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    My Dream Journey

    Bunkbeds and Fields of Flowers

    by , 11-25-2013 at 02:31 PM (470 Views)
    Since I haven't recorded any dreams recently I thought I would share with you my biggest nightmares as a child. One was a false awakening. I looked at the bed above me and blinked a few times. I sat up in the bed and looked around. I was in my room, but it seemed darker. There was a fear growing in my chest. I knew what was about to happen. I looked around frantically for a way out then a hand appeared under my bed and grabbed my leg. I was thrown on the floor and I grabbed the support that holds the bed. I was trying to yell but there was no sound coming. I looked behind me and there was a dark red portal there. I knew there was no getting out of it so I let go and it consumed me. The other was a little stranger. I was walking in the big expansive colorful field of flowers. I walked, jumped, and ran through it. Then my view went third person. And the clouds got darker and things got a little less colorful. Then a man appeared behind me and stabbed me in the back. This journal is open to analysis.

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