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    1. Laser beams and Digitized Multi-tools

      by , 10-02-2016 at 07:07 AM
      Side note

      Pretty cool lucid, can't remember all of it though.

      I gained spontaneously lucidity. It was a very bright day and I was on a trampoline. My sister was talking to me. She kept annoying me so I created a laser from my finger and shined it in her eyes. It acted more like a red-dot laser and a small flashlight simultaneously. I made a cranking motion with my other hand and it became brighter. She left me alone after that. My lucidity levels dropped and suddenly it snowed really hard making several feet of snow.

      I kept trying to create a tool to melt the snow but it didn't work. I walked into my house but it was super dark even though it had windows. This was a past dream sign of mine, and every time it turned out really bad so I walked outside again. I tried “grabbing” it from the corner but expectation just wasn't helping. I decided to run right through the wall of snow and felt the sting of the cold on my face. It significantly raised my lucidity so I tried to summon the tool again. I first started by creating a pen out of thin air. I managed to actually create it inside my vision giving me confidence of my dream control. Then I imagined the pen turning into a tool.

      The snow levitated from the ground and then digitized around the staff forming new parts of it slowly. In the end I was left with this weird red stick with a small black figure of an elephant. I used it to melt the snow and create new snow. My sister seemed vaguely impressed in the background. It had tons of buttons all over it so I pressed one randomly and it created a bunch of bees.

      I panicked and pressed a “world reset” button. It brought the world back to the way it was before I had changed it so I dived into the snow again. Afterwards I slowly lost lucidity until I had almost none at all. The dream changed into a portal-like game I was trying to solve with an underworld theme. After doing that for about three minutes I spontaneously forced myself to wake up, so that I wouldn't forget this lucid.
      Tags: lucid, non-lucid
      lucid , non-lucid , memorable
    2. Lucid dreams, False instability, stubborn lights and wafer walls.

      by , 08-25-2016 at 04:03 AM

      I was in high school and most of the teachers were either characters from Naruto (My teacher was Kakashi) or characters from Overwatch. We were being taught how to make a philosopher's stone. I put my finger through my palm and immediately went to stabilize it since most of my lucid dreams recently struggle to be stable. I felt everything around me until I was teleported upstairs in my home. There was a dim light in my room but the stairs were unlit. I wanted to go downstairs but with no light I knew it would rapidly destabilize the dream. (False memory). I knew that after a lucid dream destabilizes you start losing control of muscles in the dream and I struggled to move my legs. (False memory).

      I flipped the light switch and the light worked. Three of one of my pets were in the kitchen. It was creepy seeing three of the exact same pet. I thought how it may be that he loves sleeping in different positions in the kitchen. I went to the TV room which also had lights off and the light switch didn't work. I wanted to say “Lights on!” but they only flickered. Strangely I didn’t actually open my mouth or use my vocal cords. It felt like an inner voice from in me spoke. (It wasn’t my voice IWL either). I felt like stabilizing more so I licked the wall and remembered people saying how delicious walls were.

      I ripped some brown pieces of the wall off like they were paper and then started eating them. It was the most delicious wafer I had ever had, flawlessly and absolutely perfect. It had enough sugar to complement the taste, but with no over sweetness drawback after taste. The chocolate was extremely high quality and similarly had no bad aftertaste. Eating it though only slightly sated my hunger in the dream though. (Right after I woke up from the dream I was pretty hungry). The dream ended after I indulged myself in more wall after wall.

      I've been having tons of lucid dreams recently that lasted only a few seconds because of rapid destabilization. Almost instantly after I become lucid the world's light completely dies off leaving me usually in dark rooms in the middle of nowhere. I also notice that in my dreams whenever I'm outside its almost always night. Even in the rare lucid dreams where that's not the case the scene before me usually disappears and I'm left in a void for several minutes until I lose lucidity. (By void I mean an area where I can not sense anything whatsoever, and am left only to usually semi-lucid thought). The problem is this happens so quickly after I gain even a small amount of lucidity I can very rarely actually bring myself to the next level of lucidity, resulting in these very unsatisfying and quick ending lucids. Does anyone have any advice for what I should do? I actually had two lucids last night, but the same thing happened to the first one.
      lucid , non-lucid
    3. Spellbee2's Comp Night 12, DEILDS, and wandering.

      by , 08-10-2016 at 11:42 AM

      First Dream
      I had a lucid dream about me summoning a fireball but the memories are distant. It was lucid, I know that for sure but it was buried by the other lucid dreams I had. The only other thing I am certain about was that I managed to summon a fireball by grabbing a cup of fire from a nearby already started fire.

