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    Into the Ether


    by , 12-12-2013 at 07:17 PM (486 Views)
    Stumbled upon an idea for dreaming after having it repeated numerous times in my waking life. I've been looking at things from merely one end of the spectrum. For example, I read a thread recently where it mentioned how to stay in a dream when waking life gets too noisy. I usually go deeper to block it out, yet incorporating it was the new suggestion. There's also been some events in life where I would blame myself for having deficiencies but instead it was pointed out that it's possibly others who have them instead.

    Anyway, I usually can interject myself into others dreams quite easily. I got to thinking, what if ...

    I erase myself from their worlds instead of invading it?

    Jumping into a WILD I begin my exploration of this concept. I know the perfect victim for my experiment and I have the proper motivation to delete myself from his awareness. I start digging, rummaging through his awareness. Searching for anything and everything linked to me. I see bits and pieces whiz by and I fill it with a blank white void, successfully erasing images, memories, anything associated with me or us.

    As I'm casually taking out the pieces I want, I get to thinking.

    Is this fair? Right? What if he'd like to keep these things from our history? Who am I to just delete at will?

    I can feel a smirk forming.

    He shouldn't care what I do, and when I'm done he'll have no reason to care at all. He will be untouched and his life emptier than when I entered it. What I give, I can take away too.

    I continue sorting. Feels as though I'm in an information hub of awareness, there's just so much here. I begin to doubt the extent of how much I can erase. There's no way I can comb through all this crap.

    A man appears. I vaguely recognize him, though these days everyone is familiar to me so I don't give it much thought. He asks me what I'm doing. I explain. He's watching with some fascination, asking questions here and there, commenting on much of it. I stumble upon larger memories and my pace slows. I remember some of these experiences, they were lovely.

    I let him watch a clip or two before erasing. They are vivid and intimate pieces of our lives.

    He asks me if I feel sad about removing these memories. I explain it's just an experiment. That and I don't care what happens with this persons life anymore. He's not mine to look after.

    "Are you sure you want to do this?"

    "Of course. Why not? I have no reason to care about him."

    "These memories though, they look like something even I would want to hold on to."

    "It's because you feel attachments to people. I have no reason to feel anything. Nothing to attach to. It doesn't matter to me."

    I erase what he just viewed. Not too sure why I'm showing him what I'm doing either. Why not, I guess. His observation doesn't change things. It won't make a difference.

    "By the way, what's your name anyway?"


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    Tags: erase, memories, nick
