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    1. Kalevala

      by , 03-19-2011 at 10:12 AM
      I should start writing these down to my 'real' dream journal again, since I've noticed that after I started writing them here I havent really recalled so long dreams what I recalled when I didnt write here...

      Im at this beach, the beach is near a forest. Theres this 'goddess of the sea' or someone like that and shes singing waves to form in the lake. I think that, thats really cool and I pray for the christian god that I could do so, but nothing happens. Then Im really close to the goddess and I start to sing and try to make the wind blow on her face that her hair would go messy. While I sing, her beautiful face suddenly turns into this really creepy looking face and then turns back to the normal face.
      It was because I was trying to sing and compete against a goddess.

      We were singing poems.
      dream fragment , non-lucid
    2. Not much of a nightmare...

      by , 03-17-2011 at 07:00 PM
      Im at school about to go to the hall, but T is trying to keep me away from there. I go inside and try to close the 2 doors, but its difficult.
      I play some CD and suddenly the lights start to go off one by one. The soundtrack sounds pretty creepy and the lights flash.
      I go to the other hall and there are some young children sitting on the floor being frightened because of whats happening.
      The teacher of the kids needs help to find the control panel where I could turn the lights on and the music out. I see it immediately and wonder why the teacher doesnt see it. I put the music out. I start to browse some CD's and try to find something playable, but I cant find.

      I try to go to sleep next to my mom but I see that my dog is there and I wont

      Im skipping an hour off from school, and we are at some forest with P and J. I try to make up a good excuse for why I was skipping a lesson and I come up with the idea that my stomach was hurting
      The clock is 11.30 and I start to walk back to school. I hear some weird drumming and I make conclusions that its coming from the elementary school and they are having some show there.
    3. Almost a lucid dream.

      by , 03-16-2011 at 06:15 PM
      I have bought 3 bags of candy and a 1,5L coca-cola. Im in front of our music classroom and J's friend comes to me and asks me to give him some coke. Hes a big guy and hes like threatening me, but I say no and I start to beat him up. Then YV comes and starts to settle the fight, but suprisingly he doesnt give any detention.

      Then Im at home coming down the stairs. N is sitting on the bench there and asking me to give him some candy. I say "Well ok" and I take my shoes off because the candy is there. He takes some candy from my sweaty shoes and I say something "Well If you like candys that have been in my shoes, then ok..."

      Im collecting some garbage in some hall with JR.

      Im playing a videogame with N,J and some other guy. We are at the 'computerclass'. In the game we are jumping over fences and running, possibly away from something.

      Then Im in the field behind the ice rink with S. We are either standing or sitting. I watch some leaves drop from the trees and suddenly I start to think how Im lying down in my bed and this is a dream, but I dont do any RC's and I dont become lucid. I was just thinking about myself sleeping in my bed.

      That was pretty weird...
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    4. Frags..

      by , 03-15-2011 at 03:20 PM
      Im standing in the line waiting to get to the school cafeteria, I see P there and wonder : "Oh he came back."

      Im at the backyard watching some flowers and plants, and wondering where did I plant one plant.
      I have this bottle wheres some ultragrowing liquid that boosts the flowers/plants growing.
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    5. Fast food and a 'party' in my room.

      by , 03-14-2011 at 02:40 PM
      Im walking near Blond café but theres a hesburger where the café should be. Theres also traffic lights in the intersection. Im walking there and first P is driving with his moped near me and Im running behind him, but when we come to the lights he has a bicycle. The lights turn red for the cars and green for us. We cross the road and come to other lights, they turn immediately green when I push the button. We again cross the road and come to the hesburger.
      We go in and sit to this table. I see some guys in another table and I recognise one of them. They are speaking pretty loud, but otherwise they dont make any trouble. Im watching a menu and trying to decide what to eat, while P is eating some kind of burger wheres vegetables or fruits. I decide to order some fries (this point I thought the fries as coal, dont know why maybe because carbohydrate.) and some big meal. P is about to go to order something but I see that the employees pull a curtain over the desk that you cant see whats happening there. P still goes there and Im about to say that dont go there but he still does and then he orders something from these employees.
      I see one employee and think that will she spit to my burger.