      Second Dream

      I was on a school field trip with my friend Ben. We were eating some pizza when I decided to do a nose pinch RC, but I was having trouble actually pinching my nose because it was so small. He asked me what I was doing and I responded “Doing a nose pinch reality check.” I then woke up angry at myself for not doing other reality checks. I tried DEILD, imaging the tactile sense of the grass and road near my house.
      I managed to actually successfully do it and I looked down at my hands and had 6 fingers and 4 fingers. I did another nose RC and breathed through my pinched nose. I found a weird yellow object on the street so I thought it was a jellybean and ate it. It tasted quite a bit like a jellybean but the perfect amount of sweetness, the best jellybean I had ever had.

      I walked down the street but instead of being in the place I expected to be there was this massive town instead. Tons of houses were lined up against this oddly smooth stone road (Which was poor for tactile sense) I wandered the streets occasionally feeling the grass to stabilize the dream instead. I talked to a few dream characters and even summoned a matchbox in my direct line of vision. I decided to teleport back to my house by imagining a door being a portal there and I managed to get back home. I found my two “dream” brothers (I don't have two brothers) and they both looked like weird anime characters who were super snobby. I walked outside into my yard and stripped off my clothing to see what it would be like. I ended up waking up though and a tiny part of myself panicked that I had stripped myself IWL, but I managed to do a DEILD to get back into the dream. I had my clothing back on again though

      I walked back up to my house and imagined a dream character would be right behind a certain door I opened. Sure enough there was. I started changing how she looked and various aspects of her for a bit when I woke up again. I tried DEILD once again and managed to get back into the dream. I decided to stop messing around with that and teleported myself back to my street. I sort of wondered what being run over was like but any car swerved around me. I felt the grass once again to ground myself. I couldn’t keep myself in the dream though and woke up.

      I did do a ton of just walking around in this dream, but I'm not upset with the results. It was a pain waking up twice but that couldn't be helped. It was also my longest lucid ever and I forgot quite a bit of it. I'm sorry that this is a bit all over the place, but my memories of it are so jumbled I can barely make a linear story out of it. On the bright side separate chains allow dream tasks to be done multiple times, so I earned quite a few points for it. At the rate of which I'm having lucid dreams maybe I shouldn't have signed up for beginner's league.

      Competition points!

      Dream 1:
      First DILD of the Night - 10 points
      Element Manipulation - 10 points

      Dream 2:

      Chain 1 :
      Eat Something - 5 points
      Interact with a Dream Character - 2 points
      Reality Check / Stabilization - 1 point
      First WILD of the Night - 10 points Note: DEILD after a non-lucid dream counts as a WILD
      Advanced Unsummoning/Banishing - 10 points (Match box)
      Teleport - 10 points

      Chain 2 :
      Chain a Lucid Dream - 2 points
      Basic Summoning - 5 points
      Object/DC Changing - 5 points
      Reality Check / Stabilization - 1 point
      Interact with a Dream Character - 2 points

      Chain 3 :
      Reality Check / Stabilization - 1 point
      Chain a Lucid Dream - 2 points
      Teleport - 10 points

      Total : 86 points!
      Correct me on points if I'm wrong.
      lucid , memorable
    4. Spellbee2's Comp Night 11, Hot air and instability.

      by , 08-09-2016 at 10:32 AM
      Side notes/thoughts
      I was at an amusement park with my mother but it seemed water themed. Everything was getting really wet. We had some pizza but it didn’t look very good so I passed.

      Something about a video game sort of like T.A.B.S but 2-D and having more insane things (Like orbital cannons)

      Something about an role playing game with a bunch of different monsters.

