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    Bennerman's Dream Journal

    Tuesday, August 07, Lucid with Tulpa :D

    by , 08-07-2013 at 02:56 PM (575 Views)
    Wake up at 8:56am.

    Curl under my blanket, and manage to WILD purely by accident.

    *Note, after writing 3/4 already: I walked around with my blanket for most of the dreams, so I'd have something to feel to stabilize the dream*

    Wake up in my bedroom. Somehow realize that I'm dreaming. Try what one of the experienced LDers told me to do, to find my tulpa, and go into the bedrooms in my house to try and find him, but it's only my family sleeping in their beds. Double check to see if I am dreaming, and I have 10+ fingers on each hand. Go downstairs, and my dad is on the computer. The upstairs is my current house, but the downstairs is my old house. TRIPLE check to see if I am dreaming. First the clock says 7:31, then it says 7:11. Shout my tulpae's name. Nothing. Try to "think" to him. He explains, mentally, that he doesn't know how to get in the dream. Some other stuff happens. At around 5:01 (or so the ever-changing clock says), he says he's going to bed.

    Wake up in bedroom again. Check my fingers, 6 or 7 on one hand and 5 on the other. Go downstairs. There is a bunch of animals in our house, and on the front lawn. They are all the size of a cub or a puppy. I see a wolf, but it is gone before I can get to it. My parents explain that they are looking to buy a pet. I ask them if there was a wolf, and they say yes, but they don't know where it went. I sigh, sadly, and look around the house. Come back outside, there is a group of people hanging out around the house, as well as the pups/cubs, and a few anthro animals. I look up, and there's an anthro wolf wearing a trench-coat. The dream starts to fade, (This was at the end of the dream, and my clock says it was about 40 minutes long), and he points at me, and gestures me to come over. I walk over, trying to stabilize the whole time. I say "Is it you?" and he says "Yes". Then he wraps his arms around me an kisses me.

    Wake up at 9:35. Ask my tulpa if it was him and he says it was.
    Noeul55 likes this.

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