      Im sitting on my bed and theres a lot of other people in my bed. We are having some kind of party because we have finished school. M comes to the door but immediately leaves when he sees us, and then some guy with beard comes. (although he was year younger than we he looked alot older.) Hes a metalhead and he starts to sing and play his guitar. Hes singing some really familiar tune, but I cant remember what it is.
      At first his singing sounds really terrible, but after time I start to like it and say to the other guys that "this guy is actually good".

      Some emo girls come out of a red car with A. They start to take their jackets off because its hot outside.
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    6. -.-.-.-.-.-.

      by , 03-13-2011 at 04:40 PM
      Im digging something from this bag while my mom and brother are watching and then I grab a cigarette from the bag and I say "I told you there was a cig."

      I wake up and have blue pyjamas and wonder why because I had different pyjamas when I went to bed.

      We are about to go to our summer cottage and Im in a rush because I havent packed everything yet and my dad is pissed off because of it.
      Im in the backyard with my brother about to go to the car but I remember I dont have my iPod and I go to get it from my room. Its dark and I try to switch the lights on but they wont go on, and I think that my dad has already put the powers off. I try to find some cables so I could listen to music from the iPod and theres some fussing...

      Im in my dads room I dont know hes there and when Im about to leave I see him in the bed and say good morning.
      dream fragment , non-lucid
    7. ---

      by , 03-12-2011 at 04:18 PM
      I was at some hall and I saw my brother and A and I thought that A was beautiful.
      Im sitting in our living room and talking with some friends of my brother, and they laugh at my jokes. I have never seen them before.
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    8. Loghouses.

      by , 03-11-2011 at 07:34 PM
      Im visiting these pretty modern houses near our summer cottage, they are made from logs. Im in one of them with my friends and we are going around the house watching. Im probably playing hide n seek and come to this living room which is really big and has these stairs going to this inside balcony wheres this bed. I say that the bed is mine if we move in. Then we see this pretty small tv and ps 3 and some games. My friend asks what games are those and I see 2 spyro games and we are like no way. I also visited the bathroom.
      Then Im at this different houses porch where theres glass roof and walls. I look up to the sky and its about to start raining. I first think that Im going to get wet, but then I remember that the roof is glass. Im about to touch the wall and wonder is there any glass because its so clear, but when I touch it I feel the solid texture of the glass and then there appears the reflection of my hand. In this room Im locking the doors and wondering why there arent better locks in this expensive house.

      Im at my computer room and theres some guys waiting in line to get some soup and I take some soup but dont get any potatoes or so in it. I skip the line and L says that I should go to the back of the line, but I say that I just take some soup quickly.
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    9. Disturbing dream and others...

      by , 03-10-2011 at 04:23 PM
      I had actually pretty vivid dreams and I also felt strong feelings in the dreams.

      Im at this inside arena and Im watching UFC or some fighting match. The competitors come in and they are like showing off how badass they are. First some guys come and some SWAT guys are following them. Then there is this guy saying how he has hanged an 8-year old child and disgraced the cross. Im then in this room where the walls are painted black and theres a blue cross hanging from the ceiling and then theres this sack where the child is hanging. I feel really disturbed and the dream is pretty nightmareish I wake up and still feel disturbed because of the dream.

      R is at our house and he has bought some clothes for me. I take one of them and its this woolly shirt. I put it on and go to see myself from the mirror, but when Im watching myself from the mirror the shirt has changed into a light and dark blue striped hoodie.

      Im at school sitting in front of our german class. Im about to put my shoes on, when 8th-grader N who is sitting beside me kicks my shoes away. I get really pissed off and I grab him from his shoulders and put him against the wall. Hes friend says to me that "I wouldnt do that" referencing to N's bodysize, he looks abit bigger than me, N also says that I shouldnt do it. I say "Fuck you, if we end up in fist fight, size doesnt matter, Ill punch you so hard your drop from the first hit. Then I keep threatening him, and I threaten to dig his eyes out with my keys. He looks abit scared and doesnt reply. I leave him there.
      Im about to inside the class but to be sure I leave my shoes to some other place so that N cant do any harm.
      At some point of the dream I ask P to teach me some judo-moves just in case.
      I also noticed JH was talking with N.
    10. ölkpopo

      by , 03-09-2011 at 05:20 PM
      Bad recall, because of stress.....