      This red haired lady kept talking to me about lucid dreams, but every time I did a reality check I would become lucid and then have a false awakening with the red haired lady next to me. At one point my cat and a clone of him both attacked me causing me to become lucid. I tried summoning Fictional character 1 and It worked. Then I had a false awakening. This happened about six times but unlike the others not lucid until finally I woke up IWL. I decided to do a DEILD and succeeded getting back into the dream. (I'm quite certain however that I was just thinking I had woken up, so I'll count this just as nothing.) This time I was more lucid and two bad guys were chasing me so I decided to do more element manipulation. I felt my hands and the air around them heating up rapidly but it didn’t quite work. Instead I throw the hot air towards one of the guys and he burst into flames. Then I woke up. The entire time I didn’t do any stabilization so that’s why I kept failing.

      Competition points!
      First DILD of the Night - 10 points
      Reality Check / Stabilization - 1 point
      Interact with a Dream Character - 2 points
      Advanced Summoning - 10 points + 5 points for fictional. (I summoned Fictional character 1 directly in my vision.)
      Element Manipulation - 10 points (That fireball)
      3 dream fragments 1 1/2 points!
      Total: 39 and 1/2 points!
    5. Spell's Comp 10th night, Fireballs and aging.

      by , 08-08-2016 at 12:03 PM

      It was august 12th and I was going for the first day of school. I panicked because I didn’t do any of my work but I was confused as to why we were having school so early on (Dream Sign). I had memories going significantly back of what I had been doing but I did an RC anyway. I could push my finger through my other hand and as soon as I succeeded I lost my vision. I wandered around in the darkness until I found myself outside my house.

      It was nighttime and daytime shifting at random times. I walked around for a bit before deciding to stabilize the dream. I rubbed my hands together but it just wasn't enough. I fell to the ground near some mulch and felt the wood texture that they were comprised of. The dream was already stable but I was happier after the experience because the dream was so realistic. I decided I wanted to do some dream control so I thought to myself, “Let me summon a ball of fire!”.
      I tried to focus all of my energy through my arm in order to create a fireball but it didn’t quite work. I decided to steal the light of various objects instead and eventually created a ball that looked like the moon several times bigger than me. It acted like a very thinly layered balloon made of lead, but it had hydrogen inside it. (This may have gotten inspiration from Full-metal alchemist, which at one point a guy summons a massive ball made of hydrogen and paper.)

      It didn't float up and instead it was oddly bouncy. I thought that if it hit the ground hard enough it would explode into fire, but it just kept bouncing over and over and I got sick of waiting. At one point it almost bounced on top of me and I was scared I would be exploded into fire, but it just bounced off my head . I thought “Ignite!”, and then near the ground the ball ignited causing a pretty large fiery explosive. It wasn’t quite what I wanted by fireball, but nonetheless it WAS a fireball in some form or another. I went near the hot tub by my house (It was in the same spot that mine is IWL as well) and I decided I wanted to fly onto my roof. I kept trying but I was only able to jump higher then normal. I thought “Wow, that’s annoying I’m literally in a world made up only of my imagination in every way possible, it should be easy to fly!” (This was also weird because I’ve flown before, but this is definitely one of best lucid dreams.)

      I got pretty angry and gave up the attempt because I felt the dream starting to fade. It was nighttime again and it started raining except all of the raindrops fell in these lines over and over so it looked pretty fake. I thought about how my subconscious was too lazy to actually simulate realistic rain. I felt the grass and it was a bit vague, but I could feel it was plant-like and wet, which was good enough for me. I decided to focus on the rain to see if it would help ground me but it didn’t help too much. I remembered that I should keep doing RC checks throughout a dream and I really wanted to see if I could breath with my nose pinched. I tried it and crazily I could do it effortlessly. I could breath so easily I was convinced that I didn’t ACTUALLY pinch my nose, but I definitely was.

