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    Memorable Dreams

    1. First Lucid Experience!

      by , 08-02-2010 at 01:15 AM (This will last longer than memories.)
      I was working in a coffee shop that about to open. The only people inside were my mom, a coworker, and me. I was making coffees when I noticed that my very attractive coworker was naked, and I was too. We began caressing each other when I remembered that we were not alone. Then I casually remember that strange, attractive girls are a dream sign, and that I must be in a dream, so that my mom isn’t really in the coffee shop with us. At this point I become lucid. I can’t see anything, but I can still feel the fabric of the dream around me. I kind of freak out and lose lucidity. I had it for maybe two seconds.

      Next dream:

      I was on the side of a lake, watching boats race. The boats looked like old muscle cars. I decide to walk elsewhere, and I run into Aaron Wilson. I tell him the same story I told him earlier this evening, the one about Mrs. Grimes telling me of Caroline and Chris, when I saw him at Catie’s show. For some reason I decide to look at my watch, and I notice instantly that it is constantly changing. I realize with much excitement that I am still dreaming. I calmly picture my body in bed, and then become enveloped with the dream. This time, everything is crystal clear. I see Aaron as if he really there with me, and I immediately began talking to him. I ask him if he’s had dinner, and we begin walking down a path that appears to just loop around to where it began. The sky looks different, but very vivid. As I take in everything around me, I lose some lucidity. Then Patrick Ellison comes up with a couple other people asking me how to get somewhere or something. At this point I am once again drawn to the strangeness of the dream, but as I become lucid again I start to slip away from the dream, and the next thing I know I am awake in bed.

      Note: At the end of my last dream, I awoke to my alarm. It didn’t feel like the alarm woke me, because I woke straight from the lucid dream. It literally felt like teleporting because I was THERE, in the dream, one second, and the next second I was in my bed, with the music (alarm) playing.

      Also, I probably lost some lucidity because I had no intent within the dream. I simply wanted to talk to someone and walk around, looking at everything. Next time, I need to be more focused, and my lucidity should remain more constant.

      Another note: In addition to not having intent within the dream, I didn’t have a whole lot of control either. I still felt like I was kind of “along for the ride” in the dream, although I was able to control where I walked and looked. The fact that I asked Aaron if he had dinner obviously shows that I wasn’t in complete control (I would rather have been like DUDE IM IN A LUCID DREAM).
      lucid , memorable , side notes