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    Non-Lucid Dreams

    1. Fast moon

      by , 07-22-2011 at 02:42 PM
      One strange dream that I had I remembered as though it wasn't a dream, but obviously it was. I don't really remember what was going on, except that Laura was there, I think, and the moon was revolving around the Earth at an extremely accelerated rate. Also, in the dream I had recalled that the moon had previously been moving very slow, and I feel as though this might have to do with how the moon has seemed especially large in the sky in real life lately. Laura was also there in real life when I noted that.

      Another strange one was I was with some friends. I remember Daniel Snow, and I'm pretty sure there were 2 other guys. I think maybe Jerry was one of them. We were in Daniel's car, I was in the passenger seat, and we were driving and we drove past a car that had Tommy Crisafulli driving it and we all looked back and I guess made rude remarks or something. Then we went to get some food. I'm thinking that this was supposed to be Radford, but the layout and people didn't match at all. So we drove up to Dalton and kept driving through it, even though I was pretty sure we were supposed to be walking. At some point, I realized that we weren't still driving, and that the car had been collapsed into a small, light-weight chunk of car that I was still sitting on and Jerry(?) was behind me pushing it.
      I was a bit hungry, but I was determined not to get any food, so I got myself a drink. I asked the cashier for a drink, and I think he got confused, because he said something about one drink and something, so I was like "what? that's more than one drink should be" or something and he was like "well, alright, $1.50". Honestly, that whole part is a blur.
      After that, I keep walking, and there's a security officer standing around and I don't see him looking like there's a problem, so I guess the whole car thing wasn't an issue.
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    2. Friend's Apartment

      by , 10-20-2010 at 04:33 PM
      Lately, I haven't been hanging out at my friend Mitch's apartment because I'm a rather shy person and they haven't been specifically inviting me, even though I have an perpetual invitation to their place.
      Last night I went out with them and hung out with them and he was wondering why I haven't been over there in forever.

      I dreamed that I did go over there, but of course everything was different. I think I remember going from outside into it, and it wasn't like an apartment, it was like a real house, and there were steps to go up to get in the front door. I'm pretty sure JC was there and Laura might have been too.
      We went inside, the layout was pretty much completely different. The kitchen was too the left from the door and the fridge and stuff were further in the same direction and the hallway was to the right from there.
      We were sitting at the kitchen table that was in front of the fridge, and eventually I had had 4 beers.
      I had to go to the bathroom, which happens a lot when I drink soda or beer, and has happened IRL at their apartment.
      I went in there, and it was very strange, there were two showers that were like public showers, with shower curtains that wrap around three sides. I remember there being something strange about the urinal(?), but I don't remember what it was.
      I think someone came in there at some point, but this is about where I can't remember anything from the dream.

      Not really sure what any of this means.
    3. Lucid?

      by , 10-14-2010 at 06:31 PM
      I'm not sure if what I dreamed was lucid or not.
      I was in a room, my friend JC and someone else was there, possibly Laura. Things were pretty vivid and I was just talking to them while I was "lucid", eventually, things started to get shaky and I started to spin, so I tried spinning around some, and I vividly remember this part where I was spinning, and JC said something like "trying to spin to re-stabilize the dream?" or something. It wasn't working and it ended up destabilizing and I fell out of it.
      I didn't wake up though, I don't think. I might have ended up in the same place, because I think I remember saying "I fell out of it", and JC saying something regarding that.