      I felt more lucid and the dream was a bit more stable so I decided to go back to trying to fly. A voice in my head said “Just imagine yourself doing it and you’ll do it, it’s not that hard.” It definitely was not myself but no nearby dream characters were around. (I’ve never met my dream guide, but perhaps something like it told me telepathically.) I decided to follow it’s advice and I was able to fly up onto my roof and climb onto it, but not actually able to fly past that. It definitely was flying though, not just jumping so I felt happy at that. I wondered into my backyard where there was a pool and I heard splashing. I quickly looked away and said out loud “Fictional character one, and Fictional character two, please come out of the pool.” (For personal reasons I’m replacing the names of the characters.). They both proceeded to exit the pool and I went up to greet them. I was surprised to see that not only had I succeeded in summoning them, but instead of being animated they both looked like the equivalent as a real human being. (Both of these characters would normally been seen as animated).

      They were both younger than I wanted though and they were extremely excited to see me and kept acting like kids. One of them started becoming even younger until they appeared to only be three or four. (As opposed to before where both of them seemed to be about eleven, or twelve.) I was annoying so I started outstretching my arms thinking of trying to age them back and it started working very very slowly. I got them to about seven before I got annoyed and gave up. (Then some other things happened that I don’t remember.) and I woke up. I decided against DEILD, because my dream recall is usually pretty bad and I imagined it would be a miracle I would already remember most of this dream. (Miraculously I did except for the last minute of it).

      Competition points!

      First DILD of the Night - 10 points
      Reality Check / Stabilization - 1 point
      Interact with a Dream Character - 2 points
      Fly - 5 points
      Basic Summoning - 5 points + 5 for fictional.
      Object/DC Changing - 5 points + 5 for fictional (Changing age)
      Unspecified Dream Control (Jumping really high) - 5 points
      Element Manipulation - 10 points (Force igniting something)
      First three step task (Element manipulation) - 5 points
      Old Personal Task (Sustain a vivid and stable lucid dream for at least a minute.) - 10 points
      EDIT: Second three step task (Basic summoning) - 10 points
      Total : 78 points!

      Please correct me if I made any mistakes on the point counting.

      Updated 10-02-2016 at 07:15 AM by 91308

      lucid , memorable
    6. Odd Lucid dream and missed DEILD.

      by , 08-03-2016 at 02:42 AM
      Fell asleep while doing a WILD attempt.

      Lucid (Unstable/Unclear)
      Side notes/Thoughts

      I don’t remember any of the dream except until up to me getting lucid. However I'm not sure that what I last remembered was even when I first became Lucid, for some reason I have a slight feeling I played around with fire, but I can't recall at all. Unlike my previous lucid attempts it was more stable and clear, and I felt far more like it was real life than any other previous time. I sort of blindly stumble around my house thinking of what to do when I find a door outside. For a moment the dream fades and I rub my hands together to stabilize it. No result. I then started spinning and I feel the dream strengthen. I then sit down and start feeling the stone on the ground and I can visibly see some sort of fogginess disappear and the clarity becomes near-realistic.

      I felt really happy to have my first clear and stable lucid dream.
      (Most of my others lasted usually only a minute or so as they were extremely unstable). I decide to go in my backyard where my sister and a friend of hers were. I ask my sister to come to the front yard because I wanted to try experimenting on DCs but she refused. I went up and tried to grab her, but she dodged calling me a creep. I tried again, but this time adding superhuman speed so that she shouldn’t be able to dodge, however this time I slipped in the mud and she disappeared. The mud felt cold and fresh, almost relaxing and comfortable. Her friend felt bad for me and came over and picked me up. For some reason I was determined for using my sister instead of this other DC for the experiment and the friend explained how my sister could teleport her body elsewhere and then her conscious. (I don’t think I was fully lucid, at the very least while I was lucid, I was not lucid enough to remember that this world was entirely in my mind). I tried chasing after her a few times but it was futile.

      I then end up waking up for no apparent reason, no loud sounds occurred and the light was off in my room. I missed an opportunity for DEILD but I only realized this after I got up. I had only slept five hours, and it explained why my memory of the dream was fading extremely rapidly. Even though it was lucid I panicked and typed down what I remembered. This is the only case I've ever had where I just suddenly woke up for no explained reason, and I'm quite certain I didn't will myself to wake up. It's a bit strange that I managed to become Lucid at all in such an early instance of REM.
      lucid , memorable
    7. Borderlands 2, The Longbow and Victory.

      by , 08-02-2016 at 03:29 PM
      My sleeping schedule was completely reversed and I managed to sleep for twelve hours recalling two dreams with extremely similar themes, however they were not continuations of each other.

