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    multiple dreams

    by , 12-20-2024 at 12:01 PM (54 Views)
    04; 10 am.
    1. I dreamt I was watching my granddaughter do some math. I was trying to pay a bill which was 50£.

    2. I was then in my old bedroom looking intently at the deco, I wanted a new mirror for my dressing table.

    3. I was riding a white horse bareback galloping round the forest and the rivers were wild. the horse called sovereign jumped in and I fell off we both went under but swam back up.


    after those 3 dreams I tried to relax but was swamped with excitement, I think I wanted to LD then, but for some reason I was too stressed. I went back to sleep and had a blurred dream swimming under water and being able to breathe , in my dream I thought it was amazing and wouldn't come back up to the surface for a while, but unfortunately not quite lucid enough to realise I was dreaming, then I dreamt about about horses again..

    its true, dreams toward the end of the REM cycle get blurry, well at least I know when my REM cycle is at its strongest

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