push my finger through my other hand and as soon as I succeeded I lost my vision. I wandered around in the darkness until I found myself outside my house.

      It was nighttime and daytime shifting at random times. I walked around for a bit before deciding to stabilize the dream. I rubbed my hands together but it just wasn't enough. I fell to the ground near some mulch and felt the wood texture that they were comprised of. The dream was already stable but I was happier after the experience because the dream was so realistic. I decided I wanted to do some dream control so I thought to myself, “Let me summon a ball of fire!”.
      I tried to focus all of my energy through my arm in order to create a fireball but it didn’t quite work. I decided to steal the light of various objects instead and eventually created a ball that looked like the moon several times bigger than me. It acted like a very thinly layered balloon made of lead, but it had hydrogen inside it. (This may have gotten inspiration from Full-metal alchemist, which at one point a guy summons a massive ball made of hydrogen and paper.)

      It didn't float up and instead it was oddly bouncy. I thought that if it hit the ground hard enough it would explode into fire, but it just kept bouncing over and over and I got sick of waiting. At one point it almost bounced on top of me and I was scared I would be exploded into fire, but it just bounced off my head . I thought “Ignite!”, and then near the ground the ball ignited causing a pretty large fiery explosive. It wasn’t quite what I wanted by fireball, but nonetheless it WAS a fireball in some form or another. I went near the hot tub by my house (It was in the same spot that mine is IWL as well) and I decided I wanted to fly onto my roof. I kept trying but I was only able to jump higher then normal. I thought “Wow, that’s annoying I’m literally in a world made up only of my imagination in every way possible, it should be easy to fly!” (This was also weird because I’ve flown before, but this is definitely one of best lucid dreams.)

      I got pretty angry and gave up the attempt because I felt the dream starting to fade. It was nighttime again and it started raining except all of the raindrops fell in these lines over and over so it looked pretty fake. I thought about how my subconscious was too lazy to actually simulate realistic rain. I felt the grass and it was a bit vague, but I could feel it was plant-like and wet, which was good enough for me. I decided to focus on the rain to see if it would help ground me but it didn’t help too much. I remembered that I should keep doing RC checks throughout a dream and I really wanted to see if I could breath with my nose pinched. I tried it and crazily I could do it effortlessly. I could breath so easily I was convinced that I didn’t ACTUALLY pinch my nose, but I definitely was.

      I felt more lucid and the dream was a bit more stable so I decided to go back to trying to fly. A voice in my head said “Just imagine yourself doing it and you’ll do it, it’s not that hard.” It definitely was not myself but no nearby dream characters were around. (I’ve never met my dream guide, but perhaps something like it told me telepathically.) I decided to follow it’s advice and I was able to fly up onto my roof and climb onto it, but not actually able to fly past that. It definitely was flying though, not just jumping so I felt happy at that. I wondered into my backyard where there was a pool and I heard splashing. I quickly looked away and said out loud “Fictional character one, and Fictional character two, please come out of the pool.” (For personal reasons I’m replacing the names of the characters.). They both proceeded to exit the pool and I went up to greet them. I was surprised to see that not only had I succeeded in summoning them, but instead of being animated they both looked like the equivalent as a real human being. (Both of these characters would normally been seen as animated).

      They were both younger than I wanted though and they were extremely excited to see me and kept acting like kids. One of them started becoming even younger until they appeared to only be three or four. (As opposed to before where both of them seemed to be about eleven, or twelve.) I was annoying so I started outstretching my arms thinking of trying to age them back and it started working very very slowly. I got them to about seven before I got annoyed and gave up. (Then some other things happened that I don’t remember.) and I woke up. I decided against DEILD, because my dream recall is usually pretty bad and I imagined it would be a miracle I would already remember most of this dream. (Miraculously I did except for the last minute of it).

      Competition points!

      First DILD of the Night - 10 points
      Reality Check / Stabilization - 1 point
      Interact with a Dream Character - 2 points
      Fly - 5 points
      Basic Summoning - 5 points + 5 for fictional.
      Object/DC Changing - 5 points + 5 for fictional (Changing age)
      Unspecified Dream Control (Jumping really high) - 5 points
      Element Manipulation - 10 points (Force igniting something)
      First three step task (Element manipulation) - 5 points
      Old Personal Task (Sustain a vivid and stable lucid dream for at least a minute.) - 10 points
      EDIT: Second three step task (Basic summoning) - 10 points
      Total : 78 points!

      Please correct me if I made any mistakes on the point counting.

      Updated 10-02-2016 at 07:15 AM by 91308

      lucid , memorable