      Outside Thoughts/Side Notes Non-Lucid

      I was in this world very similar to Borderlands 2, except it was against other people and in this giant world and you had to stay in these checkpoints in a 1v1 for five minutes, whoever was in one for a total of five minutes first won, and I was really bad compared against the other player who was really good at it. Weapons with different abilities were strewn across the map and I started with this weird shotgun that shot acid bullets. I managed to kill him and the gun "leveled up" turning into a normal assault rifle. I also noticed how the opponent seemed to have leveling up guns as well.

      Every few times you managed to kill the other player, the gun you used to kill would change and in addition everything had low amounts of ammo. At first I was being destroyed and I struggled to find any ammo. I had a couple of weird rocket launchers but since they were all empty there was nothing I could do. I managed to get to a checkpoint but after a minute of being used the checkpoints disappeared. I was at a checkpoint very close to winning and then my opponent came after me. I panicked and next to me was a sniper, I was thinking it wouldn't be good enough to work but it said it had a 5x weapon zoom so I picked it up. It was a sniper without a scope and looked almost identical to the Longbow. (A legendary weapon in Borderlands 2 that I recently farmed to get). I slightly kicked myself for not becoming lucid after seeing this, I had that specific thought in the dream too!

      WILD..Got to stage 4 what now?-longbow-.jpg

      Instead it was colored blue and when I fired it, it shot like a rail gun (It fired out this massive burst of electricity extremely similar to The Tempest from COD 3) WILD..Got to stage 4 what now?-black-ops-tempest.jpg and one hit the other guy resulting in my victory.

      I don't recall what happened after that, I'm quite sure that dream had just ended.

      My other dream seemed to get inspiration from Borderlands 2 as well, since one the classes has an ability that can create a sort of bubble shield. In addition it seemed stylized quite a bit like Overwatch.

      I was again in a video game setting. I was playing around with my friends and every character could change their weapons and abilities. For fun we did a 1v8. I was up against all eight of them. The battlefield was centered around my house (strangely). As soon as it started I started panicking, the entire other team consisted of a special character that used snipers and turrets. (Inspiration from Borderlands 2 about the assassin and commando?). My class was commando (Which normally uses turrets). They were all lined up trying to snipe me but I managed to dodge them. They then all simultaneously deployed their turrets resulting in a massive wall of bullets. In a last ditch effort I threw down my shield and all of the bullets were blocked. They all tried sniping it desperately but the shield held up without a scratch.

      (Can't remember what happened immediately after)

      I managed to avoid all of the bullets being fired at me and killed off a few of the other players. In the end (More lost details) I killed off the entire team resulting in my victory in such an unevenly weighted match. I was quite proud but the other team claimed that it was a fluke and in a rematch they would win. I accepted the challenge happily, except for some reason the game ended up 2v7. The other teammate I had almost instantly died off and I was left alone. I was cornered by one guy with a shotgun so I threw down my shield. He tried to walk through my shield in an attempt to melee attack me to death. I threw down a second shield within the already existing shield to stop him. It was difficult to kill him but I managed to do so even if he brought me to low health. I stayed within my shield for longer until suddenly another guy with a shotgun started attacking my shields by shooting them a ton.

      I felt confident they would hold up but suddenly they shattered to pieces. I was very close to death but I managed to escape. I decided the shields were now useless, and that instead I would use another ability called Psycho. (This ability is also a ton like Borderland 2’s psycho class.) In the end I switched my shielding ability with it and duel wielded some axes. All remaining six members surrounded me about to kill me, but I used the ability and grew in health, size, and damage. I went on a brutal rampage slicing them apart but sadly it wasn’t enough and the three remaining members of the other team killed me.

      I'm a bit happy that I was able to recall this much. I can't remember if I had woken up after the second dream kept continuing, but I'm quite confident that the second dream occurred after the first. In addition when I first woke up I wasn't able to recall any dreams but a few hours later in the day something triggered my memory and I suddenly remembered all of these details.
      non-lucid , memorable