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    Ancient Memories


    by , 04-25-2011 at 07:15 PM (531 Views)
    April 25, 2011

    Non-lucid, fragment

    I am at a school playground-type area, with a bunch of my friends. We have to collect something, but I am not clear on what it is. I leap from one playground structure to another, slide down onto the dirt, and leap on top of the school building. At this point I have collected 23 of whatever it is we have to collect, and the next closest of my friends has collected 7. Confident of my win, I go inside the school. I enter a large empty room with grey carpet. There is a kid dressed up in foam battle gear and helmet with a foam mace and chain that is nearly the size of himself. Suddenly I have a giant foam shield, and we begin fighting. The battle ends 7-1, with myself on the winning end.
    This dream is focused on numbers for some reason, and all I can recall is these bits and pieces, without any sort of transition between them. One of the strangest dreams I have had in a while.
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    non-lucid , dream fragment
