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    Piece's of dreams

    by , 06-11-2013 at 08:50 PM (569 Views)
    Late Journal Entry: June 6, 2013
    No Method (long day at work, just went to bed)

    Piece's of a dream #1:
    Living in Columbus Ohio for a short while with my sister then it was time to go back to my life in another state. I have to make a decision on if I was ready to move to my state, or stay in Columbus and live closer to my family.

    Inside a school cafeteria eating lunch and my son was singing and I told him to be quiet because he could not sing.

    I was baby sitting and showing new mothers how to bath their newborn babies. They were very nervous and I could hear their heart beating so loud and fast. Many of them could not be in the same room and had to step out for several parts of the demonstration.
    Sibyline likes this.

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    1. Sibyline's Avatar
      FYI, you can change the date of your journal entries, if you want to. Even in edit mode after posting.
    2. bemistaken's Avatar
      FYI, you can change the date of your journal entries, if you want to. Even in edit mode after posting.
      Thanks Sibyline!

      I started not to post it because it happened a few days ago, but I needed the motivation...even if the dreams are in 'pieces' .