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    1. Finally got time to record another entry

      by , 12-16-2011 at 02:25 AM
      Non-lucid/Notes/Reality Lucid? Lucid
      Two dreams last night:
      1. I was at a beach with two girls from a... movie... I've seen recently. We were on the boardwalk, which looked kinda like the one at Coney Island in Brooklyn. The two girls are naked and I start having some fun with them. At one point, some guy told the girls they needed to wear clothes, so they put on bikinis but pulled their tops down so that their breasts were exposed. Fun dream.
      2. I was on some flying-carpet-mat thing flying through the air doing backflips and shit a thousand or so feet above some fields. Neat dream.
    2. Recall's back!

      by , 12-08-2011 at 08:07 PM
      So last night I had a pretty neat dream. I like how detailed everything was.

      It started out with me being like disembodied. I was watching an animation-thing of one of the Minecraft characters, though with a skin that looked like me, walking through a rundown city. It skips forward and now I'm normal me again, seeing from my own viewpoint. I'm no longer an MC character. I walk up to a door which has some wooden 2x4's nailed over it. I pull a crowbar out of my backpack and begin removing the planks. I hear moaning and growling behind me and turn around. There's a headcrab zombie (from Half-Life) behind me. I turn back around and start removing the planks faster and the zombie kills me. I restart in front of the door, but this time there's two zombies, though further away from me. I die again and this process repeats, and then I wake up.
    3. Horrendous recall lately

      by , 12-06-2011 at 02:21 AM
      I can't seem to be remembering my dreams very well for the past week or so. I wake up with fragments that I try to remember, and when I think I've got them down and get up to write them down, I forget almost everything. I'm trying to get my mom to buy B6 and Melatonin supplements for me, but until then I'll keep trying.
    4. Lucid nightmare

      by , 11-29-2011 at 09:32 PM
      I was in the backseat of a car. There was some random guy driving it. We were going through a small, foggy town at night. There were people casually going about their business. However, Slenderman was stalking me. He appeared in the crowd at every turn, though nobody seemed to notice him. We turned a corner, and everybody disappeared. The atmosphere was pretty much this, only Slendy was in the street: http://theflatmates.files.wordpress....5/slender4.jpg
      It starts moving towards me. I freak out and realize this may be a dream. I try to remember how I got in the car and can't. Slightly emboldened, I get out of the car. I turn toward Slendy and run at it, as this usually causes it to disappear. I wake up.
    5. Doctor Who dreams

      by , 11-25-2011 at 02:14 PM
      1. I was in a big spaceship with the tenth Doctor. I remember that at some point, this group of aliens that hated Time Lords or something threatened to destroy the ship (and the fleet of ships that we were with) if the Doctor didn't give himself to them. The Doctor, intimidated, decided to continue to pilot the ship. We started being boarded by the aliens, so I went to help the other passengers. I came across a hallway where there was a room on the side that had a window looking into it. Some aliens were in there; they looked like normal humans but with bigger heads. One of them started stomping on the floor, which sent out shockwaves that fucked with your body or something. I, being the closest person to them, started to die almost instantly. Being the awesome person I am, however, I managed to get up as they left. I was very dazed and stunned and could barely walk, but I continued down the hallway. There was a woman in front of a staircase in the room that the hallway led to. I went up to her; she seemed unaffected by the attack. She flashed me and I felt slightly more rejuvenated (????????????????????????????????????????). I continued on and saw another lady who did the same thing. I don't remember much after that, but I do remember that at some point, I 'respawned' in the hallway. I looked in a mirror and saw that the attack made me have like forty pupils on my eyes (I saw a mirror earlier and looked normal).
      2. I remember walking down a seemingly abandoned street with the tenth Doctor. We heard somebody scream or something and ran off to investigate. We got to a locked door in a courtyard, and the Doctor's sonic screwdriver didn't work on it. Somebody else came outta nowhere and started picking the lock. I remember the Doctor asking if I was thirsty. I said yes, and he reached into his pocket. As he had pockets that are bigger on the inside, I expected him to pull out a bottle of water. Instead, it was a little, blue, rubber thingy that had some water in it. He told me to open my mouth, and I did. He squeezed it and a torrent of water shot into my mouth, which I drank. I woke up.
      3. I remember being in a building and watching TV. There was a dog, but it was really weird. I remember thinking that it was a "wolf-dog", as in a mixture between a wild wolf and a domestic dog. It had golden brown hair, and like a 'mane'. It turned it's head and looked at me, and started howling. It's eyes took up about half of it's head (the dog was about the size of a Golden Labrador, maybe a bit bigger).

