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    From heros to flying to a dreamsign I missed. (08/01/15)

    by , 01-08-2015 at 10:13 PM (304 Views)
    Well I done a wbtb, I tend to wake up naturally around the time I want to do a WILD it seems, because this is the 4th day in a row i've failed to WILD. Most of this dream lasts about 25 minutes in waking life.

    Back in my hometown I was walking with a buddy, smoking a cigarette, we go by an area that happens to be a rebel outpost. They stop us, inspect us, and then this guy takes my buddy and kills him and steals his loot. My buddy had a rare sniper rifle but only $10 on us. At this point The rebel. we're being attacked by the S.A.S It's hard to explain the layout of this area, but it's one very familiar to me since I lived in this area as a child. At this point the S.A.S were being pinned down by a a single machine bot turret, so we went into the garden slightly above us and hid behind concrete walls. Grenades started coming towards us and so we threw them back, well we tried, the ground was made of bed covers and the grenades were like stones, they were hidden the moment they came to us and we never really found them, but we assumed we threw them back. Apparently the S.A.S wanted revenge for my buddy they killed, but after being pinned down for awhile we were evac'd and all was well.

    They tokd me they were going back and that we were going to be a decoy to the leader, to keep him in that area whilst they set up about 400 machine bots on a roof that faces his location, they told me not to worry. I agree'd, and me and another S.A.S member walked out in full armour and told the leader he was arrested, but he laughed and shot me with a taser and kicked my legs from beneath me as I hit the ground. At this point about 7 S.A.S members had this small group at gunpoint, but the leader laughed again and apparently has a sniper on the roof in a cloack, but we showed them what we were really upto as we de-cloacked the 400 machine bot turrets. The leaders jaw dropped and we though we had won. As this became a national news event, before we could get the target away from the area, captured people started coming out of their houses and news crews quickly made their way to the scene, just in time for the 400 machine bot turrets to be hacked and start shooting everyone. Those who survived hid behind the houses, whilst the s.a.s tried to shoot back. Me and a good buddy of mine I know irl decided we would end this standoff, we made a hunch that these machine bots only really hoot if they recognise people, so if you act like something else they wont shoot. So we both squatted down knees almost close to our chest and started walking like weird penguins. Trying to make it across the gap, for some reason the news crew thought it was a good idea to film us, and during that time I saw myself in 3rd person, but it didn't really look like me, but it did. Me and my buddy called our group of two team hydra. As we got just under the building were the machines bots were stationed on the roof, one looked at us, I stood up and it began to shoot, this caused a chain reaction of something similar, but they accidently shot the roof below them as I ran as fast i could lengthways just under the building, causing a chain reaction explosion, me to lose my left arm and a beautiful female doctor to reattach it and hook up some blood line. I remember her reattaching the arm and blood circulating to it again, it felt like I could breathe again.

    The next thing I know i'm kneeling on a cheap weak-metalled chair, facing the back of the chair. I start sliding downhill on it, using a little panel to go left and right, I was going to an area where my mother's side grandparents lived and actively tried to avoid it, since we don't speak anymore, and there was a chance to run into my cousin, I should have realised since they don't live there anymore. I remember getting off my chair jumping between two buildings and hiding at the top of this wall like spiderman. Two kids saw me and asked me how I was doing that, as I was flying away. So I stopped and said, I can't really explain just now, I have to go, with a smile on my face. As I flew away the next thing i know shes grabbing my arm dangling from me saying "youre my eragon". Now I haven't seen movie or read the book, so I doubt it has anything to do with that irl, but thats what she said. This kid was fucking annoying, so I put her down and flew to my dream sign apartment. A bit of history about this apt, this apartment frequently appears in non lucid dreams that I have. The appartments are a place that exist in my hometown, if you can imagine towers for the apartments, the bottom 20% are garages, and outside the garages there are stairs that first run parralel to the garages and then turn 90 degree toward the garages but goes up. This takes you to a walk way 35% of the way up the tower, the walk ways grant you access to the apartments and the walkway interlocks between towers so you can walk from one to the other. I remember lots of dreams about this apartment, so maybe I will write up entries from previous dreams at a future date.

    Well I was flying above the walkway now going to my apt, what was usually a beat-up disgusting drug fueled walkway with a ton of damage to, everything. Was a well done up, summer looking area with benches and people sitting outside having fun, lots of bright colour. You can tell my inexperience here because I even said, this place must have changed for this to last even 5 minutes, rather than questioning my reality. Anyway, some girl said she wanted my jacket and i said no, only for a price. And she said, no, I will give you a blowjob for it. I said, that'll work. She proceeded to tell me how she tries that on World of warcraft but stuff but always gets refused. At that point I just woke up.

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    Updated 01-09-2015 at 01:20 AM by 74658

