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    Lucid DCs.

    by , 08-26-2011 at 02:53 AM (648 Views)
    (Too tired to underline lucidity and ect.)

    I was in some sort of church meeting that had beds like the sleeping bag I was sleeping in lined up in rows. They invited us to a mandatory dinner and prayer. I had had a burger dinner before during the dream that I sort of remembered, but I was still hungry. I walked into the room where they ate and saw that it looked like my church's meeting center except filled with food. I also saw the foods on it were all assorted muffins. One of my friends told me while I was in line that they were trying to hide the food with some nonsense word. I shrugged and went to eat. I met a girl in the dream with long brown hair and while we we talking she suddenly left. The person that was talking said a prayer, but made everything he said relate to roaches. He asked us to not be murdered by roaches and things like that. I got weirded out and decided to look for the girl. Around this point I realized this was a dream. I used a trick I had devised and used my lucidity to grant myself the power to do anything. It worked, and I had perfect dream control. I teleported to the girl. She had a briefcase and was running from some agents. I quickly made lightning shoot from the sky and incinerate them. For some reason she had a floating Scrabble piece in front of her. It looked like a Z. My older brother had decided to follow me and asked me why I created that piece. I said I did not, and got angry. Something had happened before in the dream to give me a reason to be angry. I swiftly flew next to the girl and asked her what she was doing. She somehow overcame me and I teleported in front of her. It repeated for a couple times. I noticed every time I teleported I left a clock stuck on a number behind me that ticked progressively backwards. I asked if she knew what they were. She sand looked up at me and said that was the clock to the end of the world, and that my lucidity was making her job worse. She opened the briefcase and poked a button on her watch. A message came up in hologram form. She had to get the briefcase to their headquarters to use it's blueprints to help delay the end of the world. It turned off and she put emphasis on the 'delay' part, and that no matter what it would come. I took her briefcase and told her she was an idiot, she should have talked to me first. I opened it and instantly created an army of the robot prototypes that were inside it, fully ready though. She shook her head at me and said that all dreams have to end sometime. The end was only delayed by me becoming lucid and her devising a plan to keep me occupied, and that I had just ruined it by ending it so quickly. The dream faded. I had a false awakening in which my brothers were in a spaceship outside, but it only lasted a couple of seconds.

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    lucid , memorable