      I suspect this is probably just a dream about lucid dreaming, because I feel like I would have done more to accomplish something than just talking if I was actually lucid, and I imagine I would have actually woken up.
      dream fragment , lucid , non-lucid
    4. Baby

      by , 10-01-2010 at 08:23 PM
      I just recalled a dream where I became a father, not many other details other than that are coming back though. I'm pretty sure it was just me and there was no mother around for whatever reason and I was surprisingly okay with the situation.
      Before I had gotten with my girlfriend irl, I had wanted to someday be a father, but since being with her and now afterwards, I'm not as interested.
      I'm wondering if this means I actually am.
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    5. Friend

      by , 08-25-2010 at 06:34 PM
      I was walking with some friends of mine, and a group of black thugs came up (recurring them it seems >_< ) and were being all rowdy and started picking on my female friend, we'll call her Alex. I was trying to be friendly with them to get them to stop, but they seemed to think that she wasn't really important to us and it wouldn't really bother us much if they killed her. They were getting ready to knife her and I pleaded with them to stop and he said "why should we?" and I said "because I'm in love with her!" That seemed to be enough reason for them for some reason, and they begrudgingly went their own way.
      As we were continuing walking, Alex seemed nervous and unsure about what to do. I was thinking that she either has had feelings for me for a while, or they were manifesting now.
      A short while later, someone, I think my friend JC, said something about how that was a nice save, I think, and I said something like, "yeah, I didn't really mean that." It seemed to sadden her.
      That's the last part that I remember.

      Aside from the black people part, I think it has something to do with what's going in real life. My friend Alex and I have been pretty good friends for about a year now, and she's gone through a few boyfriends throughout that time, one just a couple days ago. I'm worried that she might show interest in me, and that's bad because I'm not really interested in her that way and there's someone else I'm interested in.
    6. Dalton Hall black people

      by , 08-12-2010 at 05:22 PM
      Dalton Hall is the disgusting food cafeteria at my college that I swore never to eat at again.
      I dreamt that I was there to eat and the layout was quite different, but it was certainly the same place. I had my food, but I needed to choose a place to sit down, I saw a group of people people that I knew from high school, but didn't want to sit with them, so I sat at a table with a group of black people. Shortly after I sat down, the black guy to my left said, "You can leave now." So I attempted to calmly and respectfully ask why, but he just got angry. At some point he either became a black female or she started yelling instead. My tray of food somehow managed to get smashed on the floor and I calmly left the table. A friend of mine, Alex, was now at that table with the black people. (She has a group of black friends in her hometown, but doesn't associate with blacks generally) I don't know if she was there the whole time, but that woul explain why I sat there. She yelled something about how she and I are supposed to have a conversation or something, whatever it was, it was friendly and not serious. I told her that she'll have to come sit with me because I'm not allowed to sit there. So for some reason I decided to take her to the table with my high school acquaintances. I think my dream skipped to a part where I'm wondering what to do about the tray, so I went up to where you usually pay for youe tray of food or whatever and told them that someone caused me to break my tray on the floor, but that I took responsibility. They seemed understanding about it.
      Then I woke up.

      I'm wondering if this is representing how I feel about typical black people. I feel like most of them are the stereotypical, scumbags that are often referred to as "niggas". Even when you treat them with respect and understanding, they just want to be angry at the white man.
      Me trying to reason with them might represent how I wish I could reach them and make them understand and stop being so stupid.
    7. attractive girl

      by , 08-09-2010 at 04:52 PM
      This is my first dream journal on here.

      I dreamt that for some reason, I decided to go back to my high school just for the hell of it. Irl, I recently got suspended from my college because my gpa sucks, so I think that has something to do with it.
      I walked around the halls for a bit, looking at all the people, glad that none of the people I used to know were there, so I could go unnoticed. Then, someone I did recognize appeared, I think I turned around and walked back in a hurry and left out the side door and proceeded to walk home.
      I came across a group of people and I think this is when I met the girl. We ended up back at my room at my mom's house, just hanging out. I guess my friend, who is also recently single irl, came over. He was like talking to her about stuff, probably trying to get her into him, but apparently she was already into me because when she left the room for whatever reason, he said something like "looks like you actually got her first" or something. He was talking to her about how she could get me to like her.

      I was feeling really glad, because I could finally move on from my ex, who I'm still best friends with irl, in fact she was staying over when I had this dream. I'm pretty sure that's why I had this dream.

      Updated 08-09-2010 at 05:04 PM by 34884