      Updated 11-25-2011 at 02:29 PM by 50896

    6. More fragments

      by , 11-24-2011 at 09:19 PM
      1. I was sitting in some class (not one of mine) and a girl walks in and starts talking to the teacher. I know the girl, and she comes over to me. We start talkin and I don't remember much else.
      2. Some really long, really cool dream which seems lie it came out of Doctor Who. It involved like a space station and new planets enough Earth and shit.
      3. I remember walking through hallways in my school and some kid pushing me. I tell him that if he does it again I'll fuck his shit up (in those words).
      4. I remember playing MW3 Team Defender on some really cool map.
    7. A fragment

      by , 11-24-2011 at 03:55 AM
      I remember something about running away from something (like a group of mercenaries or something) with another guy and getting into some car and hotwiring it. Not much after that.
    8. Sonic... grenade launcher?

      by , 11-22-2011 at 11:35 PM
      Right, neat nonlucids.

      1. I remember going through a bunch of hallways with some bad guys and having an M16-looking rifle that had a grenade launcher attached to it. On the stock, like right before the end, was a little white thing that looked kinda like one of those long fluorescent light bulbs. I was going around and shooting bad guys, and at one point I came to a locked door. I readied the rifle as if to use the grenade launcher, but instead I pressed a button on the side of it. The white thing lit up green, and the grenade launcher gave off a green light and made a sound like a sonic screwdriver. Turns out that that was what it was. I opened the door and the dream ends.

      2. I vaguely remember some fragments about this one. It involved me joining Torchwood (an organization from Doctor Who) for some reason, and then something happening where every person on the planet just vanished and I had to like save reality or something.
    9. Halo Warfare 3

      by , 11-20-2011 at 08:28 PM
      Awesome nonlucid last night.
      So the dream started out with me jumping out of the second story of a building. I end up in a COD4 Bog style area; the atmosphere was almost exactly the same, as well as the map layout. However, half of the map was covered by a double-highway thing. One half was a ramp to go onto a highway, the other was the entrance to a tunnel underground. I even have the COD HUD. Turns out I'm playing MW3 Survival.
      I go to the weapons armory (I had no weapon at first) and bring up the display. I go to assault rifles and choose the M14. Instead of that, however, I get a really neat rifle that I had been imagining earlier. It was like the M14 from COD:BO, but it was sawn off. It was about 20 inches long, and instead of a fixed stock it had a SPAS-12 style stock (it flips up over the rifle when you collapse it). It had a 5 round magazine and a neat-o laser pointer on it.
      I go through a few rounds and get to the first helicopter round. Instead of helicopters, there were flying (flying, not hovering above the ground) Ghosts from the Halo series, each driven by a Spartan. I run into the tunnel to take cover, and see that it goes on for about 50 feet. After that, it drops off and there's a huge pool of the cliche luminous-green toxic waste. I run in and one of the Ghosts follows me. I destroy the Ghost, but the Spartan survives. I shoot at him, and manage to take down his shields, when the other Ghost flies in and I wake up.
    10. Hmm...

      by , 11-19-2011 at 06:11 PM
      So I'm not sure if I was lucid or not, so I'll say I was.

      It started lucid. I was in my kitchen, about 10 feet from the refrigerator. In front of it was some guy who raised his hand and said something. A red bolt shot out of his hand at me, so I raised my hand and shouted "PROTEGO!" The bolt stopped, and he yelled "INCENDIO!" and a bolt of fire shot from his hand. I shielded myself again and this time yelled "STUPEFY!" A small redbolt shot from my hand and hit the guy and I woke up.
      Pretty cool, but would've been cooler if:
      1. I could remember if it actually was lucid, and
      2. If we had wands.
    11. I love these kinds of dreams, and there's only one kind that's better

      by , 11-19-2011 at 03:13 AM
      "These kinds" of dreams are ones where I, for some reason, fall under the effects of SP in the dream, which wakes me up. I think they're stupendously cool. The kind that's better is a lucid dream (almost there!).

      So, last night's dream was cool. I dreamt that I either was the Doctor from Doctor Who, or that I was the Doctor's companion. I think it's the second one, because I'm always me in my dreams, and because I remember looking at the Doctor.
      So the majority of it is hazy, but it involves aliens (of course) and other really cool shit, including my own sonic screwdriver. The part that I remember was the really cool part. I don't remember the plot behind it, but I do know that I started feeling sleep paralysis in-dream. Something hit me and I fell over into a fetal-position-esque position on the floor. I couldn't move and my shoulder ached (as it does irl as I've been working out). I kinda had my knees up to my stomach with my arms wrapped around me and like in between my legs (hard to describe position). I couldn't move and I remember the Doctor running up to me and then I woke up in the same position.

