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    The diner

    by , 05-31-2016 at 08:06 AM (363 Views)
    We were driving and as I remember, we stopped to get something to eat at this dinner.
    It was very casual at the beginning, as I walked into the dinner I saw that there were mushrooms growing at the door.
    I went in to sit down, and I saw my mother walking in aswell. The waiter came up to me as if I had already ordered, saying something weird.
    In my mind it had registered that I had already ordered, and as he walked away he began shouting something insane.
    I cant remember what he was saying, but I remember looking at his face and seeing him sweat as if he was tripping.
    As soon as he said these weird things, I got up and went to leave but my brother was gone somewhere.
    There was a staircase nearby, on the 2nd floor there was a hair salon, and on the 3rd a kids house.
    I approached the staircase and leapt up and underneath the handrail of the 2nd floor with great strength.
    I slid into the hairdressser and the lady pulled me by my collar. My real goal was to find out where this annoying kid had taken my brother,
    I went up to the 3rd floor and this brat and his friend were there. I grabbed the little on by his neck and dragged him down and slammed him into the ground.
    I think at that point I half realized I was dreaming because I have very high moral standards in real life. At this point I was still angry and I decided to go back to the car.
    As I got in and looked up I saw my brother standing in front of me at the food place next to the dinner we were eating but it was in the opposite direction of the kids house.
    He smirked at me, and I felt relived, he got in, and I put my food between my legs, but it felt it wouldnst stay there from the motion of the car. I swung out into traffic, it was the left side of the road but there were many lanes and the traffic was coming towards us, I swerved onto the other side and turned around, and the other side of the road seemed to be its own side of its own. Anyway, we drove for alittle while
    Finally coming to a right turn that lead into a tunnel. We began going through, but it seemed we transitioned from driving to walking somehow. We had a guide in there waiting, as I entered there were a few beautiful women there standing and so I walked in. The guide explained how they had the best of the best in this apartment for us and our arrival, I went over to lay down on the bed, and I felt very tired.
    I wanted to have intercourse with the women obviously so I got up and looked around. To my avail there wasnt anybody in the apartment. Somehow someone appeared and said, they all went this way, and pointed in to a bathroom. The bathroom was closet sized and very small, and once he said this it triggered me into lucidity. For this moment I realized I was dreaming, but I could feel the very weak fabric, of a dream that has not been stabilized, I did not want to do anything crazy, I just wanted to observe the dream and walk around. I should have known this would have failed as the dream wasnt yet stable enough to hold my lucid mind there.
    I remember walking around the apartment looking for a phone, to call the guide and ask for more women but I couldnt find a phone. I looked around the apartment and it looked alittle frayed, the curtains were swaying in the wind as the sliding doors were open. Then I woke up.

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