      Im talking with S and my mom, and we are planning to go to some cottage with S. Then Im in my room about to leave when my mom gives me some magazines.
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    11. öö

      by , 03-08-2011 at 08:11 PM
      I was walking in the P-field with D and P, and we saw some guy drinking beer and we recognised him as one of N's friends, but I still hadnt met that guy ever.
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    12. ,...

      by , 03-07-2011 at 02:39 PM
      Just remember that M was asking A if he would go on a date with her....

      non-lucid , dream fragment
    13. biking

      by , 03-06-2011 at 07:47 PM
      Im biking to my job at Tampere, and I have this feeling I have gone there with bike before also. The distance is really short and Im in Tampere in no time. Im about to cross the bridge and when I do, there comes some other guys with bikes from behind me and I push them away. Then Im biking in k-street near the kiosk, and Im about to go to S. I bike to that street and turn to left even though S doesnt live there. I see J's house and it has big windows and I can see inside the house from the windows and J is standing there freezed and I realise its a freezed picture from some security cam. Shes looking hot and I go around the house and see her again, now he sucks her finger quickly and freezes again. Im thinking "If this would be a dream I'd break in, but sadly its not" . Then I turn back and make sound effects with my mouth like I would be accelerating with the bike. Then I come near S's house but I have forgotten to ask if hes home and I dont want to meet his mother in the yard. I see his mother coming and hide behind some trees. Then suddenly its my mother who comes and sees me, then we talk something quickly.
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    14. wkjhwkjh

      by , 03-05-2011 at 12:51 PM
      J was in my room and I was talking something to him.

      Im outside the schools main entrance, and Im going in to the cafeteria to eat. On the way D,L,T and V start to mock me, and I reply buy calling them asshats or something. Im at the cafeteria and theres some ex 9th-graders eating and Im wondering why. Theres only bread for food. I take the bread and go to a table avoiding D,L,T and V.
      Im then going to the WC with A, but when we come in, its not the regular WC its like a tiny waterpark. A runs to the other end of the place and I stay near the entrance. There are these water fountains and I go near one and start pissing there. Then I see that one swimmer comes up from a hole in the ground and I stop peeing.

      Im at our house in my moms room and D is there and he is trying to be scary but Im not scared. Then I make D afraid of me.
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    15. Fragments....

      by , 03-04-2011 at 04:03 PM
      Im watching some live concert and Im in the audience with my synth. I just randomly played a piano song and the performer wants to perform it. So he performs it, but because its so short, I start to play my own synth. I play some simple techno song which was really familiar for me in the dream but now I cant remember it...

      Im at school and see L getting thrown out of the class, and I ask him why did he get thrown out of there, he answers me and at the same time HP walks by.
      I need to go to the sportslesson but Im not sure where its held. I see W's class standing outside waiting to get in, but they are not usually in my class. W and some other guys are bald and Im wondering why. While I was going there where W was, A and V cycled by.
      HP asks why Im not in the classroom, so I explain to her that I dont know where should I go. I phone S, and ask him where we should be, he says inside. I look to the window and see the others there in the hall. HP says she can let me in, so I follow her into a classroom where MK stares at me weirdly. HP then takes her keys and opens some door from the wall and I go through there to the hall. Other guys are wearing thight suits which they wear in wrestling. I need to change that suit also on and Im going to the locker room and P passes me with some box of donuts. I go to change my clothes and some little boys come in and I act strangely to them. I go up from there and spray some water on the boys then they laugh...

      I captured my own brother and then tried to release him without him knowing what was happening to him... The environment was pretty weird.
      non-lucid , dream fragment
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