      This seems to happen semi-often in my dreams. Not too long ago, for example, I had a dream where I was with the Joker and the Harlequinnest, and we went to the roof of some skyscraper to go to a helicopter landing pad, and when we got to the top, I fell over and was paralyzed. Before that, I had a dream where I was walking down some hallway, and there was a weird clock on the ceiling. I know it was a clock, but it was shaped like a face. I looked into it's eyes and fell over and was like absorbed into them. It was a spinning, red void thing, and though I could feel my body, I couldn't move. Pretty scary.
    12. Some nonlucid fragments

      by , 11-16-2011 at 10:58 PM
      I remember something about going into my basement, but for some reason the basement spanned several rooms, but the doors were sealed off. I was with some other guy who had a circular saw who cut through the doors (the doors were wooden, with like planks nailed onto them so they couldn't be opened). We continued on through the rooms, going through like 5 or 6, each being about 20x20x8 feet. In the final room, I remember the door inside it not being sealed and I went to look at what was through it and it turned out that it was connected to a gymnasium thing. I remember saying something like,
      "Oh, so the basement connects to the Academy?"
      and then going back through the door and waking up.
      I'm pretty excited about this dream because I think I found the Dream World Academy (which is one of my goals), though without being lucid. Neat.
    13. 2 nonlucids

      by , 11-16-2011 at 12:41 AM
      First one:
      I'm only gonna say one word: Cheerleaders.
      I dreamt that I was on my computer reading one of my DJ entries. This one was a lucid (the entry, not the dream ) where some kid was shooting up a mall or something like that and I was watching. Weird.
    14. Kinda scary nonlucid

      by , 11-15-2011 at 03:32 AM
      This one involved Slenderman D=

      So the dream started with me and my cousin sitting in my house, watching TV. Suddenly, there's a blood-curdling scream from upstairs. We run up and see Slenderman standing over my mom's bed, with nobody else in sight. Slendy teleports in front of us. I desperately flail my fists at it and ask my cousin for help. He says something about terms of use being subject to change and runs behind Slendy to hit it. Suddenly we're downstairs again, with Slendy in the middle of the living room. I run up to it and grab it's head and start to twist it, trying to snap it's neck. I wake up.
      Also, Slendy was wearing a blue (instead of black) suit, kinda like the Tenth Doctor's. Odd.
    15. Another weird and a cool nonlucid (11-11-11)

      by , 11-13-2011 at 12:40 AM
      I had a couple nonlucids last night. I'm getting really, really close to having a DILD, I'm starting to notice strange things in my dreams.

      The first dream was the cool one. You ever play Star Wars: The Force Unleashed 2? You know the level where Starkiller rides the tram thing and has to fight the big ship before it destroys the tram so he can get to the arena? Well I dreamt I was riding that tram (normally, not on top), and that it was going through outer space from one planet to another. Suddenly, an absolutely massive ship comes up to the side of the tram and starts shooting at it. It turned out that I was a Force Sensitive person (not a Jedi or Sith, just a normal person who could use the Force) and that I was supposed to be like a novice at using the Force or something. Well, me being absolutely awesome (=3), I was able to use my Force abilities to make a bubble of air around me (which was apparently a really high level Force ability) so that I could jump from the tram to the ship. So I climb out onto the side of the tram, and just as the ship shoots a laser at the tram, I leap across through space onto the ship. I use the Force to break a hole into the side of the ship and get inside. Turns out it's a CIS ship, and droids start coming after me. I use the Force to kill droids as I run through the ship to the bridge. Just before I get to the bridge, these big spider-droid things come out and attack me. The spider-droids are each about 5 feet tall and 6 feet wide and long, with 8 legs and these big pincers that shoot lasers. I use the Force to rip them apart and the dream switches.

      Now I'm outside of my house with my cousin. We enter, but it turns out that my house is now my grandparents' house. We say our hellos and watch TV for a bit, and then I go to take a shower to go to bed. I go upstairs, but instead of going into my room, I go into my mom's (or in the case of this dream, my grandparent's) room. I'm carrying my clothes from before I took the shower, and I reach into my pants pocket and pull out a pipe and a little bag of weed (which is odd that I had these as I quit a while ago to keep my recall up for lucid dreaming. This is what I'm talking about; I noticed that I was doing something that I wouldn't normally be doing [1. smoking pot, and 2. smoking pot in my mom's room] irl, but I didn't do an RC). I pack the pipe and take a hit, and immediately I'm high (and very high, at that). My grandpa yells,
      "What's that damn smell?!?!?"
      So I go into a closet and pull out a can of Old Spice body spray and pretty much fill the room with it. I go into my room and get dressed, then I go back into my mom's room and make sure the smell is gone. I go back to my room, but my cousin is in the hallway. The hallway is arranged like this:

      ------------------------------------------W-I ]
      I I
      The - and I are walls, and the ] is my doorway, with the opposite end being my mom's room.
      On the wall right in front of my door (marked with the W) is a hole in the wall. I've been known to mess up a bit when I'm high and knock things down and whatnot, so my cousin asks me,
      "Dude, did you make that hole? And why did you smoke in the house?"
      The dream ends.
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